Matthias Weiszflog
Universitetslektor vid Institutionen för fysik och astronomi; Tillämpad kärnfysik
- Telefon:
- 018-471 30 51, 070-167 92 52
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- Ångströmlaboratoriet, Lägerhyddsvägen 1
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751 20 UPPSALA
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Senaste publikationer
- Overview of T and D-T results in JET with ITER-like wall (2024)
- TOFu (2023)
- Overview of JET results for optimising ITER operation (2022)
- Fuel ion ratio determination using the 14 MeV Tandem neutron spectrometer for JET DTE1 campaign discharges (2022)
- Transforming laboratory experiments for digital teaching (2022)
Alla publikationer
- Overview of T and D-T results in JET with ITER-like wall (2024)
- TOFu (2023)
- Overview of JET results for optimising ITER operation (2022)
- Fuel ion ratio determination using the 14 MeV Tandem neutron spectrometer for JET DTE1 campaign discharges (2022)
- Transforming laboratory experiments for digital teaching (2022)
- New method for time alignment and time calibration of the TOFOR time-of-flight neutron spectrometer at JET (2021)
- High rate neutron and gamma ray spectroscopy of magnetic confinement fusion plasmas (2020)
- Gyrokinetic simulations of toroidal Alfven eigenmodes excited by energetic ions and external antennas on the Joint European Torus (2019)
- Impact of ICRF on the scrape-off layer and on plasma wall interactions (2019)
- Role of fast ion pressure in the isotope effect in JET L-mode plasmas (2019)
- Improved ERO modelling of beryllium erosion at ITER upper first wall panel using JET-ILW and PISCES-B experience (2019)
- Erosion, screening, and migration of tungsten in the JET divertor (2019)
- Recurrence Plots for Dynamic Analysis of Type-I ELMs at JET With a Carbon Wall (2019)
- Runaway electron beam control (2019)
- Deep neural networks for plasma tomography with applications to JET and COMPASS (2019)
- EDGE2D-EIRENE simulations of the influence of isotope effects and anomalous transport coefficients on near scrape-off layer radial electric field (2019)
- Material migration and fuel retention studies during the JET carbon divertor campaigns (2019)
- Dynamic modelling of local fuel inventory and desorption in the whole tokamak vacuum vessel for auto-consistent plasma-wall interaction simulations (2019)
- Analysis of the outer divertor hot spot activity in the protection video camera recordings at JET (2019)
- Impact of fast ions on density peaking in JET (2019)
- Interpretative and predictive modelling of Joint European Torus collisionality scans (2019)
- Full-orbit and drift calculations of fusion product losses due to explosive fishbones on JET (2019)
- Role of the pedestal position on the pedestal performance in AUG, JET-ILW and TCV and implications for ITER (2019)
- First principles and integrated modelling achievements towards trustful fusion power predictions for JET and ITER (2019)
- A new mechanism for increasing density peaking in tokamaks (2019)
- Tritium distributions on W-coated divertor tiles used in the third JET ITER-like wall campaign (2019)
- Direct gyrokinetic comparison of pedestal transport in JET with carbon and ITER-like walls (2019)
- Modelling of the effect of ELMs on fuel retention at the bulk W divertor of JET (2019)
- An assessment of nitrogen concentrations from spectroscopic measurements in the JET and ASDEX upgrade divertor (2019)
- Application of Gaussian process regression to plasma turbulent transport model validation via integrated modelling (2019)
- The software and hardware architecture of the real-time protection of in-vessel components in JET-ILW (2019)
- Beryllium melting and erosion on the upper dump plates in JET during three ITER-like wall campaigns (2019)
- Overview of the JET preparation for deuterium-tritium operation with the ITER like-wall (2019)
- Modelling of tungsten erosion and deposition in the divertor of JET-ILW in comparison to experimental findings (2019)
- Gyrokinetic analysis and simulation of pedestals to identify the culprits for energy losses using 'fingerprints' (2019)
- RF sheath modeling of experimentally observed plasma surface interactions with the JET ITER-Like Antenna (2019)
- Population modelling of the He II energy levels in tokamak plasmas (2019)
- Investigation of deuterium trapping and release in the JET divertor during the third ILW campaign using TDS (2019)
- Investigation of deuterium trapping and release in the JET ITER-like wall divertor using TDS and TMAP (2019)
- Isotope identity experiments in JET-ILW with H and D L-mode plasmas (2019)
- The effect of beryllium oxide on retention in JET ITER-like wall tiles (2019)
- Current Research into Applications of Tomography for Fusion Diagnostics (2019)
- First mirror test in JET for ITER (2019)
- Adaptive learning for disruption prediction in non-stationary conditions (2019)
- Energetic ion losses 'channeling' mechanism and strategy for mitigation (2019)
- Determination of isotope ratio in the divertor of JET-ILW by high-resolution H alpha spectroscopy (2019)
- Modification of the Alfven wave spectrum by pellet injection (2019)
- Approximate analytic expressions using Stokes model for tokamak polarimetry and their range of validity (2019)
- Comparison of the structure of the plasma-facing surface and tritium accumulation in beryllium tiles from JET ILW campaigns 2011-2012 and 2013-2014 (2019)
- Novel method for determination of tritium depth profiles in metallic samples (2019)
- A wall-aligned grid generator for non-linear simulations of MHD instabilities in tokamak plasmas (2019)
- A machine learning approach based on generative topographic mapping for disruption prevention and avoidance at JET (2019)
- Beryllium global erosion and deposition at JET-ILW simulated with ERO2.0 (2019)
- Self-consistent pedestal prediction for JET-ILW in preparation of the DT campaign (2019)
- A locked mode indicator for disruption prediction on JET and ASDEX upgrade (2019)
- Geodesic acoustic mode evolution in L-mode approaching the L-H transition on JET (2019)
- Analysis of deposited layers with deuterium and impurity elements on samples from the divertor of JET with ITER-like wall (2019)
- COREDIV numerical simulation of high neutron rate JET-ILW DD pulses in view of extension to JET-ILW DT experiments (2019)
- Control of the hydrogen:deuterium isotope mixture using pellets in JET (2019)
- Ion cyclotron resonance heating scenarios for DEMO (2019)
- Radial variation of heat transport in L-mode JET discharges (2019)
- Synthetic diagnostic for the JET scintillator probe lost alpha measurements (2019)
- Improved neutron activation dosimetry for fusion (2019)
- Long-lived coupled peeling ballooning modes preceding ELMs on JET (2019)
- Simulation of neutron emission in neutral beam injection heated plasmas with the real-time code RABBIT (2019)
- Deposition of impurity metals during campaigns with the JET ITER-like Wall (2019)
- A power-balance model of the density limit in fusion plasmas (2019)
- Analysis of ELM stability with extended MHD models in JET, JT-60U and future JT-60SA tokamak plasmas (2018)
- Dependence of the turbulent particle flux on hydrogen isotopes induced by collisionality (2018)
- Equilibrium reconstruction in an iron core tokamak using a deterministic magnetisation model (2018)
- Thermal desorption spectrometry of beryllium plasma facing tiles exposed in the JET tokamak (2018)
- 14 MeV calibration of JET neutron detectors-phase 1 (2018)
- Light impurity transport in JET ILW L-mode plasmas (2018)
- Impact of electron-scale turbulence and multi-scale interactions in the JET tokamak (2018)
- Fast H isotope and impurity mixing in ion-temperature-gradient turbulence (2018)
- Pedestal evolution physics in low triangularity JET tokamak discharges with ITER-like wall (2018)
- First principle integrated modeling of multi-channel transport including Tungsten in JET (2018)
- High Z neoclassical transport (2018)
- Alpha heating, isotopic mass, and fast ion effects in deuterium-tritium experiments (2018)
- Divertor currents optimization procedure for JET-ILW high flux expansion experiments (2018)
- Nonlinear dynamic analysis of D-alpha signals for type I edge localized modes characterization on JET with a carbon wall (2018)
- The neutron camera upgrade for MAST Upgrade (2018)
- Assessment of the strength of kinetic effects of parallel electron transport in the SOL and divertor of JET high radiative H-mode plasmas using EDGE2D-EIRENE and KIPP codes (2018)
- Testing of tritium breeder blanket activation foil spectrometer during JET operations (2018)
- Maximum likelihood bolometric tomography for the determination of the uncertainties in the radiation emission on JET TOKAMAK (2018)
- Modelling of the neutron production in a mixed beam DT neutron generator (2018)
- Development of a new compact gamma-ray spectrometer optimised for runaway electron measurements (2018)
- Synthetic spectra of BeH, BeD and BeT for emission modeling in JET plasmas (2018)
- Multi-machine analysis of termination scenarios with comparison to simulations of controlled shutdown of ITER discharges (2018)
- Non-Maxwellian fast particle effects in gyrokinetic GENE simulations (2018)
- Review of recent experimental and modeling advances in the understanding of lower hybrid current drive in ITER-relevant regimes (2018)
- Correlation of the tokamak H-mode density limit with ballooning stability at the separatrix (2018)
- Equilibrium reconstruction at JET using Stokes model for polarimetry (2018)
- Real-time-capable prediction of temperature and density profiles in a tokamak using RAPTOR and a first-principle-based transport model (2018)
- Full-Pulse Tomographic Reconstruction with Deep Neural Networks (2018)
- JET diagnostic enhancements testing and commissioning in preparation for DT scientific campaigns (2018)
- Shutdown dose rate measurements after the 2016 Deuterium-Deuterium campaign at JET (2018)
- On the universality of power laws for tokamak plasma predictions (2018)
- Heat flux analysis of Type-I ELM impact on a sloped, protruding surface in the JET bulk tungsten divertor (2018)
- Characterisation of neutron generators and monitoring detectors for the in-vessel calibration of JET (2018)
- First observation of the depolarization of Thomson scattering radiation by a fusion plasma (2018)
- Experimental validation of an analytical kinetic model for edge-localized modes in JET-ITER-like wall (2018)
- Instrumentation for the upgrade to the JET core charge-exchange spectrometers (2018)
- Analysis of plasma termination in the JET hybrid scenario (2018)
- Inter-ELM evolution of the edge current density in JET-ILW type I ELMy H-mode plasmas (2018)
- 3D non-linear MHD simulation of the MHD response and density increase as a result of shattered pellet injection (2018)
- Real-time protection of the JET ITER-like wall based on near infrared imaging diagnostic systems (2018)
- An improved model for the accurate calculation of parallel heat fluxes at the JET bulk tungsten outer divertor (2018)
- High fusion performance at high T-i/T-e in JET-ILW baseline plasmas with high NBI heating power and low gas puffing (2018)
- Escaping alpha-particle monitor for burning plasmas (2018)
- Analysis of possible improvement of the plasma performance in JET due to the inward spatial channelling of fast-ion energy (2018)
- Application of the VUV and the soft x-ray systems on JET for the study of intrinsic impurity behavior in neon seeded hybrid discharges (2018)
- Preparation for commissioning of materials detritiation facility at Culham Science Centre (2018)
- Identification of BeO and BeOxDy in melted zones of the JET Be limiter tiles (2018)
- W transport and accumulation control in the termination phase of JET H-mode discharges and implications for ITER (2018)
- ERO modeling and sensitivity analysis of locally enhanced beryllium erosion by magnetically connected antennas (2018)
- On the potential of ruled-based machine learning for disruption prediction on JET (2018)
- Isotope effects on L-H threshold and confinement in tokamak plasmas (2018)
- Observation of enhanced ion particle transport in mixed H/D isotope plasmas on JET (2018)
- Observations and modelling of ion cyclotron emission observed in JET plasmas using a sub-harmonic arc detection system during ion cyclotron resonance heating (2018)
- ICRH antenna &ITS&IT-matrix measurements and plasma coupling characterisation at JET (2018)
- Neutral pathways and heat flux widths in vertical- and horizontal-target EDGE2D-EIRENE simulations of JET (2018)
- Adaptive predictors based on probabilistic SVM for real time disruption mitigation on JET (2018)
- On the Use of Transfer Entropy to Investigate the Time Horizon of Causal Influences between Signals (2018)
- A multi-machine scaling of halo current rotation (2018)
- TAE stability calculations compared to TAE antenna results in JET (2018)
- TLD calibration for neutron fluence measurements at JET fusion facility (2018)
- Tritium retention characteristics in dust particles in JET with ITER-like wall (2018)
- A First Analysis of JET Plasma Profile-Based Indicators for Disruption Prediction and Avoidance (2018)
- Comparison of runaway electron generation parameters in small, medium-sized and large tokamaks-A survey of experiments in COMPASS, TCV, ASDEX-Upgrade and JET (2018)
- Sub-millisecond electron density profile measurement at the JET tokamak with the fast lithium beam emission spectroscopy system (2018)
- Neutron spectroscopy measurements of 14 MeV neutrons at unprecedented energy resolution and implications for deuterium-tritium fusion plasma diagnostics (2018)
- The upgraded JET gamma-ray cameras based on high resolution/high count rate compact spectrometers (2018)
- Application of the Denovo Discrete Ordinates Radiation Transport Code to Large-Scale Fusion Neutronics (2018)
- Dust generation in tokamaks (2018)
- High-resolution tungsten spectroscopy relevant to the diagnostic of high-temperature tokamak plasmas (2018)
- Integrated modelling of H-mode pedestal and confinement in JET-ILW (2018)
- Control and data acquisition software upgrade for JET gamma-ray diagnostics (2018)
- Determination of 2D poloidal maps of the intrinsic W density for transport studies in JET-ILW (2018)
- MHD spectroscopy of JET plasmas with pellets via Alfven eigenmodes (2018)
- Scaling of the geodesic acoustic mode amplitude on JET (2018)
- Assessment of the baseline scenario at q(95) similar to 3 for ITER (2018)
- Versatile fusion source integrator AFSI for fast ion and neutron studies in fusion devices (2018)
- Electron acceleration in a JET disruption simulation (2018)
- Test particles dynamics in the JOREK 3D non-linear MHD code and application to electron transport in a disruption simulation (2018)
- Effect of the relative shift between the electron density and temperature pedestal position on the pedestal stability in JET-ILW and comparison with JET-C (2018)
- Plasma-wall interaction on the divertor tiles of JET ITER-like wall from the viewpoint of micro/nanoscopic observations (2018)
- Real-time implementation with FPGA-based DAQ system of a probabilistic disruption predictor from scratch (2018)
- Shutdown dose rate neutronics experiment during high performances DD operations at JET (2018)
- On the role of finite grid extent in SOLPS-ITER edge plasma simulations for JET H-mode discharges with metallic wall (2018)
- First principles of modelling the stabilization of microturbulence by fast ions (2018)
- Investigation into the formation of the scrape-off layer density shoulder in JET ITER-like wall L-mode and H-mode plasmas (2018)
- Modelling of JET DT experiments in ILW configurations (2018)
- Assessment of SOLPS5.0 divertor solutions with drifts and currents against L-mode experiments in ASDEX Upgrade and JET (2017)
- Numerical analysis of ELM stability with rotation and ion diamagnetic drift effects in JET (2017)
- Gyrokinetic study of turbulent convection of heavy impurities in tokamak plasmas at comparable ion and electron heat fluxes (2017)
- Towards self-consistent plasma modelisation in presence of neoclassical tearing mode and sawteeth (2017)
- Technical preparations for the in-vessel 14 MeV neutron calibration at JET (2017)
- Power exhaust by SOL and pedestal radiation at ASDEX Upgrade and JET (2017)
- Hybrid cancellation of ripple disturbances arising in AC/DC converters (2017)
- Progress in reducing ICRF-specific impurity release in ASDEX upgrade and JET (2017)
- Development of MPPC-based detectors for high count rate DT campaigns at JET (2017)
- Self-consistent coupling of DSMC method and SOLPS code for modeling tokamak particle exhaust (2017)
- An analytical expression for ion velocities at the wall including the sheath electric field and surface biasing for erosion modeling at JET ILW (2017)
- Intra-ELM tungsten sputtering in JET ITER-like wall (2017)
- Recent progress towards a quantitative description of filamentary SOL transport (2017)
- Assessment of erosion, deposition and fuel retention in the JET-ILW divertor from ion beam analysis data (2017)
- Time-resolved deposition in the remote region of the JET-ILW divertor (2017)
- Possible influence of near SOL plasma on the H-mode power threshold (2017)
- The global build-up to intrinsic ELM bursts and comparison with pellet triggered ELMs seen in JET (2017)
- A 3D electromagnetic model of the iron core in JET (2017)
- Tractable flux-driven temperature, density, and rotation profile evolution with the quasilinear gyrokinetic transport model QuaLiKiz (2017)
- Transient induced tungsten melting at the Joint European Torus (JET) (2017)
- Thermal analysis of protruding surfaces in the JET divertor (2017)
- Upgrade of the tangential gamma-ray spectrometer beam-line for JET DT experiments (2017)
- Evaluation of the plasma hydrogen isotope content by residual gas analysis at JET and AUG (2017)
- Commissioning and first results of the reinstated JET ICRF ILA (2017)
- ELM divertor peak energy fluence scaling to ITER with data from JET, MAST and ASDEX upgrade (2017)
- Dynamics and stability of divertor detachment in H-mode plasmas on JET (2017)
- The preparation of the Shutdown Dose Rate experiment for the next JET Deuterium-Tritium campaign (2017)
- Studies of dust from JET with the ITER-Like Wall (2017)
- Fine metal dust particles on the wall probes from JET-ILW (2017)
- Dimensionless scalings of confinement, heat transport and pedestal stability in JET-ILW and comparison with JET-C (2017)
- Global and pedestal confinement and pedestal structure in dimensionless collisionality scans of low-triangularity H-mode plasmas in JET-ILW (2017)
- Challenges in the extrapolation from DD to DT plasmas (2017)
- Plasma impact on diagnostic mirrors in JET (2017)
- Ion cyclotron resonance heating for tungsten control in various JET H-mode scenarios (2017)
- Main chamber wall plasma loads in JET-ITER-like wall at high radiated fraction (2017)
- Real-time control of divertor detachment in H-mode with impurity seeding using Langmuir probe feedback in JET-ITER-like wall (2017)
- University physics students’ ideas of thermal radiation expressed in open laboratory activities using infrared cameras (2017)
- Tritium analysis of divertor tiles used in JET ITER-like wall campaigns by means of beta-ray induced x-ray spectrometry (2017)
- Long-term fuel retention and release in JET ITER-Like Wall at ITER-relevant baking temperatures (2017)
- Experience on divertor fuel retention after two ITER-Like Wall campaigns (2017)
- Comparative H-mode density limit studies in JET and AUG (2017)
- The effect of the isotope on the H-mode density limit (2017)
- The near infrared imaging system for the real-time protection of the JET ITER-like wall (2017)
- Activation measurements in support of the 14 MeV neutron calibration of JET neutron monitors (2017)
- Impact of divertor geometry on H-mode confinement in the JET metallic wall (2017)
- Efficient generation of energetic ions in multi-ion plasmas by radio-frequency heating (2017)
- Statistical validation of predictive TRANSP simulations of baseline discharges in preparation for extrapolation to JET D-T (2017)
- Modelling of transitions between L- and H-mode in JET high plasma current plasmas and application to ITER scenarios including tungsten behaviour (2017)
- Beryllium film deposition in cavity samples in remote areas of the JET divertor during the 2011-2012 ITER-like wall campaign (2017)
- Erosion at the inner wall of JET during the discharge campaign 2013-2014 (2017)
- Bayesian electron density inference from JET lithium beam emission spectra using Gaussian processes (2017)
- CeBr3-based detector for gamma-ray spectrometer upgrade at JET (2017)
- Surface composition and structure of divertor tiles following the JET tokamak operation with the ITER-like wall (2017)
- Deuterium retention in the divertor tiles of JET ITER-Like wall (2017)
- Impact of toroidal and poloidal mode spectra on the control of non-axisymmetric fields in tokamaks (2017)
- Real time control developments at JET in preparation for deuterium-tritium operation (2017)
- Sawtooth pacing with on-axis ICRH modulation in JET-ILW (2017)
- Overview of the JET results in support to ITER (2017)
- Studies of the pedestal structure and inter-ELM pedestal evolution in JET with the ITER-like wall (2017)
- Gyrokinetic modeling of impurity peaking in JET H-mode plasmas (2017)
- Analyses of microstructure, composition and retention of hydrogen isotopes in divertor tiles of JET with the ITER-like wall (2017)
- Deep learning for plasma tomography using the bolometer system at JET (2017)
- Energy balance in JET (2017)
- Dynamic power balance analysis in JET (2017)
- Erosion and deposition in the JET divertor during the second ITER-like wall campaign (2017)
- Investigation and plasma cleaning of first mirrors coated with relevant ITER contaminants (2017)
- Determining the prediction limits of models and classifiers with applications for disruption prediction in JET (2017)
- On efficiency and interpretation of sawteeth pacing with on-axis ICRH modulation in JET (2017)
- Detection of Causal Relations in Time Series Affected by Noise in Tokamaks Using Geodesic Distance on Gaussian Manifolds (2017)
- Progress in understanding disruptions triggered by massive gas injection via 3D non-linear MHD modelling with JOREK (2017)
- On the mechanisms governing gas penetration into a tokamak plasma during a massive gas injection (2017)
- The effect of lower hybrid waves on JET plasma rotation (2017)
- Axisymmetric global Alfven eigenmodes within the ellipticity-induced frequency gap in the Joint European Torus (2017)
- Status of ITER material activation experiments at JET (2017)
- Structure, tritium depth profile and desorption from 'plasma-facing' beryllium materials of ITER-Like-Wall at JET (2017)
- Recent progress in the quantitative validation of JOREK simulations of ELMs in JET (2017)
- A tool to support the construction of reliable disruption databases (2017)
- Expanding the role of impurity spectroscopy for investigating the physics of high-Z dissipative divertors (2017)
- Characterization of a compact LaBr3(Ce) detector with Silicon photomultipliers at high 14 MeV neutron fluxes (2017)
- Hardware architecture of the data acquisition and processing system for the JET Neutron Camera Upgrade (NCU) project (2017)
- First ERO2.0 modeling of Be erosion and non-local transport in JET ITER-like wall (2017)
- Metallic mirrors for plasma diagnosis in current and future reactors (2017)
- Fuel inventory and deposition in castellated structures in JET-ILW (2017)
- The emissivity of W coatings deposited on carbon materials for fusion applications (2017)
- Quartz micro-balance results of pulse-resolved erosion/deposition in the JET-ILW divertor (2017)
- Correlation analysis for energy losses, waiting times and durations of type I edge-localized modes in the Joint European Torus (2017)
- Classification of ELM types in Joint European Torus based on global plasma parameters using discriminant analysis (2017)
- Mitigation of divertor heat loads by strike point sweeping in high power JET discharges (2017)
- Synthetic neutron camera and spectrometer in JET based on AFSI- ASCOT simulations (2017)
- Axisymmetric oscillations at L-H transitions in JET (2017)
- Analysis of activation and damage of ITER material samples expected from DD/DT campaign at JET (2017)
- Comparison of JET AVDE disruption data with M3D simulations and implications for ITER (2017)
- Gyrokinetic simulations of particle transport in pellet fuelled JET discharges (2017)
- High power neon seeded JET discharges (2017)
- Simulation of JET ITER-Like Wall pulses at high neon seeding rate (2017)
- Micro-/nano-characterization of the surface structures on the divertor tiles from JET ITER-like wall (2017)
- Be ITER-like wall at the JET tokamak under plasma (2017)
- The isotope effect on divertor conditions and neutral pumping in horizontal divertor configurations in JET-ILW Ohmic plasmas (2017)
- Synthetic NPA diagnostic for energetic particles in JET plasmas (2017)
- Simulation of neutral gas flow in the JET sub-divertor (2017)
- ITER oriented neutronics benchmark experiments on neutron streaming and shutdown dose rate at JET (2017)
- EDGE2D-EIRENE simulations of the impact of poloidal flux expansion on the radiative divertor performance in JET (2017)
- Overview of the JET ITER-like wall divertor (2017)
- Overview of fuel inventory in JET with the ITER-like wall (2017)
- Impurity re-distribution in the corner regions of the JET divertor (2017)
- Plasma edge and plasma-wall interaction modelling (2017)
- Impact of the JET ITER-like wall on H-mode plasma fueling (2017)
- 3D simulations of gas puff effects on edge plasma and ICRF coupling in JET (2017)
- Deposition in the inner and outer corners of the JET divertor with carbon wall and metallic ITER-like wall (2016)
- Ion temperature and toroidal rotation in JET's low torque plasmas (2016)
- Improved ERO modelling for spectroscopy of physically and chemically assisted eroded beryllium from the JET-ILW (2016)
- An Analytical Expression for the Electric Field and Particle Tracing in Modelling of Be Erosion Experiments at the JET ITER-like Wall (2016)
- Core turbulent transport in tokamak plasmas (2016)
- JET Tokamak, preparation of a safety case for tritium operations (2016)
- Benchmarking the GENE and GYRO codes through the relative roles of electromagnetic and E x B stabilization in JET high-performance discharges (2016)
- Characterisation of the deuterium recycling at the W divertor target plates in JET during steady-state plasma conditions and ELMs (2016)
- Core fusion power gain and alpha heating in JET, TFTR, and ITER (2016)
- Diagnostic application of magnetic islands rotation in JET (2016)
- Advances in understanding and utilising ELM control in JET (2016)
- Plasma turbulence measured with fast frequency swept reflectometry in JET H-mode plasmas (2016)
- Classification of JET Neutron and Gamma Emissivity Profiles (2016)
- Evaluation of reconstruction errors and identification of artefacts for JET gamma and neutron tomography (2016)
- Understanding the physics of ELM pacing via vertical kicks in JET in view of ITER (2016)
- Scaling of the MHD perturbation amplitude required to trigger a disruption and predictions for ITER (2016)
- In situ wavelength calibration of the edge CXS spectrometers on JET (2016)
- Scaling of the frequencies of the type one edge localized modes and their effect on the tungsten source in JET ITER-like wall (2016)
- Gyrokinetic study of turbulence suppression in a JET-ILW power scan (2016)
- Risk Mitigation for ITER by a Prolonged and Joint International Operation of JET (2016)
- JET diagnostic enhancements in preparation for DT operations (2016)
- Characteristics of pre-ELM structures during ELM control experiment on JET with n=2 magnetic perturbations (2016)
- Advanced design of the Mechanical Tritium Pumping System for JET DTE2 (2016)
- Thermo-mechanical properties of W/Mo markers coatings deposited on bulk W (2016)
- Experimental estimation of tungsten impurity sputtering due to Type I ELMs in JET-ITER-like wall using pedestal electron cyclotron emission and target Langmuir probe measurements (2016)
- Tritium distributions on tungsten and carbon tiles used in the JET divertor (2016)
- Long-term fuel retention in JET ITER-like wall (2016)
- ITER-like antenna capacitors voltage probes (2016)
- The role of MHD in causing impurity peaking in JET hybrid plasmas (2016)
- Stationary Zonal Flows during the Formation of the Edge Transport Barrier in the JET Tokamak (2016)
- Multi-machine scaling of the main SOL parallel heat flux width in tokamak limiter plasmas (2016)
- JET experiments with tritium and deuterium-tritium mixtures (2016)
- COREDIV and SOLPS Numerical Simulations of the Nitrogen Seeded JET ILW L-mode Discharges (2016)
- Impact of divertor geometry on radiative divertor performance in JET H-mode plasmas (2016)
- Numerical calculations of non-inductive current driven by microwaves in JET (2016)
- Extending helium partial pressure measurement technology to JET DTE2 and ITER (2016)
- Bayesian modelling of the emission spectrum of the Joint European Torus Lithium Beam Emission Spectroscopy system (2016)
- Real-time control of ELM and sawtooth frequencies (2016)
- Edge profile analysis of Joint European Torus (JET) Thomson scattering data (2016)
- Deuterium trapping and release in JET ITER-like wall divertor tiles (2016)
- An FPGA-based bolometer for the MAST-U Super-X divertor (2016)
- Melt damage to the JET ITER-like Wall and divertor (2016)
- Erosion and deposition in the JET divertor during the first ILW campaign (2016)
- Simulating the nitrogen migration in Be/W tokamaks with WallDYN (2016)
- More than meets the eye (2016)
- How to assess the efficiency of synchronization experiments in tokamaks (2016)
- Application of transfer entropy to causality detection and synchronization experiments in tokamaks (2016)
- First neutron spectroscopy measurements with a pixelated diamond detector at JET (2016)
- Study of the triton-burnup process in different JET scenarios using neutron monitor based on CVD diamond (2016)
- Gamma-ray spectroscopy at MHz counting rates with a compact LaBr3 detector and silicon photomultipliers for fusion plasma applications (2016)
- A generalized Abel inversion method for gamma-ray imaging of thermonuclear plasmas (2016)
- Plasma confinement at JET (2016)
- Nitrogen retention mechanisms in tokamaks with beryllium and tungsten plasma-facing surfaces (2016)
- Non-linear MHD simulations of ELMs in JET and quantitative comparisons to experiments (2016)
- Raman microscopy investigation of beryllium materials (2016)
- The non-thermal origin of the tokamak low-density stability limit (2016)
- On determining the prediction limits of mathematical models for time series (2016)
- Characterization of a diamond detector to be used as neutron yield monitor during the in-vessel calibration of JET neutron detectors in preparation of the DT experiment (2016)
- Global optimization driven by genetic algorithms for disruption predictors based on APODIS architecture (2016)
- Response function of single crystal synthetic diamond detectors to 1-4 MeV neutrons for spectroscopy of D plasmas (2016)
- MHD marking using the MSE polarimeter optics in ILW JET plasmas (2016)
- JET experience on managing radioactive waste and implications for ITER (2016)
- Performance of the prototype LaBr3 spectrometer developed for the JET gamma-ray camera upgrade (2016)
- Asymmetric toroidal eddy currents (ATEC) to explain sideways forces at JET (2016)
- The role and application of ion beam analysis for studies of plasma-facing components in controlled fusion devices (2016)
- Investigation on the erosion/deposition processes in the ITER-like wall divertor at JET using glow discharge optical emission spectrometry technique (2016)
- Fast-ion energy resolution by one-step reaction gamma-ray spectrometry (2016)
- A classification scheme for edge-localized modes based on their probability distributions (2016)
- Experimental investigation of geodesic acoustic modes on JET using Doppler backscattering (2016)
- Comparative gyrokinetic analysis of JET baseline H-mode core plasmas with carbon wall and ITER-like wall (2016)
- Sparse representation of signals (2016)
- X-ray micro-laminography for the ex situ analysis of W-CFC samples retrieved from JET ITER-like wall (2016)
- Neutronics experiments and analyses in preparation of DT operations at JET (2016)
- Experience of handling beryllium, tritium and activated components from JET ITER like wall (2016)
- Effect of PFC Recycling Conditions on JET Pedestal Density (2016)
- Modelling of plasma-edge and plasma-wall interaction physics at JET with the metallic first-wall (2016)
- Modelling of the JET DT Experiments in Carbon and ITER-like Wall Configurations (2016)
- High performance detectors for upgraded gamma ray diagnostics for JET DT campaigns (2016)
- The impact of poloidal asymmetries on tungsten transport in the core of JET H-mode plasmas (2015)
- Discriminating the trapped electron modes contribution in density fluctuation spectra (2015)
- Turbulent transport analysis of JET H-mode and hybrid plasmas using QuaLiKiz and Trapped Gyro Landau Fluid (2015)
- Transport analysis and modelling of the evolution of hollow density profiles plasmas in JET and implication for ITER (2015)
- First dust study in JET with the ITER-like wall (2015)
- Experimental evaluation of stable long term operation of semiconductor magnetic sensors at ITER relevant environment (2015)
- Trapped electron mode driven electron heat transport in JET (2015)
- L to H mode transition (2015)
- WEST Physics Basis (2015)
- Beryllium migration in JET ITER-like wall plasmas (2015)
- Experimental Validation of a Filament Transport Model in Turbulent Magnetized Plasmas (2015)
- Improved confinement in JET high beta plasmas with an ITER-like wall (2015)
- Influence of the E X B drift in high recycling divertors on target asymmetries (2015)
- The merits of ion cyclotron resonance heating schemes for sawtooth control in tokamak plasmas (2015)
- The global build-up to intrinsic edge localized mode bursts seen in divertor full flux loops in JET (2015)
- Free boundary equilibrium in 3D tokamaks with toroidal rotation (2015)
- Dual sightline measurements of MeV range deuterons with neutron and gamma-ray spectroscopy at JET (2015)
- Robust regression with CUDA and its application to plasma reflectometry (2015)
- Three-dimensional non-linear magnetohydrodynamic modeling of massive gas injection triggered disruptions in JET (2015)
- Key impact of finite-beta and fast ions in core and edge tokamak regions for the transition to advanced scenarios (2015)
- JET and COMPASS asymmetrical disruptions (2015)
- Conceptual Design Of The Mechanical Tritium Pumping System For Jet Dte2 (2015)
- Ion target impact energy during Type I edge localized modes in JET ITER-like Wall (2015)
- Fuel ion ratio determination in NBI heated deuterium tritium fusion plasmas at JET using neutron emission spectrometry (2015)
- Comparative analysis of core heat transport of JET high density H-mode plasmas in carbon wall and ITER-like wall (2015)
- Radiation asymmetries during the thermal quench of massive gas injection disruptions in JET (2015)
- Plasma isotopic changeover experiments in JET under carbon and ITER-like wall conditions (2015)
- Inferring divertor plasma properties from hydrogen Balmer and Paschen series spectroscopy in JET-ILW (2015)
- Pedestal confinement and stability in JET-ILW ELMy H-modes (2015)
- Determination of tungsten and molybdenum concentrations from an x-ray range spectrum in JET with the ITER-like wall configuration (2015)
- Runaway electron beam generation and mitigation during disruptions at JET-ILW (2015)
- Overview of the JET results (2015)
- The effects of impurities and core pressure on pedestal stability in Joint European Torus (JET) (2015)
- WALLDYN simulations of global impurity migration in JET and extrapolations to ITER (2015)
- On the interpretation of high-resolution x-ray spectra from JET with an ITER-like wall (2015)
- Integrated core-SOL-divertor modelling for ITER including impurity (2015)
- The 2.5 MeV neutron flux monitor for MAST (2014)
- Prospects for measuring the fuel ion ratio in burning ITER plasmas using a DT neutron emission spectrometer (2014)
- Conceptual design of a neutron camera for MAST Upgrade (2014)
- Evaluation of neutron spectrometer techniques for ITER using synthetic data (2013)
- Finite Larmor radii effects in fast ion measurements with neutron emission spectrometry (2013)
- Fast-ion distributions from third harmonic ICRF heating studied with neutron emission spectroscopy (2013)
- Impact of digitization for timing and pulse shape analysis of scintillator detector signals (2013)
- Fuel ion ratio measurements in reactor relevant neutral beam heated fusion plasmas (2012)
- Validation of neutron emission profiles in MAST with a collimated neutron monitor (2012)
- Fully digital data acquisition system for the neutron time-of-flight spectrometer TOFOR at JET (2012)
- Instrumentation for neutron emission spectrometry in use at JET (2010)
- A neutron camera system for MAST (2010)
- Neutron spectroscopy as a fuel ion ratio diagnostic (2010)
- Modelling and TOFOR measurements of scattered neutrons at JET (2010)
- Neutron emission from beryllium reactions in JET deuterium plasmas with 3He minority (2010)
- Neutron emission levels during the ITER zero activation phase (2010)
- Neutron spectroscopy measurements and modeling of neutral beam heating fast ion dynamics (2010)
- Neutron spectroscopy results of JET high-performance plasmas and extrapolations to DT performance (2010)
- Measurements of fast ions and their interactions with MHD activity using neutron emission spectroscopy (2010)
- Neutron spectrometry of JET discharges with ICRH-acceleration of helium beam ions (2010)
- Applications of neural networks for free unfolding of experimental data from fusion neutron spectrometers (2010)
- A parametric model for fusion neutron emissivity tomography for the KN3 neutron camera at JET (2010)
- Neural networks based neutron emissivity tomography at JET with real-time capabilities (2010)
- Fusion Power Measurement using a Combined Neutron Spectrometer-Camera System at JET (2010)
- The thin-foil magnetic proton recoil neutron spectrometer MPRu at JET (2009)
- A bipolar LED drive technique for high performance, stability and power in the nanosecond time scale (2009)
- A neural network pulse shape discrimination and pile-up rejection framework for the BC501 neutron/gamma liquid scintillator (2009)
- An artificial neural network based neutron-gamma discrimination and pile-up rejection framework for the BC-501 liquid scintillation detector (2009)
- Gain stabilization control system of the upgraded magnetic protonrecoil neutron spectrometer at JET (2009)
- Gain stabilization control system of the upgraded magneticproton recoil neutron spectrometer at JET (2009)
- The 2.5-MeV neutron time-of-flight spectrometer TOFOR for experiments at JET (2008)
- A Neural Networks Framework for Real-Time Unfolding of Neutron Spectroscopic Data at JET (2008)
- Triton burn-up neutron emission in JET low current plasmas (2008)
- Development and characterization of the proton recoil detector for the MPRu neutron spectrometer (2006)
- Synergetic RF and NB heating effects in JET DT plasmas studied with neutron emission spectroscopy (2006)
- New MPRu instrument for neutron emission spectroscopy at JET (2006)
- Modeling of neutron emission spectroscopy in JET discharges with fast tritons from (T)D ion cyclotron heating (2006)
- Advanced Neutron Diagnostics for JET and ITER Fusion Experiments (2005)
- Systematic spectral features in the neutron emission from NB heated JET DT plasmas (2005)
- Control and monitoring system for fusion neutron spectroscopy on the Joint European Torus (2004)
- Coexistence of superdeformed shapes in Er-154 - art. no. 022502 (2001)
- Molecular ND Band Spectroscopy in the Divertor Region of Nitrogen Seeded JET Discharges (2018)
- To see the invisible (2015)
- Monte Carlo Simulation Of The Data Acquisition Chain Of Scintillation Detectors (2014)
- Neutron spectrometry measurements of energetic deuterons in ICRF heated plasmas with the ITER-like wall at JET (2014)
- A poloidal section neutron camera for MAST Upgrade (2014)
- Engineering physics students' conceptions of entropy (2013)
- Development of laboratory exercises in thermodynamics (2013)
- Developments of time-of-flight and proton recoil neutron spectrometry techniques in view of a possible JET DT campaign and for ITER (2011)
- Finite Larmor radii effects in fast ion measurements as demonstrated using neutron emission spectrometry of JET plasmas heated with 3rd harmonic ICRF (2011)
- Evaluation of Spectral Unfolding for Neutron Spectroscopy (2008)
- Neutron spectrometer for ITER using silicon detectors (2008)
- Prospects for High Resolution Neutron Spectroscopy on High Power Fusion Devices in View of the Recent Diagnostic Developments at JET (2008)
- The TOFOR Neutron Spectrometer for High Performance Measurements of D Plasma Fuel Ion Properties (2008)
- Neutron Emission Spectroscopy Results for ITB and Mode Conversion ICRH Experiments at JET (2008)
- Neutron Emission Profile and Neutron Spectrum Measurements at JET (2008)
- Neutron emission spectroscopy diagnosis of JET D and DT plasmas with the new MPRu instrument (2006)
- Upgrade of the Magnetic Proton Recoil (MPRu) spectrometer for 1.5-18 MeV neutrons for JET and the next step (2006)
- The TOFOR neutron spectrometer and its first use at JET (2006)
- First results from the new TOFOR neutron spectrometer at JET (2006)
- Neutron Emission from Beam-Injected Fast Tritons in JET Plasmas with Reversed or Monotonic Magnetic Shear. (2004)
- Measurement of the Fusion Power with the MPR Neutron Spectrometer in the TTE and DTE1 Experiments at JET. (2004)
- A PCI transient recorder module for the JET magnetic proton recoil neutron spectrometer (2003)
- Evaluation of Spectral Unfolding for Neutron Spectroscopy (2007)
- Prospects for High Resolution Neutron Spectroscopy on High Power Fusion Devices in View of the Recent Diagnostic Developments at JET (2007)
- The 2.5 MeV Neutron Time-of-Flight Spectrometer TOFOR for Experiments at JET (2007)
- The TOFOR Neutron Spectrometer for High-Performance Measurements of D Plasma Fuel Ion Properties (2007)
- Characterization of Phoswich Scintillation Detectors for the Focal Plane Hodoscope of Magnetic Proton Recoil Spectrometers for Fusion Neutrons (2007)
- Neutron Emission Spectroscopy Diagnosis of Fast Ions in RF (3He) Heated Plasmas at JET (2007)
- Measurements and Analysis of TOFOR Neutron Spectra from RF and NB Heated JET D plasmas (2007)
- Neutron Emission Profile and Neutron Spectrum Measurements At JET: Status and Plans (2007)
- Fusion Power Measurements Using a combined Neutron Spectrometer-Camera System at ITER (2007)
- High-Energy Fuel Ion Diagnostics on ITER Derived from Neutron Emission Spectroscopy Measurements on JET DT Plasmas (2006)
- The new MPRu Instrument for Neutron Emission Spectroscopy at JET (2006)
- Modeling of Neutron Emission Spectroscopy in JET Discharges with Fast Tritons from (T)D Ion Cyclotron Heating (2006)