Stefan Eriksson
Universitetslektor vid Institutionen för folkhälso- och vårdvetenskap; Centrum för forsknings- & bioetik (CRB)
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Rådgivare vid Universitetets ledning; Rektorsråd
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- 073-469 76 26
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- Akademiska meriter:
- Docent/ThD, Associate Professor
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Kort presentation
Stefan Eriksson arbetar med forskningsetik vid Uppsala universitet. Särskilda intressen utgör hur vetenskapen bör regleras, informerat samtycke och autonomi, samt god forskningssed och publiceringsetik.
Senaste publikationer
- Underpowered trials at trial start and informed consent: action is needed beyond the COVID-19 pandemic (2024)
- YouTube as a source of information on clinical trials for paediatric cancer (2023)
- How do journals publishing palliative and end‐of‐life care research report ethical approval and informed consent? (2023)
- Individual moral responsibility for antibiotic resistance (2022)
- Perceptions on the prevalence and impact of predatory academic journals and conferences (2022)
Alla publikationer
- Underpowered trials at trial start and informed consent: action is needed beyond the COVID-19 pandemic (2024)
- YouTube as a source of information on clinical trials for paediatric cancer (2023)
- How do journals publishing palliative and end‐of‐life care research report ethical approval and informed consent? (2023)
- Individual moral responsibility for antibiotic resistance (2022)
- Perceptions on the prevalence and impact of predatory academic journals and conferences (2022)
- Predatory conferences (2022)
- An Effort Worth Making (2021)
- Why unethical papers should be retracted (2021)
- Predatory nursing journals (2021)
- Preferences regarding antibiotic treatment and the role of antibiotic resistance (2020)
- Reporting the details of consent procedures in clinical trials (2020)
- Are cancer patients better off if they participate in clinical trials? (2020)
- The culture of hope and ethical challenges in clinical trials (2020)
- Research ethics revised (2019)
- Low risk pragmatic trials do not always require participants' informed consent (2019)
- Selektiv rapportering av kliniska prövningar (2019)
- Should the deceased be listed as authors? (2019)
- Authorship Order (2019)
- Public awareness and individual responsibility needed for judicious use of antibiotics (2018)
- How to counter undeserving authorship (2018)
- Time to stop talking about ‘predatory journals’ (2018)
- Quality of online information about phase I clinical cancer trials in Sweden, Denmark and Norway (2018)
- When Nursing Care and Clinical Trials Coincide (2018)
- Responsibility for scientific misconduct in collaborative papers (2018)
- Revise the ICMJE Recommendations regarding authorship responsibility! (2018)
- Representation of Ethnic Minorities in Swedish Clinical Cancer Trials: A Qualitative Study of Physicians' Experiences (2018)
- Uncritical and unbalanced coverage of synthetic biology in the Nordic press (2017)
- What should we do about predatory publishing? (2017)
- Hantering av oredlighet i forskning: Kan förväntningar på en ny modell uppfyllas? (2017)
- The false academy (2017)
- Autonomy is a Right, Not a Feat (2016)
- Forskningsetikens nya huvudfråga – den falska akademin? (2015)
- Ge doktorander en starkare ställning (2015)
- Plagiarism in research (2015)
- Conceptions of decision-making capacity in psychiatry (2015)
- Ethical deliberations about involuntary treatment (2015)
- Viktigt rättsfall om forskares användning av studentarbeten (2014)
- Making researchers moral (2014)
- Why participating in (certain) scientific research is a moral duty (2014)
- Etiska aspekter att tänka på i observationsstudier (2013)
- Adequate trust avails, mistaken trust matters (2013)
- The ethics of disseminating dual use knowledge (2013)
- Paternalism in the Name of Autonomy (2013)
- Autonomy-based arguments against physician-assisted suicide and euthanasia (2013)
- How can the ethics of dementia research be ensured? (2012)
- On the need for improved protections of incapacitated and non-benefitting research subjects (2012)
- Moral obligations for synthetic biology research (2012)
- Ethical competence in dual use life science research (2012)
- Biobank Research and Consent (2011)
- Does Informed Consent Have an Expiry Date? (2011)
- The moral primacy of the human being (2011)
- Four Themes in Recent Swedish Bioethics Debates (2011)
- A precautionary principle for dual use research in the life sciences (2011)
- Presumed consent and taking organs from the unwilling (2011)
- The Risks and Benefits of Re-Consent (2011)
- Biobank research (2011)
- What a strange subject bioethics is (2010)
- The role of guidelines in ethical competence-building (2010)
- Ethical Dilemmas and Ethical Competence in the Daily Work of Research Nurses (2010)
- Hypothetical and factual willingness to participate in biobank research (2010)
- Changing defaults in biobank research could save lives too (2010)
- You can use my name; you don't have to steal my story (2010)
- Changing perspectives in biobank research (2009)
- Do Ethical Guidelines Give Guidance? (2008)
- Against the principle that the individual shall have priority over science (2008)
- Patients' refusal to consent to storage and use of samples in Swedish biobanks (2008)
- Opt-out from biobanks better respects patients' autonomy (2008)
- Taking due care (2008)
- Being, Doing, and Knowing (2007)
- Limited Relevance of the Right Not to Know (2007)
- Concern, pressure and lack of knowledge affect choice of not wanting to know high-risk status (2007)
- Etik på jobbet: Kommentarer till riktlinje 6 (2006)
- Etik på jobbet: Kommentarer till riktlinje 5 (2006)
- Etik på jobbet: Kommentarer till riktlinje 4 (2006)
- Etik på jobbet: Kommentarer till riktlinje 3 (2006)
- Ja, vi behöver ett nytt system, men nej, vi behöver inte en nationell särlösning. (2006)
- Provide expertise or facilitate ethical reflection? A comment on the debate between Cowley and Crosthwaite (2006)
- Etik på jobbet: kommentarer till riktlinje 2 (2005)
- Etik på jobbet: Kommentarer till riktlinje 1 (2005)
- Keep people informed or leave them alone? (2005)
- Potential harms, anonymization, and the right to withdraw consent to biobank research (2005)
- Should results from genetic research be returned to research subjects and their biological relatives? (2004)
- Måtta med förnyat samtycke när prov används för nytt ändamål (2003)
- When Character is More Important than Intelligence (2003)
- Jesu barmhärtighet går på tvärs mot världens sätt att tänka (2003)
- Refining the Distinction between Modern and Postmodern Theologies (2002)
- Recension av D.Z. Phillips, Filosofi – en presentation (2002)
- Den moraliska fantasin förenar etik och estetik (2002)
- Samtal måste föras! (2002)
- The Resurrection and the Incarnation (2001)
- Genetisk kunskap gör oss friare än någonsin (2001)
- Fångade i samma nät? (2001)
- Religionsfilosofer om teodicéproblemet (2001)
- Autonomi och religion - Jehovas vittnen och blodtransfusioner (2001)
- Webbplats om forskningsetik för forskare, studenter och patienter (2001)
- Gud - synlig eller osynlig? (2001)
- Gen-etikens århundrade (2000)
- Jesu uppståndelse som filosofiskt problem - svar till Johan Modée (1999)
- Kontroversiellt om forskningsetik (1999)
- Tro och Religion (1999)
- Jesu uppståndelse som filosofiskt problem (1998)
- Kan Gud liknas vid en färg? (1997)
- Recension: Tillit, verklighet och värde av Tage Kurtén (1996)
- Medlemskap och kyrkans identitet (1996)
- Bär bud om en rörelse som söker Gud (1996)
- Recension: The Limits of Experience; av Lars Hertzberg (1996)
- Recension av M Westphal: Suspicion & Faith; D A Hart: Faith in Doubt; H Arts: Faith and Unbelief (1995)
- Recension av Is God Real? / J. Runzo (red) (1994)
- Linder, det är lättare att granska andras åskådning än sin egen (1994)
- Bergstedts kristendom är illa ute (1994)
- Challenging the rationality of research regulation
- Publiceringsetik (2013)
- Makt och religion i könsskilda världar (2003)
- Ett mönster i livets väv (1998)
- Synthetic Biology in the Press (2016)
- Civil Society Participation in the Management of the Common Good (2014)
- Vad kan vi lära av moraliska dilemman? (2008)
- Mapping the Debate on Informed Consent (2003)
- Informed consent and biobanks (2001)
- Autonomi och förståelsens komplexitet (2001)
- Fanatism och tvivel (1998)