Alexandra Waluszewski
Professor vid Ekonomisk-historiska institutionen; Centrum för teknik- och vetenskapstudier
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Professor emeritus vid Ekonomisk-historiska institutionen
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- ED, docent
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Research interests
Two main areas: 1. Use of knowledge and technology in business. How is knowledge and technology developed and utilised in a business landscape which increasingly is characterised by interdependencies that stretches across companies, regions and nations? What role does investments in place; in human as well as physical resources, related over time and space, play in companies' endeavours to utilise knowledge and technology in order to reach efficiency and innovativeness? This research is carried out in interaction with colleges related to an informal, international research network, the IMP Group. ( )
2. Innovation policy. How is the utilisation of knowledge in the business landscape understood in contemporary innovation policy? What underlying assumptions; about non-business knowledge development as well as about the utilisation of knowledge in business, can be traced behind this? This research is carried out in interaction with colleges related to Uppsala Universities' Centre for Science and Technology Studies. (
Recent research projects
National innovation policy versus trans-national business networks
The starting point of the project is the 'gap' that can be identified between governmental expectations on national effects of innovation policy and empirical based research findings on interdependencies among companies embedded into transnational business networks. The project relies on a theoretical approach developed for analysis of efficiency and innovations as truly inter-organisational processes. The empirical data is collected through an EU-commission financed project involving innovation agencies from 10 EU member states.
Life Science and Biotech Business
The aim of the project is investigate the development pattern behind the emergence of companies engaged in the life science area; in Sweden, UK, China and Taiwan. A number of related studies have been carried out, with the different logics among science and business as common denominator. (See for a more detailed description of each study.)
Innovation in the Construction Industry
The construction industry is known for its low degree of innovation and this is also the reason why political forces are questioning the contemporary way of its dealing with renewal of technological and organisational resources. A research project named "Driving Forces and Hinders for Innovation in the Construction Industry” is approaching this issue by investigating how 'innovation' is understood, captured and measured. The project carried out is a co-operation among Uppsala STS and Norwegian School of Management.
Selected publications
Books and book chapters
Håkansson, H., Ford, D., Gadde, L-G, Snehota, I., Waluszewski, A., 2009. "Business in Networks". Wiley, Chichester.
Håkansson, H., Waluszewski, A., Prenkert, F., Baraldi, E., (eds) 2008."Use of Science and Technology in Business. Exploring the Impact of Using Activity for Systems, Organizations and People. Emerald, Bingley.
Håkansson, H., Waluszewski, A., (eds) 2008. "Use of science and technology in business". In Håkansson, H., Waluszewski, A., Prenkert, F., Baraldi, E., (eds) 2008."Use of Science and Technology in Business. Exploring the Impact of Using Activity for Systems, Organizations and People. Emerald, Bingley
Håkansson, H., Waluszewski, A., 2008. "Den fullkomliga marknadens ofullkomlighet." In Mattson, L-G, ed. "Marknadsorientering. Myter och möjligheter", pp. 18-31.Liber, Malmö.
Waluszewski, A. 2007. "I skuggan av ett mått". In "Reclaim The Science. Om vetenskapens avakademisering". Rider, S., Jörnesten, A., (red). Gidlunds, Stockholm.
Håkansson, H., Waluszewski, A, (eds) 2007. "Knowledge and Innovation in Business and Industry. The importance of using others." Routledge, London, New York.
Waluszewski, A., Håkansson, H., 2007. "Economic use of Knowledge." In "Knowledge and Innovation in Business and Industry. The importance of using others." Håkansson, H., Waluszewski, A, (eds), pp. 1-27. Routledge, London, New York.
Håkansson, H., Waluszewski, A. "Interaction: the only mean to create use". In "Knowledge and Innovation in Business and Industry. The importance of using others." Håkansson, H., Waluszewski, A, (eds), pp. 147-167. Routledge, London, New York.
Baraldi, E., Waluszewski, A., 2007. "Conscious use of others' interface knowledge or How IKEA can keep the price of the Lack table constant over decades." In "Knowledge and Innovation in Business and Industry. The importance of using others." Håkansson, H., Waluszewski, A., (eds.) Routledge, London, New York.
Johanson, M., Waluszewski, A., 2007. "Handling resource interfaces in a planned economy or How Tipografiya solves interactive issues without direct interaction." In "Knowledge and Innovation in Business and Industry. The importance of using others." HåkanssonH., Waluszewski, A., (eds.) Routledge.
Ståhl, B., Waluszewski, A., 2007. "Use of knowledge in the model world – lessons to learn from economic literature." In "Knowledge and Innovation in Business and Industry, The importance of using others." Håkansson, H., Waluszewski, A., (eds.) Routledge, London, New York.
Håkansson, H., Tunisini, A, Waluszewski, A., 2006. "Place as a Resource in Business Networks". In "Taking Place: The Spatial Contexts of Science, Technology and Business", Baraldi, E., Fors, H., & Houltz, A., eds. Science HistoryPublications: Sagamore Beach, MA.
Waluszewski, A., 2004. "What's behind the different interpretations
of a growing "biotech valley"? Or: How social science is coloured by its research tools." Paper presented at the Nobel Symposium, 123. In Grandin, Wormbs, Widmalm eds, "Science and Industry Nexus, History, Policy, Implications". Science and History Publications/USA.
Håkansson, H, Harrison, D., Waluszewski, A., eds., 2004. "Rethinking Marketing. Developing a New Understanding of Markets." Chichester: John Wiley & Sons
Håkansson, H., Hejnesand, I.J., Waluszewski, A., 2004. "Rethinking marketing." In "Rethinking Marketing. Developing a New Understanding of Markets", pp. 1-13. Chichester: John Wiley & Sons, Håkansson, H,. Harrison, D., Waluszewski, A., eds.
Håkansson, H., Waluszewski, A., 2004 Reinterpreting the four Ps. In "Rethinking Marketing – Developing a New Understanding of Markets." pp. 249-263. Chichester: John Wiley & Sons, Håkansson, H,. Harrison, D., Waluszewski, A., eds.
Waluszewski, A., Håkansson, H., 2004. "Das Plagiat: kopian som fick originalet att anpassa sig." In Widmalm, ed, "Artefakter: Industrin, vetenskapen och de tekniska nätverken". Gidlunds, Hedemora.
Håkansson, H., Waluszewski, A., 2004. "Arterfakters ekonomiska konsekvenser." In Widmalm, ed, "Artefakter: Industrin, vetenskapen och de tekniska nätverken". Gidlunds, Hedemora.
Håkansson, H., Waluszewski, A., 2002. "Managing Technological Development. IKEA, the environment and technology". Routledge, London, New York.
Waluszewski, A., 2002 "Life Science/Biotech Uppsala – ett resultat av konkurrens eller samarbete? En liten bok om tillväxt." ITPS, Vinnova, Nutek, 2002.
Håkansson, H. & Waluszewski, A., 1999. "The Greatness of Being Small in Business Networks". In Oakey, R., and During, W., Mukthar, S. New Technology-Based Firms in the 1990s. Vol. 6. Amsterdam, Pergamon.
Håkansson, H., Waluszewski, A., 1997 "Recycled Fibre Turning Green." In Gemünden, H.G., (1997). Relationships and Networks in Industrial Markets. Elsevier. London.
Waluszewski, A., 1995. The Glulam Case. In Håkansson H., Snehota, I., eds. Developing Relationships in Business Networks. Routledge, London.
Waluszewski, A., 1993. Vedfiber eller returpapper? Förändringar inom
ett fibernätverk.(Primary or secondary fibre - changes in a fibre network. IVA, The Royal Swedish Academy of of Engineering Sciences. Stockholm
Håkansson, H., Lage-Hellman, J., Lundgren, A. Waluszewski, A., 1993.
Teknikutveckling i företaget. Ett nätverksperspektiv. (Technical development - a network perspective) Studentlitteratur, Lund.
Laage-Hellman, J., Waluszewski, A., 1992. A Pilot-Study of the Powder Technology R&D Network in Sweden - The Industrial Perspective NUTEK, The Swedish National Board for Industrial and Technological Development. Stockholm.
Waluszewski, A., 1990. Framväxten av en ny massateknik - en utvecklingshistoria. (The development of a new mechanical pulping technique)(dissertation). Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis, Studiae Oeconomia Negotiorum, 31. Almqvist &Wiksell, Uppsala
Articles in international scientific journals with referee practice
Waluszewski, A., 2009. When Science Shall Mean Business. From multifaceted to limited use of science? Special Issue on Science, Technology, Business, The IMP Journal, vol. 3, issue 2, pp. 3-19.
Waluszewski, A, Baraldi, E., Linne, Å., Shih, T., 2009. "Resource interfaces telling other stories about the commercial use of new technology: The embedding of biotech solutions in US, China and Taiwan." Forthcoming, Special Issue on Science, Technology, Business, The IMP Journal, vol. 3, issue 2, pp. 86-123.
Ingemansson, M., Waluszewski, A., 2009. "The Relative Benefits of an Innovation: Its Appearance in the Academic, Venture Capital and User Setting". Special Issue on Science, Technology, Business, The IMP Journal, vol. 3, issue 2, pp. 20-56.
Wagrell, S., Waluszewski, A., 2009. The problem of using (medical) innovations. Special Issue on Science, Technology, Business, The IMP Journal, vol. 3, issue 2, pp. 57-85.
Waluszewski, A., Hadjikhani, A., Baraldi, E., 2009.An Interactive Perspective on Business in Practice and Business in Theory. Industrial Marketing Management.
Harrison, D., Waluszewski, A., 2008. "The Development of a User Network as a Way to Re-launch an Unwanted Product." Research Policy, Vol. 37, No 1.
Waluszewski, A., Johanson, M., 2008. "When resource interfaces are neglected.
How are interactive issues dealt with in systems that assume away the need for direct interaction?" The IMP Journal, vol. 2 , issue 1, pp. 13-30.
Waluszewski, A., 2006. "Hoping for Network Effects or Fearing Network Effects?" The IMP Journal, vol 1, issue 1, pp.71-84.
Waluszewski, A, 2005." Is it possible to Create a Prospering Biotech "Valley"? And what's the recipe: instant industrialization or seven decades of interaction concerning how to create use of resources." The Journal of Science Policy and Research Management. Vol. 20, No 1./2005
Baraldi, E., & Waluszewski, A., 2005, "Information Technology at IKEA: an "Open Sesame" Solution or just Another Type of Facility?" Journal of Business Research, Vol. 58, Issue 9, pp. 1251-1260.
Håkansson, H., Waluszewski, A, 2005. "Developing a New Understanding of Markets: Reinterpreting the Four Ps." Journal of Business and Industrial Marketing
Waluszewski, A., 2004. "A Competing or Co-operating Cluster or Seven Decades of Combinatory Resources? What's Behind a Prospering Biotech Valley?" Scandinavian Journal of Management.
Håkansson, H. ,Waluszewski, A., 2002. "Path-dependence: restricting or facilitating technical development?" Journal of Business Research, 55, 561-570.
Håkansson, H., Waluszewski, A., 2002. "Co-evolution in Technological Development – The Role of Friction." Sinergie, No 58, May-August, pp. 171-191.
Essays, debate
Waluszewski, A., 2009. "I kristider är vi bara svenskar". Axess, nr 3 2009, sid 26-27.
Waluszewski, A., 2009. "Bäste herr Keynes." I "Keynes och konjunkturpolitiken: Död, återuppstånden eller still going strong?" Ohlininstitet.
Waluszewski, A., 2008. "Högskolan är inget varumärke." Gävle Dagblad, 2 december 2008.
Waluszewski, A., Hasselberg, Y., Rider, S., 2008. "Kvacksalveri att i förväg peka ut nyttig forskning." Svenska Dagbladet, 30 november, 2008.
Waluszewski, A., Hasselberg, Y., Rider, S., 2008. "Vetenskapens guld till salu". Svenska Dagbladet, Brännpunkt, 11 november, 2008.
Waluszewski, A., 2008. "Science Limited". Research Europe, October 10, 2008.
Waluszewski, A., 2008. "Donationer – för ökad mångfald eller enfald?" Vetenskapsrådets nättidning Tentakel, april 2008
Waluszewski, A., 2007. "Ranking kan skada forskningen." Axess Magazine, No 7, October 2007.
Waluszewski, A., 2007. "Fusk eller inte. Om relationen mellan forskningens innehåll och forskningens kontext." Axess Magazine, No 5, June 2007.
Waluszewski, A., 2006. "Kort tid från sådd till skörd. Forskningens nytta: Nya önskemål o mom direct avkastning sätter gamla forskningsideal under press" Axess Magazine., No 6, pp. 18-24. /"Short time growth. The benefits of research: New aspirations for direct yields put old research ideals under pressure." Axess English version, Reprinted in "From Embracing Globalisation to the Limits of Tolerance. Themes from Axess Magazine 2006. Nörhaven Paperback, Viborg, Denmark.
Waluszewski, A., 2006. "Den oekonomiska forskningsrapportern och de ekonomiska företagen." Svensk Papperstidning, No 6, 2006.
Waluszewski, A., 2006. "Science and Society – some hyped and some neglected issues." Uppsala Newsletter, History of Science, Uppsala University. No 36.
Waluszewski, A., 2005. "Medan de talade om klustret flyttade de stora spelarna ur landet." Kemivärlden Biotech, No 3 2005
Waluszewski, A., 2004. "How to Get a Biotech Cluster Out of Beet Sugar Juice." American Biotechnology Laboratory. September 2004, Vol, 22, No 10 pp 6-8.
Waluszewski, A., 2004. "Nätverksamhället. En "Sesam öppna dig" för skapande av dynamik eller en väg mot förflyktigande och stagnation?" Axess Magazine, No 2 2004.
Waluszewski, A., 2003. "Ur Pharmacias aska reste sig ingen Fågel Fenix". (From the ashes of Pharmacia no Phoenix rose) Axess, No 3, pp. 25-28. Reprinted in Från svart ekonomi till sanningens återkomst. Tema ur Axess Magazine 2003. Nörhaven Paperback, Viborg, Denmark.
Waluszewski, A., 2004. "Orimliga förväntningar på industrin." Kemivärlden Biotech, No 2, p. 21.
Waluszewski, A., 2003. "Släpp fram de oglamorösa entreprenörerna." Entré, Forskning om entreprenörskap och småföretag. No 3-4, p.3.
Waluszewski, A., 2003. "Kluster ingen patentlösning." Kemivärlden Biotech. No 7-8, p. 21
Waluszewski, A., 2002. "Bioteknik nygammal branch.". Biotech Sweden. No 2, p.2.
Professor, Business Studies/Science, Technology, Society, 2008
Associate Professor in Industrial Marketing at Uppsala University in 1997
Phd in Business Studies, University of Uppsala 1989
B.S. Department of Business Studies, University of Uppsala, 1983
Academic Positions, Appointments and Networks
2010 Member of the Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences
2010 Research Director, Science & Technology Studies Centre, Uppsala University
2009- Engaged by the EU commission financed GLOVAL project for perspectives on "national policies versus trans-national business networks"
2008- Member of the Domain Board, Humanities and Social Sciences, Uppsala University
2004-2010 Director, Science & Technology Studies Centre, Uppsala University
2007- Member of the History of Technology Advisory Board at The National Museum of Science and Technology (Tekniska Museet), Stockholm
2006- Member of the IMP Group Conference Organizing Board
2005- Member of the IMP Journal Editorial Review Board
2004 Engaged for planning and performance of Economic Theatre at Uppsala Stadsteater, November, December 2004, February, 2005
2003 Invited researcher at Scancore, Stanford University, October-November, 2003, April 2004.
2002-2007 Coordinator, the VTI-project (Vetenskaplig forskning, Teknisk förändring, Industriell förnyelse / Science, Technological Change, Industrial Renewal), financed by The Bank of Sweden Tercentenary Fund.
1990 Rewarded with Civilekonomerna research prize
Senaste publikationer
- Major or minor? (2024)
- Shaping Sustainable Business Markets (2022)
- Den tysta pandemin pågår ständigt (2022)
- Medicinen mot miljöhoten måste framstå som aptitlig (2022)
- Dålig upphandling kostar skattebetalarna miljarder (2022)
Alla publikationer
- Major or minor? (2024)
- Antibiotics in pig meat production (2021)
- What’s smart about smart specialization (2020)
- ‘Thick or thin’? (2020)
- Skapa förutsättningar för kunskapsbaserad äldrevård (2020)
- Den billiga produktionen kan ha ett högt pris (2020)
- Ekonomiska stuprörssystem hotar coronavården för äldre (2020)
- Editorial (2019)
- Att hänvisa till 'EU:s ledarskap' är en grov förenkling (2019)
- Antibiotika till djur är den största faran (2019)
- The public-private partnership (PPP) disaster of a new hospital (2019)
- Kvalitet måste vägas in i upphandling (2019)
- Kulturen skall inte anpassa sig (2019)
- What remains to be discovered? (2019)
- Innovation in a globalized world (2018)
- Heaviness, space and journey - innovation opportunities and restrictions (2018)
- Two rebelling approaches but only one embraced by policy (2017)
- När samverkan gifts ihop med innovation blir det problematiskt (2017)
- Vems chartermål? (2017)
- The role of policy in innovation (2017)
- Nationalekonomerna blandar äpplen med päron (2017)
- Innovating and strategizing in an interactive business landscape (2017)
- Actors changing the network (2017)
- Exploring the obstacles to implementing economic mechanisms to stimulate antibiotic research and development (2016)
- “Methodomania”? On the methodological and theoretical challenges of IMP business research“ (2016)
- A black swan in the district? An IMP perspetive on immigrant entrepreneurship and changes in industrial districts. (2016)
- What's "knowledge management" when resources are unknowable and deals negotiated? (2016)
- Editorial: The challenge of researching and theorizing the interactive business landscape (2016)
- Dags för Lemne att lämna (2015)
- The diversity of systemic thinking (2015)
- Is the value created necessarily associated with money? On the connections between an innovation process and its monetarydimension: The case of Solibro's thin-film solar cells (2015)
- Is the value created necessarily associated with money? On the connections between an innovation process and its monetary dimension (2015)
- Innovation har blivit ett flumbegrepp (2015)
- Editorial (2015)
- Ägarna nyckel till Life Science (2014)
- Innovation forecast (2014)
- A never ending story (2013)
- Forskning räcker inte för att skapa växande företag (2013)
- Public Policy as Innovation Killer (2013)
- Governance and Resource Interaction in Networks (2012)
- Björklunds Sverige - en forskningsbananrepublik? (2012)
- “Betting on Science or Muddling Through the Network” (2011)
- Rethinking Innovation Policy (2011)
- När vildvittror tänker högt (2011)
- Analysing Business Interaction (2010)
- Success in Science and Burden in Business. On the Difficult Relationship between Science as a Developing Setting and Business as a Producer-User Setting (2009)
- The innovation process and its organisational setting - fit or misfit? (2009)
- When Science Shall Mean Business. From multifaceted to limited use of science? (2009)
- Resource interfaces telling other stories about the commercial use of new technology (2009)
- An interactive perspective on business in practice and business in theory (2009)
- An Interactive Perspective on Business in Practice and Business in Theory (2009)
- The Development of a User Network as a Way to Re-launch an Unwanted Product (2008)
- Kvacksalveri att i förväg peka ut nyttig forskning (2008)
- Science Limited. (2008)
- Donationer – för ökad mångfald eller enfald? (2008)
- Högskolan är inget varumärke (2008)
- Science Limited. (2008)
- Vetenskapens guld till salu (2008)
- When Resource Interfaces Are Neglected: Lessons From History (2008)
- Networks as Hope or Networks as Fear? (2006)
- Kort tid från sådd till skörd. (2006)
- Den oekonomiska forskningsrapporten och de ekonomiska företagen (2006)
- Information Technology at IKEA: an “Open Sesame” Solution or just Another Type of Facility? (2005)
- Developing a new understanding of markets: Reinterpreting the 4Ps (2005)
- Medan de talade om klustret flyttade de stora spelarna ur landet (2005)
- Is it Possible to Create a Prospering Biotech "Valley"? (2005)
- Nätverkssamhället (2004)
- Orimliga förväntningar på industrin (2004)
- How to get a biotech cluster out of beet sugar juice contamination (2004)
- A Competing or Co-operating Cluster or Seven Decades of Combinatory Resources? What’s Behind a Prospering Biotech Valley? (2004)
- Ur Pharmacias aska reste sig ingen Fågel Fenix. (From the ashes of Pharmacia no Phoenix rose) (2003)
- Kluster ingen patentlösning (2003)
- Släpp fram de oglamorösa entreprenörerna (2003)
- Path-dependence: restricting or facilitating technical development? (2002)
- Co-evolution in Technological Development – The Role of Friction (2002)
- Bioteknik nygammal branch (2002)
- Bakom marknadsfasaden (2014)
- Transformations in Research, Higher Education and the Academic Market (2013)
- Policy in Business Networks (2011)
- Business in Networks (2009)
- Use of science and technology in business (2009)
- Knowledge and Innovation in Business and Industry (2007)
- Knowledge and innovation in business and industry (2007)
- Rethinking marketing : developing a new understanding of markets (2004)
- Managing Technological Development. IKEA, the environment and technlogy (2002)
- Life Science/Biotech Uppsala – ett resultat av konkurrens eller samarbete? liten bok om tillväxt. (2002)
- Teknikutveckling i företaget. Ett nätverksperspektiv (1993)
- Matproduktion med eller utan antibiotika (2020)
- What's successful? (2018)
- The Interplay Between Innovation and Accounting (2018)
- Universitet i omdaning: Från vetenskapsideal till marknadsmodell (2017)
- The Challenging Life of University Start Ups (2017)
- Researching the Interactive Business World (2017)
- Owner relationships - a parallel network force (2017)
- Marketization of European Higher Education Through Policy (2016)
- Crowding out Knowledge (2015)
- Conclusion (2013)
- Introduction (2013)
- Contemporary Research and Innovation Policy (2013)
- Innovationer - myter och verklighet (2012)
- Den fullkomliga marknadens ofullkomlighet (2008)
- Conscious use of others’ interface knowledge (2007)
- Interaction: the only mean to create use (2007)
- Handling resource interfaces in a planned economy (2007)
- Use of knowledge in the model world (2007)
- I skuggan av ett mått (2007)
- Economic use of knowledge (2007)
- Place as a resource in business networks (2006)
- Introduction (2004)
- Reinterpreting the four Ps (2004)
- "Das Plagiat": kopian som fick originalet att anpassa sig (2004)
- Arterfakters ekonomiska konsekvenser (2004)
- How social science is coloured by its research tools or What's behind the different interpretations of av growing "biotech valley"? (2004)
- The Greatness of Being Small (1999)
- The Greatness of Being Small (1999)
- Recycled Fibre Turning Green (1997)
- The Glulam Case (1996)
- Shaping Sustainable Business Markets (2022)
- Food industry, policy and the use of antibiotics for animals (2022)
- Lots of talk but little action. What’s hindering the implementation of incentives to stimulate antibiotics R&D? (2020)
- Resistance to change and Antimicrobial resistance. Antibiotics as a value adding resource in animal-based food industry network: experiences from Italy (Marche Region) and Sweden (2020)
- The “what’s” and “how’s” of some Nordic system innovations: (2020)
- Antibiotic resistance and the animal based food industry (2019)
- Regional Policy Investments in a Globalized World - The policy idea of proximity and the firm reality of border-crossing (2017)
- Methodomania? On the theoretical and methodological challenges of (IMP) business research. (2015)
- Post-conference report: New economic models addressing antibiotic resistance (2015)
- New economic models addressing antibiotic resistance (2015)
- Policy, innovation and the tricky question of borders (2015)
- What's behind a successful science-based innovation? Managing innovation when resources are unknowable and money negotiated. (2014)
- The different assessments of the Swedish life science industry - what factors are behind the bright respectively the dark interpretation? (2014)
- Value Creation and Economic Deal Structures in IMP Analysis. (2013)
- The unavoidable linear thinking (2013)
- The Gap – Business in Practice and Business in Policy. (2009)
- Analysing Business Interaction (2008)
- How Can a Biotech Tool Reveal what's Going on under the Surface of Three Hyped Biotech Regions? (2005)
- What’s behind the different interpretations, of a growing “biotech valley”? Or: How social science is coloured by its research tools (2002)
- To investigate interaction between heterogeneous resources – a methodological dogma (2001)
- Comparative Analysis of Industrial Networks within the European Furniture Industry (1999)
- A Networks Approach to Industrial Dynamics – Identifying two objects and two forms of organizing (1998)
- The Different Logics of Industrial Dynamics (1997)
- The Policy Practitioners' Dilemma (2011)
- Vedfiber eller returpapper? Förändringar inom ett fibernätverk (1993)
- Den tysta pandemin pågår ständigt (2022)
- Medicinen mot miljöhoten måste framstå som aptitlig (2022)
- Dålig upphandling kostar skattebetalarna miljarder (2022)
- Forskning måste få vara politiskt obekväm (2022)
- Sverige klarar sig inte utan landsbygden (2022)
- Kvinnor går till vänster – för att de agerar rationellt (2021)
- De stora björntjänsterna (2010)
- I kristider är vi bara svenskar (2009)
- Bäste herr Keynes (2009)
- Ranking kan skada forskningen. (2007)
- Fusk eller inte. Om relationen mellan forskningens innehåll och forskningens kontext. (2007)
- Science and Society - some hyped and some neglected issues (2006)