Hemin Koyi

Professor i geodynamik och tektonik vid Institutionen för geovetenskaper; Mineralogi, petrologi och tektonik

018-471 25 63
076-102 22 71
Geocentrum, Villavägen 16
752 36 Uppsala
Villavägen 16
752 36 UPPSALA
Akademiska meriter:
Docent, Professor i geodynamik och tektonik

Kort presentation

Structural geology is my main research field. I combine surface and subsurface data with analogue and numerical models to sudy geoloigcal processes and structures in the crust and mantle lithosphere. My research has direct application to hydrocarbon (Energy) and mineral exploration (Natural resources), groundwater accumulation and aquifer deformation, geological waste disposals (Environment) , landslides and slope stability (Hazard), and understanding earthquakes in mountian belts (Hazard).


  • Director of The Hans Ramberg Tectonic Laboratory, Uppsala University (2007-present). In an assessment by an international panel (KoF 2011), the hans Ramberg Tectonic Laboratory was rated as one of the world's leading labs. The panel stated; ‘They are amongst the world leaders in laboratory-based structural geology.
  • Evaluator for Department of Geodynamics and Sedimentology, quality assurance at the Vienna University. (2016)
  • Guest Professor at the Petroleum University in Beijing, China (2010-present).
  • Chairman of the Celsius-Linné Committee (2016-2020). Each year, this committee selects and invites two well-known international scientists for the Celsius-Linné lectures at Uppsala University.
  • Member of the Habilitation (Docent) Committee of the Faculty of Science and Technology, Uppsala University. (2012 - 2021).
  • Member of an International Panel for evaluation of Turku University, Finland (2015).
  • Chairman of the Evaluation Panel (Geoscienes), at the Portuguese Research Council (Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, I.P. (FCT)). (2015-)
  • Chairman of the Evaluation Committee (Geology and Geophysics), at the Swedish Research Council (2010-2015). This committee comprises Swedish and international experts within the fields of Geology and Geophysics. The committee assesses the scientific qualtiy of all applications, which are submitted to the Swedish Research Council and makes the final decision on financial support of the most successful applications.
  • Member of ‘Swedish National Committee for Geological Sciences’, which is a sub-committee within the ‘The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences’ (2015- present).
  • Member of The Danish Council for Independent Research | Natural Science (2011-2014). Rules for Independent Research | Natural Sciences, § 2 states “The Council consists of 15 members who are renowned researchers and appointed by the Minister for Research, Innovation and Higher Education in their personal capacity.”
  • Head of the Solid-Earth Geology-responsible for administrative, financial and research activities, (2006-July 2012).
  • Member of the Steering Committee of the Department of Earth Sciences (2006 – July 2012).
  • Chairman of the International Geosciences Peer Review Panel of the Danish Council for Independent Research | Natural Sciences. (2010).

- Promotion to professor, 2003, Uppsala University, Sweden

- Habilitation (Docentship), 1994, Uppsala University, Sweden

- Research Fellow (1991-1993), Bureau of Economic Geology, University of Texas at Austin, Texas, USA

- Ph.D. 1989, Uppsala University, Sweden

- B.Sc. 1982, Slemani University, Kurdistan-Iraq


Structural geology is my main research field. I combine surface and subsurface data with analogue and numerical models to sudy geoloigcal processes and structures in the crust and mantle lithosphere. My research has direct application to hydrocarbon (Energy) and mineral exploration (Natural resources), groundwater accumulation and aquifer deformation, geological waste disposals (Environment) , landslides and slope stability (Hazard), and understanding earthquakes in mountian belts (Hazard). Currently, I am working on the following projects:

1. Fault interference patterns in sedimentary basins.

2. Inversion tectonics.

3. Basement cover interaction in fold and thrust belts.

4. Kinematic evolution of deepwater fold-and-thrust belts: "gravity-driven" vs. "tectonic-driven".

5. South China Sea extension tectonics

6. Internal deformation of landslides.


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Hemin Koyi

