Lars Rudebeck

Professor emeritus emer. vid Institutionen för geovetenskaper; CEMUS

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Lars Rudebeck Professor emeritus in political science, Uppsala University, Sweden.

Since the 1960s, ongoing effort in research and teaching to contribute to understanding of nature and significance of political transformation in the context of ‘development’.


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The following has been excerpted from CV, slightly edited, including list of publications. CV can also be downloaded.


Initial research focus was on the transition from anti-colonial liberation movement to juridically sovereign state power as well as on subsequent post-colonial developments. What happens in these historical processes both to the social basis of state power, to political culture, to the internal structuring of the political system, to the policies resulting from the exercise of state power, and to the ways in which these four levels of societal reality are linked to each other – all of this seen also in its international context? What are the implications for 'development' and 'democracy'?

Since the nineteen-seventies, empirical illustration has been provided mainly by the cases of Guinea-Bissau and Mozambique, including close fieldwork. Earlier empirical studies were on Mexico, Tunisia and, more limited, Algeria. Continues to follow the case of Guinea-Bissau up to date.

In the nineteen-eighties, Scandinavian (Nordic) third world policies was added as a field of research in its own right.

In the nineteen-nineties, work was devoted also to exploring the relevance of Max Weber's thinking on development to current research concerns with modernisation and democratisation.

This led on to continued work on the concepts and realities of democracy, development, globalisation, power, and their linkages to each other. Most recently the concept of ‘sustainable development’ has ben introduced into this effort, thus complicating the analysis even further.

Supervision of doctoral students

Political science Ten doctoral theses, 1974-1988. One thesis, 2000-2006, Uppsala University

Cultural geography Supplementary supervision of two theses, disputations in 1986. Uppsala University

Theology (mission history) Supplementary supervision of one thesis, disputation in 1987.

Roskilde University, Denmark (development studies) External supervisor of one thesis, disputation in 1997.

IHCAR, Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm (social medicine) External supervision of one unfinished thesis, 1995-2000.


Broad and deep teaching experience at post- and undergraduate levels, both within political science and the transdisciplinary field of development studies. Has over the years supervised a very large number of term papers at B, C, and D/Master levels. Between 1994 and 2004, for one example, thirty-one of those C-level papers were published in the Minor Field Study Series then edited by the Unit of Development Studies, Uppsala University. Has in recent years supervised several MA theses within the two-university Masters course in Sustainable Development offered by Uppsala University and the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences.

Took active part in initiating in 1977 a B-level (second semester) course and in 1991 a C-level (third semester) course in development studies, as well as organising researcher courses on the politics of development within the Political Science Department of Uppsala University, recruiting studennts also from other disciplines and universities.

Has continuously tried to contribute to interdisciplinarity in development studies, both at Uppsala University and by net-working well beyond Uppsala.


Beginning in 1961, the list of publications comprises so far 145 titles in many languages. It includes a number of books and research reports, both major and shorter articles, contributions to anthologies, annotated bibliographies, review aricles, teaching materials, etc. The following includes publications since 1987 (list of earlier publications not computerised) + PhD thesis (1967):

12. PhD thesis: Party and People. A Study of Political Change in Tunisia, Almqvist & Wiksell, Stockholm, 1967, 275 pp. Republished with new postscript, C. Hurst & Company, London, 1969.

91. "Strategien der Entwicklungshilfe im Wandel: Der Fall Schweden im Vergleich mit den anderen skandinavischen Ländern," Peripherie (Münster), no. 25-26, 1987, pp. 108-121.

92. "Utveckling och demokrati. Från nationell befrielserörelse till statsmakt," in Leif Lewin (ed.), Festskrift till Carl Arvid Hessler, Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis, Almqvist & Wiksell, Stockholm, 1987, pp. 292-303.

93. "Guiné-Bissau: Que desenvolvimento?", review essay: Ulrich Schiefer, 'Guiné-Bissau zwischen Weltwirtschaft und Subsistenz', 1986, in Revista Internacional de Estudos Africanos (Lisbon), no. 6-7, 1987, pp. 251-265. Also in Soronda (Bissau), no. 4, 1987, pp. 174-184. Shortened German version in Peripherie (Münster), no. 27, 1987, pp. 82-84.

94. "Kandjadja, Guiné-Bissau, 1976-1986. Observações sobre a economía política de uma aldeia africana," Soronda (Bissau), no. 5, 1988, pp. 61-82. In English in Review of African Political Economy (Sheffield), no. 41, 1988, pp. 17-29. In German in Peter Meyns (ed.), Agrargesellschaften im portugiesisch-sprachigen Afrika, Breitenbach, Saarbrücken and Fort Lauderdale, 1988, pp. 199-234.

95. "Entwicklung und Demokratie -- Notizen zur Volksmacht in Mozambique," in Peter Meyns (ed.), ibid., pp. 111-127.

96. With Carlos Lopes, The socialist ideal in Africa, Research Report 81, Scandinavian Institute of African Studies, Uppsala, 1988, 25 pp.

97. With Kenneth Hermele, At the crossroads: political alliances and structural adjustment. Two essays on Angola, Guinea-Bissau, and Mozambique, AKUT 41, Uppsala 1989, 71 pp. Available also in Portuguese, also as AKUT 41, 93 pp.

98. "Das sozialistische Ideal in Afrika: Seine Erosion und Bedingungen für die Wiedererstehung," Leipziger Beträge zur Revolutionsforschung, no. 27, Karl-Marx-Universität, Leipzig, 1989, pp. 29-35.

99. (ed.), A construção da nação em Africa. Os exemplos de Angola, Cabo Verde, Guiné-Bissau, Moçambique e S. Tomé e Principe, no. 7, "Kacu Martel", Instituto Nacional de Estudos e Pesquisa, Bissau, 1989, 432 pp.

100. Review: Richard Lobban and Joshua Forrest, 'Historical dictionary of the Republic of Guinea-Bissau', 1988, in Canadian Journal of African Studies (Toronto), no. 2, vol. 24, 1990, pp. 288-289. In Portuguese in Soronda (Bissau), no. 9, 1990, pp. 147-148.

101. "The effects of structural adjustment in Kandjadja, Guinea-Bissau," Review of African Political Economy (Sheffield), no. 49, 1990, pp. 34-51.

102. "Conditions of people's development in postcolonial Africa," in Rosemary E. Galli (ed.), Rethinking the third world. Contributions toward a new conceptualization, Crane Russak, New York and London, 1991, pp. 29-87. Available also as AKUT 43, Uppsala, 1990, 90 pp.

103. "Entwicklung oder Abwicklung? Politik und Strukturanpassung in einem westafrikanischem Dorf," in Peter Meyns (ed.), Demokratie und Strukturreformen in portugiesisch-sprachigen Afrika. Die Suche nach einem Neuanfang, Arnold Bergstraesser Institut, Freiburg, 1992, pp. 169-186.

104. Review: Ronald H. Chilcote, 'Amilcar Cabral's revolutionary theory and practice. A critical guide', in Canadian Journal of African Studies (Toronto), 1992.

105. (ed.), When democracy makes sense. Studies in the democratic potential of third world popular movements, AKUT, Uppsala, 1992, 399 pp.

106. "Politics and structural adjustment in a West-African village," in ibid., pp. 267-284.

107. "Demokratins roll i utvecklingen i Öst och Syd," in Rudebeck (ed.), Utveckling i Öst och Syd, U-forums skriftserie 6, U-forum vid Uppsala universitet, Uppsala, 1993, sid 23-29.

108. "Reading Cabral in 1993," Review of African Political Economy (Sheffield), no. 58, 1993, pp. 63-70.

109. "Traditional/modern in modernised modernisation thinking: the development of a Weberian dichotomy," in John Martinussen (ed.), The theoretical heritage from Marx and Weber, Occasional Paper no. 10, International Development Studies, Roskilde, Denmark, 1994, 131-165.

110. (ed.) with Tekeste Negash, Dimensions of development. With emphasis on Africa. Proceedings from the Interdisciplinary Conference on Third World Studies, Uppsala, March 1994 , Nordiska Afrikainstitutet, Uppsala, and Forum for Development Studies, Uppsala University, Uppsala, 1995. 279 pp.

111. (ed.) with Olle Törnquist and Virgilio Rojas, Democratisation in the third world. Concrete cases in comparative and theoretical perspective, The Seminar for Development Studies, Uppsala University, Uppsala, 1996. Introduction by Rudebeck and Törnquist (pp. 1-18). 332 pp.

112. Demokratisering i Guinea-Bissau. "Att söka lyckan", Sida, Stockholm, and the Seminar for Development Studies, Uppsala, 1996, 61 pp. Available also in Portuguese as "Buscar a felicidade." Democratização na Guiné-Bissau, INEP, Bissau, 1997, 77 pp.

113. Considerations on how to make the best possible use of the potential of the field of African Studies at the Instituto Superior de Ciências do Trabalho e da Empresa (ISCTE), Lisbon, Evaluation report submitted to ISCTE on November 23rd, 1966, 10 pp.

114. "'To Seek Happiness'. Development in a West-African Village in the Era of Democratisation," in Review of African Political Economy (Sheffield), no. 71, 1997, pp. 75-86.

115. (ed.) with Olle Törnquist and Virgilio Rojas, Democratization in the third world. Concrete cases in comparative and theoretical perspective, revised edition of (111), Macmillan, London, 1998, 299 pp.

116. "Popular Sovereignty and Constitutionalism: a historical and comparative perspective," in ibid., pp. 209-221.

117. "Guinea-Bissau: military fighting breaks out," Review of African Political Economy (Sheffield), no. 77, 1998, pp. 484-486.

118. "Guinea-Bissau 1998. Democratic legality versus democratic legitimacy," Lusothopie, Karthala, Paris, 1998, pp. 25-30; "Résumé, Resumo, Abstract," pp. 605-606.

119. On Democracy’s Sustainability, Transition in Guinea-Bissau, Sida Studies 4, Sida, Stockholm, 2001, 125 pp.

120. Colapso e Reconstrução Política na Guiné-Bissau 1998-2000. Um Estudo de Democratização Difícil, Nordic Africa Institute, Uppsala, 2001, 124 pp.

121. "Multiparty Elections in Guinea-Bissau: viewed against late-colonial non-party and post-colonial single-party elections," in Michael Cowen and Lisa Laakso (eds.), Elections in Africa, James Currey, London, 2002, pp. 104-127.

122. "Beyond Democratic Constitutionalism: on the twofold meaning of democracy and democratization," in African Sociological Review (Grahamstown, South Africa), vol. 6, no. 1, 2002, pp. 173-180. Somewhat revised in Tiina Kontinen and Maaria Seppänen (eds.), Development – concepts, policies and practices. Essays in the memory of Michael Cowen, Yearbook of the Finnish Society for Development Studies, Helsinki, 2003, pp. 71-80.

123. (ed.), Democracy as Actual Practice: What Does Democracy Really Bring?, Utsikt mot utveckling, no. 20, Collegium for Development Studies, Uppsala University, Uppsala, 2003, 86 pp.

124. “Democracy as Actual Practice,” in ibid. pp. 5-15.

125. “Democratisation and ‘Civil Society’ in a West-African Village,” in Decentralisation in Practice. Power, Livelihoods and Cultural Meaning in West Africa, International Workshop Highlights, Uppsala, Sweden, May 4-6, 2004, IIED (International Institute for Environment and Development), London and Department of Cultural Anthropology and Ethnology, Uppsala University, Uppsala (brochure + CD-ROM), 2004, 21 pp.

126. Review article on Joshua S. Forrest’s book Lineages of State Fragility. Rural Civil Society in Guinea-Bissau, James Currey and Ohio University Press, Oxford and Athens, Ohio, 2003, in African Affairs. The Journal of the Royal African Society (Reading), vol. 104, no. 414, January, 2005, pp. 148-150.

127. (ed.), Political Corruption and Democracy – the Role of Development Assistance, Utsikt mot utveckling, no. 23, Collegium for Development Studies, Uppsala University, Uppsala, 2005, 126 pp.

128. The Move out of ‘Post-Conflict’ Viewed as a Process of ‘Development. ‘Think-piece’ for workshop on Post-Conflict Transition in Africa, Nordic Africa Institute (NAI), Uppsala, 4 June 2005, 6 pp.

129. ”Uma interpretação das teorias de Cabral sobre a democracia,” in Cabral no Cruzamento de Epocas. Comunicações e discursos produzidos no II Simpósio Internacional Amilcar Cabral, Fundação Amilcar Cabral, with CODESRIA and Fundação Mario Soares, Praia, Cape Verde, 2005, pp. 475-489. Also as ”Reading Cabral on democracy”, African Identities, Oxford, no. 1, vol. 4, 2006, pp. 89-98.

130. (ed.), Violent Conflict and Democracy – Risks and Opportunities, Utsikt mot utveckling, no. 27, Collegium for Development Studies, Uppsala University, Uppsala, 2006, 179 pp.

131. (Ee.), Equal Representation. A Challenge to Democracy and Democracy Promotion, Utsikt mot utveckling, no. 29, Collegium for Development Studies, Uppsala University, Uppsala, 2007, 198 pp.

132. "Building Civic Trust in Post-Conflict Societies," Contribution to Nordic Africa Institute Conference on Post-Conflict Elections in West Africa, Accra, Ghana, May 15-17, 2006. In Carin Norberg and Cyril Obi (eds.), Reconciling Winners and Losers in Post-Conflict Elections in West Africa. Political and Policy Imperatives, Nordic Africa Institute, Uppsala, 2007.

133. Democratization and Development, Contribution to CODESRIA (Council for the Development of Social Science Research in Africa) Policy Dialogue on Conflict, citizenship and Reconstruction of the State in Africa, Bissau, 26-27 June, 2007.

134. (ed. with Mia Melin), Whose Voices? Media and Pluralism in the Context of Democratisation, Utsikt mot utveckling, no. 30, Collegium for Development Studies, Uppsala University, Uppsala, 2008, 146 pp.

135. ”Demokrati, utveckling och globalisering,” in Sverker Gustavsson, Jörgen Hermansson and Barry Holmström (eds.), Statsvetare ifrågasätter. Uppsalamiljön vid tiden för professorsskiftet den 31 mars 2008, Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis, Skrifter utgivna av Statsvetenskapliga föreningen i Uppsala, 170, Uppsala, 2008, pp. 107-117.

136. (ed. with Johan Hällström and Mia Melin), Big Brother and Empowered Sisters. The Role of New Communication Technologies in Democratic Processes, Utsikt mot utveckling, no. 31, Collegium for Development Studies, Uppsala University, Uppsala, 2009, 90 pp.

137. "‘They Have Left Us in a Hole.’ Democratisation and Political Power in a West-African Village," in APAD-Bulletin, Journal of the Euro-African Association for the Anthropology of Social Change and Development/Association Euro-Africaine pour l’Anthropologie du Changement Social et du Développement (Leiden), no. 31-32, 2009 (2010), pp. 65-104

138. "Tillväxt som besvärjelse" (Growth as invoction), in Signum (Uppsala), no. 5, 2011, pp. 26-29.

139. Electoral Democratisation in Post-Civil War Guinea-Bissau 1999-2008. Discussion Paper 66, Nordic Africa Institute, Uppsala, 2011, 28 pp.

140. Herança histórica comum e democratização em Africa lusófona, Conference Contribution, INEP (Instituto Nacional de Estudos e Pesquisa), Bissau, 24.2.2012, 10 pp.

141. Democracy and Sustainable Development, Contribution to CSD Conference, "The Intersection of Society and Nature in Sustainability Research," Uppsala, October 1-3, 2013, 9 pp.

142. "Demokrati minst lika viktigt som gott styre för välfärden," in Dagens Nyheter, Stockholm, 13.12.2014.

143. "Graden av korruption är en dimension av demokrati," in Dagens Nyheter,, Stockholm, 19.12.2013.

144. Review article on book by Seema Arora-Jonsson, Gender, Development, and Environmental Governance: Theorizing connections, Routledge, New York and Oxford, 2013, in Development in Practice, vol. 24, no. 2, May 2014, pp. 309-310

145. "Democracy and Development – a Disputed Pair," in Africa Development, CODESRIA (Council for the Development of Social Science Research in Africa), Dakar, vol. 41, no. 1, 2016, pp. 1-22.

Formal degrees

M.A. in Education, 1957, Putney Graduate School of Teacher Education, Putney, Vermont, U.S.A.

Cand. Phil. in Social Sciences, 1961, Uppsala University.

Lic. Phil. in Political Science, 1963, Uppsala University.

Dr. Phil. (political science), May 29, 1967, Uppsala University.

Selective employment record

1960-1961 Assistant at the Department of Sociology, Uppsala University.

1962 Director of Travel Studies in Mexico, Putney Graduate School of Teacher Education, Putney, Vermont, U.S.A.

1963-1967 Extra lecturer in political science, Uppsala University.

1967-2000 Associate professor of political science, lecturer in political science, Uppsala University, with special responsibilities for teaching and supervision within the field of third world development studies, at post- and undergraduate levels.

1969-1976 Holder of special research post financed by the Swedish Social Science Research Council within the field of third world political development studies.

1987-1997 Chairman of the Forum for Development Studies, Faculty of Social Sciences, Uppsala University. (The Forum ceased to exist in its institutional form in 1997.)

1993-1997 Responsible, with professor Olle Törnquist (then associate professor/docent), to the Faculty of Social Sciences for the Seminar for Development Studies, Uppsala University.

1997-2008 Co-responsible to the Collegium for Development Studies, Uppsala University, for the Seminar for Development Studies, Uppsala University.

2000-2003 Professor of political science, Uppsala University, with special responsibilities for teaching and supervision within the field of third world development studies, at post- and undergraduate levels.

2004-2008 Coordinator of research activities and researcher at the Collegium for Development Studies, Uppsala University, integrated in January 2007 into the newly created CSD Uppsala/Uppsala Centre for Sustainable Development, Uppsala University and the Swedish Agricultural University, Uppsala.

2009- Coordinator of research activities and researcher at Uppsala Centre for Sustainable Development, Uppsala University and the Swedish Agricultural University, Uppsala. Special responsibilities within the national Development Research Network (DevNet), CSD, 2008-2012.

Selected additional appointments

1976 Appointed Honorary Member of the Association of Third World Economists, Algiers.

1981 Appointed member of the editorial advisory body of the Revista Internacional de Estudos Africanos, Lisbon.

1986 Appointed member of the Consultative Council of the review Soronda, Instituto Nacional de Estudos e Pesquisa, Bissau, Guinea-Bissau.

1976-1993 Founding member and chairman of the Working Group for the Study of Development Strategies (AKUT), Uppsala University.

1978-1980 Member of the reference group for Development Theory and the Social Sciences of the Swedish Agency for Research Cooperation (SAREC).

1996, Oct-Nov Employed by the Instituto Superior de Ciências do Trabalho e da Empresa, Lisbon, to evaluate the functioning and future sustainability of its programme of African Studies

2000, January UN election observer, second round of presidential election in Guinea-Bissau, January 16, 2000.

2002-2004 Advisor to the Department for Democracy and Social Development/Division for Democratic Governance, Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida).

2003 Member of expert panel called by the Norwegian Research Council to evaluate grant applications to the programme "Development Roads of the South. Globalisation and Marginalisation".

2006, Sept 28 Received the medal of the Amilcar Cabral Order, awarded by the President of the Republic of Cape Verde, Pedro Pires.

2007- Member and deputy chairman (since 2011) of expert panel for "Swedish Research Links", programme for "North-South" research cooperation run by the Swedish Research Council.

2009 Invited by CODESRIA (Council for the Development of Social Science Research in Africa), Dakar, to serve as an Editorial Advisory Board Member of their journal African Sociological Review.

Lars Rudebeck

