Elisabeth Larsson
Professor vid Institutionen för informationsteknologi; Beräkningsvetenskap
- Telefon:
- 018-471 27 68
- E-post:
- Elisabeth.Larsson@it.uu.se
- Besöksadress:
- Hus 10, Lägerhyddsvägen 1
- Postadress:
- Box 337
751 05 UPPSALA
- Akademiska meriter:
- TeknD, docent
- 0000-0003-1154-9587
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Larsson's main research interest is numerical methods for partial differential equations, with a specific focus on methods based on radial basis function approximation. Some of the application areas that Larsson is working in are biomechanics and finance, but she also has publications on wave propagation, atmospherical flow and quantum dynamics. A secondary area of interest is parallel algorithms and parallel programming models, where task parallel programming is the main direction.
Senaste publikationer
- Stability estimates for radial basis function methods applied to linear scalar conservation laws (2025)
- A radial basis function partition of unity method for steady flow simulations (2024)
- An improved numerical scheme for coffee Extraction Yield evaluation (2024)
- Data-Driven Locality-Aware Batch Scheduling (2024)
- Stabilized interpolation using radial basis functions augmented with selected radial polynomials (2024)
Alla publikationer
- Stability estimates for radial basis function methods applied to linear scalar conservation laws (2025)
- A radial basis function partition of unity method for steady flow simulations (2024)
- An improved numerical scheme for coffee Extraction Yield evaluation (2024)
- Stabilized interpolation using radial basis functions augmented with selected radial polynomials (2024)
- Scaling of radial basis functions (2023)
- A numerical investigation of some RBF-FD error estimates (2022)
- An unfitted radial basis function generated finite difference method applied to thoracic diaphragm simulations (2022)
- A Least Squares Radial Basis Function Finite Difference Method with Improved Stability Properties (2021)
- Local meshless methods for second order elliptic interface problems with sharp corners (2020)
- An investigation of global radial basis function collocation methods applied to Helmholtz problems (2020)
- BENCHOP–SLV (2019)
- DuctTeip (2019)
- Forward deterministic pricing of options using Gaussian radial basis functions (2018)
- Radial basis function methods for the Rosenau equation and other higher order PDEs (2018)
- Distributed dynamic load balancing for task parallel programming (2018)
- Book Review (2017)
- A least squares radial basis function partition of unity method for solving PDEs (2017)
- Preconditioning for radial basis function partition of unity methods (2016)
- An adaptive interpolation scheme for molecular potential energy surfaces (2016)
- Radial basis function partition of unity methods for pricing vanilla basket options (2016)
- A radial basis function partition of unity collocation method for convection–diffusion equations arising in financial applications (2015)
- Resource-aware task scheduling (2015)
- A scalable RBF–FD method for atmospheric flow (2015)
- BENCHOP—The BENCHmarking project in Option Pricing (2015)
- A Galerkin radial basis function method for the Schrödinger equation (2013)
- Stable computation of differentiation matrices and scattered node stencils based on Gaussian radial basis functions (2013)
- Gender-aware course reform in Scientific Computing (2013)
- Stable computations with Gaussian radial basis functions (2011)
- A note on radial basis function interpolant limits (2010)
- Multi-dimensional option pricing using radial basis functions and the generalized Fourier transform (2008)
- Improved radial basis function methods for multi-dimensional option pricing (2008)
- A new class of oscillatory radial basis functions (2006)
- Theoretical and computational aspects of multivariate interpolation with increasingly flat radial basis functions (2005)
- Some observations regarding interpolants in the limit of flat radial basis functions (2004)
- Helmholtz and parabolic equation solutions to a benchmark problem in ocean acoustics (2003)
- A numerical study of some radial basis function based solution methods for elliptic PDEs (2003)
- Parallel solution of the Helmholtz equation in a multilayer domain (2003)
- A domain decomposition method for the Helmholtz equation in a multilayer domain (1999)
- Iterative solution of the Helmholtz equation by a second-order method (1999)
- Stability estimates for radial basis function methods applied to time-dependent hyperbolic PDEs
- Why high-performance modelling and simulation for big data applications matters (2019)
- Parallelization of hierarchical matrix algorithms for electromagnetic scattering problems (2019)
- Tail distribution and extreme quantile estimation using non-parametric approaches (2019)
- Skors skönhet ur en matematikers perspektiv (2013)
- Data-Driven Locality-Aware Batch Scheduling (2024)
- A first meshless approach to simulation of the elastic behaviour of the diaphragm (2020)
- Numerical solution of the viscous flow past a cylinder with a non-global yet spectrally convergent meshless collocation method (2017)
- Radial basis function methods in computational finance (2013)
- Resource-aware task scheduling (2013)
- A task parallel implementation of a scattered node stencil-based solver for the shallow water equations (2013)
- Programming models based on data versioning for dependency-aware task-based parallelisation (2012)
- Radial basis functions for the time-dependent Schrödinger equation (2011)
- Using hardware transactional memory for high-performance computing (2011)
- Early results using hardware transactional memory for high-performance computing applications (2010)
- An efficient task-based approach for solving the n-body problem on multicore architectures (2010)
- A flexible solver of the Helmholtz equation for layered media (2006)
- Option pricing using radial basis functions (2005)
- Task parallel implementation of a solver for electromagnetic scattering problems (2016)
- DuctTeip (2016)
- Radial basis function partition of unity methods for pricing vanilla basket options (2015)
- A task parallel implementation of an RBF-generated finite difference method for the shallow water equations on the sphere (2014)
- A radial basis function partition of unity collocation method for convection-diffusion equations (2013)
- An RBF–Galerkin approach to the time-dependent Schrödinger equation (2012)
- Stable computation of differentiation matrices and scattered node stencils based on Gaussian radial basis functions (2012)
- Implementation of a collocated boundary element method for acoustic wave propagation in multilayered fluid media (2011)
- Stable computations with Gaussian radial basis functions in 2-D (2009)
- Multi-dimensional option pricing using radial basis functions and the generalized Fourier transform (2006)
- Improved radial basis function methods for multi-dimensional option pricing (2006)
- Theoretical and Computational Aspects of Multivariate Interpolation with Increasingly Flat Radial Basis Functions (2003)
- A parallel domain decomposition method for the Helmholtz equation (2000)