Katarina Edwards
Professor vid Institutionen för kemi - Ångström; Fysikalisk kemi
- Mobiltelefon:
- 070-425 05 38
- E-post:
- katarina.edwards@kemi.uu.se
- Besöksadress:
- Husargatan 3
752 37 Uppsala - Postadress:
- Fysikalisk kemi Box 573
752 37 Uppsala
- Akademiska meriter:
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Kort presentation
Professor i fysikalisk kemi, med forskning inom yt- och kolloidkemi med fokus på struktur, dynamik och fasbeteende i lipid- och surfaktantsystem. Pågående projekt inkluderar studier med både fundamental och mer applicerad inriktning. Huvudparten av de senare syftar till att utveckla liposomer och besläktade lipidpartiklar för användning som modellmembran och läkemedelsbärare.
Liposomer är små ihåliga fettpartiklar uppbyggda av ett slutet lipidmembran. I levande celler fungerar de som behållare för ämnen och substanser som ska importeras eller exporteras genom cellmembranet och utnyttjas också för transport av substanser mellan cellens olika delar. Bildning och destruktion av proteiner och andra livsviktiga molekyler sker i liposomliknande strukturer, och cellmembranet som omsluter alla levande celler kan ses som en gigantisk liposom. I vår forskning utnyttjar vi konstgjorda liposomer för att studera processer som sker i eller mellan lipidmembran. Biologiskt viktiga frågeställningar är bl.a. hur det går till när ett lipidmembran öppnar sig och vad som sker när två enskilda membran, vid så kallad fusion, smälter samman till ett. Vi använder också liposomer, och andra nära besläktade lipidpartiklar, som modeller vid studier av hur olika läkemedel, samt proteiner/peptider och andra biomolekyler, binder till och påverkar egenskaper och struktur hos biologiska membran. En ny typ av lipidpartiklar, i form av polymerstabiliserade lipiddiskar, som vi utvecklat inom projektet har visat sig vara ett intressant alternativ till liposomer för vissa typer av studier.
Liposomer och lipiddiskar har egenskaper som gör dem intressanta också ur medicinsk och farmaceutisk synvinkel. Genom att variera lipidkompositionen och framställningsmetoden kan partiklarna anpassas till att transportera ett brett utbud av olika molekyler och substanser. Detta tillsammans med möjligheten att konstruera dem från oskadliga, kroppsegna molekyler, gör att lipidpartiklarna är mycket intressanta som läkemedelsbärare. Med hjälp av nyligen utvecklade metoder kan partiklarna dessutom förses med speciella molekyler som tillåter målsökning mot specifika celler. I samarbete med medicinskt och farmaceutiskt inriktade forskningsgrupper är vi involverade i flera projekt med syfte att utveckla liposomer och lipiddiskar för formulering och transport av läkemedel. Vår forskning inom detta område inkluderar bl.a. ett projekt med syfte att utveckla ett nytt unikt koncept för målsökande cancerbehandling med radionuklider. Genom målsökning i två steg hoppas vi kunna leverera radionuklider så effektivt och specifikt till DNA i cancercellernas kärna att behandling av spridd cancersjukdom blir möjlig. Ett annat projekt fokuserar på lipiddiskar för administrering av antibakteriella peptider. Det långsiktiga syftet är här att ta fram nya behandlingsalternativ som kan bidra till att lösa de stora problemen med antibiotikaresistenta bakterier.
I vår forskning utnyttjar vi bl.a. en speciell typ av elektronmikroskopi, så kallad kryo-transmissionselektronmikroskopi (kryo-TEM), för att avbilda liposomer och närbesläktade lipidstrukturer. Kryo-TEM-analyserna kompletteras ofta med resultat från andra, mer indirekta, metoder som ljusspridning och fluorescensbaserade tekniker.
Senaste publikationer
- Spontaneous formation of small and ultrasmall unilamellar vesicles in mixtures of drug surfactant and phospholipid (2025)
- Novel thermosensitive small multilamellar lipid nanoparticles with promising release characteristics made by dual centrifugation (2025)
- Dual centrifugation as a novel and efficient method for the preparation of lipodisks (2024)
- Investigation of supramolecular structures in various aqueous solutions of an amyloid forming peptide using small-angle X-ray scattering (2024)
- A closer look at calcium-induced interactions between phosphatidylserine-(PS) doped liposomes and the structural effects caused by inclusion of gangliosides or polyethylene glycol- (PEG) modified lipids (2024)
Alla publikationer
- Spontaneous formation of small and ultrasmall unilamellar vesicles in mixtures of drug surfactant and phospholipid (2025)
- Novel thermosensitive small multilamellar lipid nanoparticles with promising release characteristics made by dual centrifugation (2025)
- Dual centrifugation as a novel and efficient method for the preparation of lipodisks (2024)
- Investigation of supramolecular structures in various aqueous solutions of an amyloid forming peptide using small-angle X-ray scattering (2024)
- A closer look at calcium-induced interactions between phosphatidylserine-(PS) doped liposomes and the structural effects caused by inclusion of gangliosides or polyethylene glycol- (PEG) modified lipids (2024)
- Spontaneous Formation of Ultrasmall Unilamellar Vesicles in Mixtures of an Amphiphilic Drug and a Phospholipid (2023)
- Improved accuracy and reproducibility of spontaneous liposome leakage measurements by the use of supported lipid bilayer-modified quartz cuvettes (2023)
- Tailoring the Lamellarity of Liposomes Prepared by Dual Centrifugation (2023)
- Excited-state and charge-carrier dynamics in binary conjugated polymer dots towards efficient photocatalytic hydrogen evolution (2023)
- Vesicle-enriched secretomes alter bacterial competitive abilities and are drivers of evolution in microbial communities (2023)
- Avoiding artifacts in liposome leakage measurements via cuvette- and liposome-surface modifications (2022)
- Polymer Dots as Photoactive Membrane Vesicles for [FeFe]-Hydrogenase Self-Assembly and Solar-Driven Hydrogen Evolution (2022)
- Influence of Chain Length of Gradient and Block Copoly(2-oxazoline)s on Self-Assembly and Drug Encapsulation (2022)
- Structural Characterization Study of a Lipid Nanocapsule Formulation Intended for Drug Delivery Applications Using Small-Angle Scattering Techniques (2022)
- Investigation of the enhanced ability of bile salt surfactants to solubilize phospholipid bilayers and form mixed micelles. (2021)
- Adhesion and Structural Changes of PEGylated LipidNanocarriers on Silica Surfaces (2021)
- Panchromatic Ternary Polymer Dots Involving Sub-Picosecond Energy and Charge Transfer for Efficient and Stable Photocatalytic Hydrogen Evolution (2021)
- Formulation development and upscaling of lipid nanocapsules as a drug delivery system for a novel cyclic GMP analogue intended for retinal drug delivery (2021)
- Effect of gangliosides on structure and integrity of polyethylene glycol(PEG)-stabilized liposomes (2020)
- Tumor-Targeted Delivery of the p53-Activating Peptide VIP116 with PEG-Stabilized Lipodisks (2020)
- Osmoprotective effect of ubiquinone in lipid vesicles modelling the E. coli plasma membrane (2019)
- Gel Phase 1,2-Distearoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine-Based Liposomes Are Superior to Fluid Phase Liposomes at Augmenting Both Antigen Presentation on Major Histocompatibility Complex Class II and Costimulatory Molecule Display by Dendritic Cells in Vitro (2019)
- Liquid crystalline particles for delivery of antimicrobial peptides (2018)
- Freeze-dried and re-hydrated liquid crystalline nanoparticles stabilized with disaccharides for drug-delivery of the plectasin derivative AP114 antimicrobial peptide (2018)
- Effect of ubiquinone-10 on the stability of biomimetic membranes of relevance for the inner mitochondrial membrane. (2018)
- EGF-targeting lipodisks for specific delivery of poorly water-soluble anticancer agents to tumour cells (2017)
- Targeting lipodisks enable selective delivery of anticancer peptides to tumor cells (2017)
- Cubosomes post-loaded with antimicrobial peptides (2017)
- Distinct modulatory role of RNA in the aggregation of the tumor suppressor protein p53 core domain. (2017)
- Differences in the coronal proteome acquired by particles depositing in the lungs of asthmatic versus healthy humans (2017)
- A Biocompatible Synthetic Lung Fluid Based on Human Respiratory Tract Lining Fluid Composition. (2017)
- Radioiodination Of Small Stapled Peptides For p53 Therapy (2017)
- A simple passive equilibration method for loading carboplatin into pre-formed liposomes incubated with ethanol as a temperature dependent permeability enhancer. (2017)
- Lipid-Based Liquid Crystals As Carriers for Antimicrobial Peptides (2016)
- Development and characterization of an innovtive heparin coating to stabilize and protect liposomes against adverse immune reactions (2016)
- Lipodisks integrated with weak affinity chromatography enable fragment screening of integral membrane proteins (2016)
- Enrichment of immunoregulatory proteins in the biomolecular corona of nanoparticles within human respiratory tract lining fluid (2016)
- Optimization of Lipodisk Properties by Modification of the Extent and Density of the PEG Corona (2016)
- Characterizing and controlling the loading and release of cationic amphiphilic peptides onto and from PEG-stabilized lipodisks (2016)
- Nanoscale Reaction Vessels Designed for Synthesis of Copper-Drug Complexes Suitable for Preclinical Development (2016)
- Ubiquinone-10 alters mechanical properties and increases stability of phospholipid membranes (2015)
- Halogenated Dodecaborate Clusters as Agents to Trigger Release of Liposomal Contents (2015)
- Novel polyglycidol-lipid conjugates create a stabilizing hydrogen-bonded layer around cholesterol-containing dipalmitoyl phosphatidylcholine liposomes (2015)
- Characterization of the aggregates formed by various bacterial lipopolysaccharides in solution and upon interaction with antimicrobial peptides (2015)
- Cooperative adsorption behavior of phosphopeptides on TiO2 leads to biased enrichment, detection and quantification (2015)
- Heterologous overexpression of a monotopic glucosyltransferase (MGS) induces fatty acid remodeling in Escherichia coli membranes (2014)
- Spontaneous Transformations between Surfactant Bilayers of Different Topologies Observed in Mixtures of Sodium Octyl Sulfate and Hexadecyltrimethylammonium Bromide (2014)
- Impact of interfacial cholesterol-anchored polyethylene glycol on sterol-rich non-phospholipid liposomes (2014)
- Diastereoselective self-assembly of clofarabine lipids (2014)
- Label-Free Characterization of Peptide-Lipid Interactions Using Immobilized Lipodisks (2013)
- Self-Assembly in Mixtures of an Anionic and a Cationic Surfactant (2013)
- On-target titanium dioxide-based enrichment for characterization of phosphorylations in the Adenovirus pIIIa protein (2013)
- Physicochemical Characterization of Phosphopeptide/Titanium Dioxide Interactions Employing the Quartz Crystal Microbalance Technique (2013)
- Immobilized lipodisks as model membranes in high-throughput HPLC-MS analysis (2013)
- Aggregation of modified celluloses in aqueous solution (2012)
- Gel formulations containing catanionic vesicles composed of alprenolol and SDS (2012)
- Interaction of dodecaborate cluster compounds on hydrophilic column materials in water (2012)
- Nuclisome (2012)
- Experimental radionuclide therapy of HER2-expressing xenografts using two-step targeting Nuclisome-particles (2012)
- Characterization of Oil-Free and Oil-Loaded Liquid-Crystalline Particles Stabilized by Negatively Charged Stabilizer Citrem (2012)
- A T-Shaped Amphiphilic Molecule Forms Closed Vesicles in Water and Bicelles in Mixtures with a Membrane Lipid (2012)
- Intrinsic Heterogeneity in Liposome Suspensions Caused by the Dynamic Spontaneous Formation of Hydrophobic Active Sites in Lipid Membranes (2011)
- Mesoporous TiO2-Based Experimental Layout for On-Target Enrichment and Separation of Multi- and Monophosphorylated Peptides Prior to Analysis with Matrix-Assisted Laser Desorption-Ionization Mass Spectrometry (2011)
- In vitro evaluation and biodistribution of HER2-targeted liposomes loaded with an 125I-labelled DNA-intercalator (2011)
- Association of polynucleotides with nucleolipid bilayers driven by molecular recognition (2011)
- All-or-none membrane permeabilization by fengycin-type lipopeptides from Bacillus subtilis QST713 (2011)
- Development of a liposomal nanoparticle formulation of 5-Fluorouracil for parenteral administration (2011)
- Polyethylene glycol-stabilized lipid disks as model membranes in interaction studies based on electrokinetic capillary chromatography and quartz crystal microbalance (2011)
- PEG-stabilized lipid disks as carriers for amphiphilic antimicrobial peptides (2011)
- Aggregation and network formation of aqueous methylcellulose and hydroxypropylmethylcellulose solutions. (2010)
- Optimized Protocol for On-Target Phosphopeptide Enrichment Prior to Matrix-Assisted Laser Desorption-Ionization Mass Spectrometry Using Mesoporous Titanium Dioxide (2010)
- Nuclisome (2010)
- Bovine binder-of-sperm protein BSP1 promotes protrusion and nanotube formation from liposomes (2010)
- Biotinylated lipid bilayer disks as model membranes for biosensor analyses (2010)
- Interaction of N,N,N-trialkylammonioundecahydro-closo-dodecaborates with dipalmitoyl phosphatidylcholine liposomes (2010)
- Structural effects caused by spray- and freeze-drying of liposomes and bilayer disks (2010)
- Effect of α-helical peptides on liposome structure (2010)
- Interaction of Na2B12H11SH with dimyristoyl phosphatidylcholine liposomes. (2009)
- Gel formation in systems composed of drug containing catanionic vesicles and oppositely charged hydrophobically modified polymer. (2009)
- Massive Formation of Intracellular Membrane Vesicles in Escherichia coli by a Monotopic Membrane-bound Lipid Glycosyltransferase (2009)
- Thermoresponsive, Hydrolytically Degradable Polymer Micelles Intended for Radionuclide Delivery (2009)
- Dodecaborate cluster lipids with variable headgroups for boron neutron capture therapy (2009)
- Bilayer disk capillary electrophoresis (2008)
- On the formation of discoidal versus threadlike micelles in surfactant/lipid systems (2008)
- Influence of drug-to-lipid ratio on drug release properties and liposome integrity in liposomal doxorubicin formulations (2008)
- Extruded vesicles of dioctadecyldimethylammonium bromide and chloride investigated by light scattering and cryogenic transmission electron microscopy (2008)
- Melittin–Lipid interaction (2008)
- Influence of preparation path on the formation of discs and threadlike micelles in DSPE-PEG(2000)/lipid systems (2008)
- Melittin-lipid bilayer interactions and the role of cholesterol (2008)
- Use of a passive equilibration methodology to encapsulate cisplatin into preformed thermosensitive liposomes (2008)
- Development of Non-Phospholipid Liposomes Containing a High Cholesterol Concentration (2007)
- Evaluation of bilayer disks as plant cell membrane models in partition studies (2007)
- Effects of pH and ionic strength on catanionic drug-surfactant mixtures used for prolonged release from gels. (2007)
- Influence of poly(ethylene glycol) grafting density and polymer length on liposomes (2007)
- The Anionic Boron Cluster (B(12)H(11)SH)(2-) as a Means To Trigger Release of Liposome Contents. (2007)
- Characterization of water in bacterial cellulose using dielectric spectroscopy and electron microscopy (2007)
- Docosahexaenoic acid stabilizes soluble amyloid-β protofibrils and sustains amyloid-β induced neurotoxicity in vitro (2007)
- Nanosized bilayer disks (2007)
- Synthesis, liposomal preparation, and in vitro toxicity of two novel dodecaborate cluster lipids for boron neutron capture therapy (2007)
- Mixing behaviour of a symmetrical single-chain bolaamphiphile with phospholipids (2007)
- Structure of mixed micelles formed in PEG-lipid/lipid dispersions (2007)
- Effect of lipid headgroup composition on the interaction between melittin and lipid bilayers (2007)
- Unilamellar vesicles obtained by simply mixing dioctadecyldimethylammonium chloride and bromide with water. (2006)
- Cryo-TEM investigation of phase behaviour and aggregate structure in dilute (2006)
- A novel I-125-labeled daunorubicin derivative for radionuclide-based cancer therapy (2006)
- Effects of phospholipid hydrolysis on the aggregate structure in DPPC/DSPE-PEG2000 liposome preparations after gel to liquid crystalline phase transition (2006)
- Effects of phospholipid hydrolysis on the aggregate structure in DPPC/DSPE-PEG2000 liposome preparations after gel to liquid crystalline phase transition. (2006)
- Physiochemical characterization of the Alzheimer's disease-related peptides A beta 1-42Arctic and A beta 1-42wt (2006)
- Physiochemical characterization of the Alzheimers disease related peptides Aβ1-42 Arctic and Aβ1-42wt (2006)
- Therapeutically optimized rates of drug release can be achieved by varying the drug-to-lipid ratio in liposomal vincristine formulations. (2006)
- Transition Metal-Mediated Liposomal Encapsulation of Irinotecan (CPT-11) Stabilizes the Drug in the Therapeutically Active Lactone Conformation (2006)
- Morphology of magnetically aligning DMPC/DHPC aggregates-perforated sheets, not disks. (2006)
- Formation of drug-arylsulfonate complexes inside liposomes (2006)
- Encapsulation of doxorubicin into thermosensitive liposomes via complexation with the transition metal manganese. (2005)
- Substantial increases in idarubicin plasma concentration by liposome encapsulation mediates improved antitumor activity. (2005)
- Development and initial evaluation of PEG-stabilized disks as novel model membranes (2005)
- Influence of the lipid composition on the membrane affinity, and the membrane-perturbing ability of cetylpyridinium chloride (2005)
- Effects of lipid segregation and lysolipid dissociation on drug release from thermosensitive liposomes (2005)
- Effects of lipid segregation and lysolipid dissociation on drug release from (2005)
- Optimization and characterization of a sphingomyelin/cholesterol liposome formulation of vinorelbine with promising antitumor activity. (2005)
- An evaluation of transmembrane ion gradient-mediated encapsulation of topotecan within liposomes (2004)
- Effects of poly(ethylene oxide)-poly(propylene oxide)-poly(ethylene oxide) triblock copolymers on structure and stability of liposomal dioleoylphosphatidylethanolamine (2004)
- pH gradient loading of anthracyclines into cholesterol-free liposomes (2004)
- Formation of Normal and Reverse Bilayer Structures by Self-Assembly of Nonionic Block Copolymers Bearing Lipid-Mimetic Units (2004)
- A New Double-Responsive Block Copolymer Synthesized via RAFT Polymerization: Poly(N-isopropylacrylamide)-block-poly(acrylic acid) (2004)
- Direct observation and characterization of DMPC/DHPC aggregates under conditions relevant for biological solution NMR (2004)
- Interactions between pH-sensitive liposomes and model membranes (2003)
- Interaction between pH-sensitive liposomes and model membranes (2003)
- Introductory experiments on ligand liposomes as delivery agents for boronneutron capture therapy (2003)
- Acid-Triggered Release from Sterically Stabilized Fusogenic Liposomes via a Hydrolytic DePEGylation Strategy (2003)
- Catanionic drug-surfactant mixtures (2003)
- Ligand liposomes and boron neutron capture therapy (2003)
- Disc formation in cholestorol-free liposomes during phase transition (2003)
- Disc formation in cholesterol-free liposomes during phase transition (2003)
- Liposomes, Disks, and Spherical Micelles: Aggregata Structure in Mixtures of Gel Phase Phosphatidylcholines and Poly(Ethylene Glycol)-Phospholipids (2003)
- Evidence of Surfactant-Induced Formation of Transient Pores in Lipid Bilayers by Using Magnetic-Fluid-Loaded Liposomes (2003)
- Steric Stabilization of Egg-Phosphatidylcholine Liposomes by Copolymeres Bearing Short Blocks of Lipid-Mimetic Units (2003)
- Combined Cryogenic Transmission Electron Microscopy and Electron Spin Resonance Studies of Egg Phosphatidylchloline Liposomes Loaded with a Carboranyl Compound Intended for Boron Neutron Capture Therapy (2003)
- Linkage identity is a major factor in determining the effect of PEG-ylated surfactants on permeability of phosphatidychloline liposomes (2003)
- Formation of transition metal-doxorubicin complexes inside liposomes (2002)
- Interaction of Octaethylene Glycol n-Dodecyl Monoether with Dioctadecyldimethylammonium Bromide and Chloride Vesicles (2002)
- Development of EGF-conjugated liposomes for targeted delivery of boronated DNA-binding agents (2002)
- Aggregate structure in dilute aqueous dispersions of phospholipids, fatty acids and lysophospholipids (2001)
- Phase behavior and aggregate structure in mixtures of dioleoylphosphatidylethanolamine and poly(ethylene glycol)-lipids (2001)
- Spherical micelles and other self-assembled structures in dilute aqueous mixtures of poly(ethylene glycol) lipids (2001)
- Adsorption of a PEO-PPO-PEO triblock copolymer on small unilamellar vesicles (2001)
- Chitosan as a nonviral gene delivery system. Structure-property relationships and characteristics compared with polyethylenimine in vitro and after lung administration in vivo (2001)
- Chitosan as a nonviral gene delivery system (2001)
- Aggregate structures in a dilute aqueous dispersion of a fluorinated/hydrogenated surfactant system. A cryo-transmission electron microscopy study (2001)
- Cryo transmission electron microscopy of liposomes and related structures (2000)
- Interactions between nonionic surfactants and sterically stabilized phophatidyl choline liposomes (2000)
- Liposomal surface potential and bilayer packing as affected by PEG-lipid inclusion (2000)
- Spontaneous vesicles formed in aqueous mixtures of two cationic amphiphiles (2000)
- Characterization of permeability and morphological perturbations induced by nisin on phosphatidylcholine membranes. (1999)
- Optimization of drug loading procedures and characterization of liposomal formulations of two novel agents intended for Boron Neutron Capture Therapy (BNCT) (1999)
- Effect of PEO-PPO-PEO Triblock Copolymers on Structure and Stability of Phosphatidylcholine Liposomes (1999)
- Incorporation of bacterial membrane proteins into liposomes (1999)
- Reconstituted phosphatidylserine synthase from Escherichia coli is activated by anionic phospholipids and micelle-forming amphiphiles. (1999)
- A multi-step lipid mixing assay to model structural changes in cationic lipoplexes used for in vitro transfection (1999)
- SDS micelles at high ionic strength. A light scattering, neutron scattering, fluorescence quenching, and CryoTEM investigation (1998)
- New sterically stabilized vesicles based on nonionic surfactant, cholesterol, and poly(ethylene glycol)-cholesterol conjugates. (1998)
- Effects of PEG-lipids on permeability of phosphatidylcholine/cholesterol liposomes in buffer and in human serum (1998)
- Morphological changes induced by phospholipase C and by sphingomyelinase on large unilamellar vesicles (1997)
- Effect of polyethyleneglycol-phospholipids on aggregate structure in preparations of small unilamellar liposomes (1997)
- Cryotransmission electron microscopy of thin vitrified samples. (1996)
- Solubilization of nonionic monoalkyl amphiphile-cholesterol vesicles by octyl glucoside: Cryo-transmission electron microscopy of the intermediate structures (1996)
- A Method to detect leakage of DNA intercalators through liposome membranes (1996)
- Vesicle solubilization by alkyl sulfate surfactants (1996)
- Effect of bilayer phase transitions on vesicle structure and its influence on the kinetics of viologen reduction. (1995)
- Aggregate Structure in Dilute Aqueous Dispersions of Oleic Acid/Sodium Oleate and Oleic Acid/Sodium Oleate/Egg Phosphatidylcholine (1995)
- Cryo-TEM Evidence (1995)
- EGF-targeting lipodisks for specific delivery of cationic amphiphilic peptides to tumour cells
- Effects caused by PEO-PPO-PEO triblock copolymers on structure and stability of liposomal DOPE dispersions.
- Initial evaluation of biotinylated bilayer disks as model membranes for biosensor analyses
- Linkage identity is a major factor determining the effect of PEGylated surfactants, on permeability in phosphatidylcholine liposomes.
- Immobilised-Liposome Capillary Electrophoresis - On-line Mass Spectrometry for Biopharmaceutical Drug Profiling
- Immobilized-lipoosme capillary electrophoresis-on-line mass psectrometry for biopharmaceutical drug profiling
- Radioiodination Of Small Stapled Peptides For p53 Therapy (2017)
- Intrinsic Heterogeneity in Liposome Suspensions Caused by the Dynamic Spontaneous Formation of Hydrophobic Active Sites in Lipid Membranes (2012)
- Immobilization of Lipid Bilayer Disks on QCM-D Sensors for the Study of Peptide-Lipid Interactions (2012)
- Cellular spheroids as a micrometastasis model in preclinical tests of boron neutron capture therapy (2001)
- Stabilised liposomes with double targeting intendent for use in BNCT (2001)
- SLT-particles for two-step targeting in boron neutron capture therapy (2001)