Erik Sjöqvist
Professor i kvantinformationsteori vid Institutionen för fysik och astronomi; Materialteori
- Mobiltelefon:
- 073-024 58 22
- E-post:
- Besöksadress:
- Lägerhyddsvägen 5
75237 Uppsala - Postadress:
- Box 516
751 20 UPPSALA
Professor i kvantinformationsteori vid Institutionen för fysik och astronomi; Materialteori; Kvantmateriens teori
- Mobiltelefon:
- 073-024 58 22
- E-post:
- Besöksadress:
- Lägerhyddsvägen 5
75237 Uppsala - Postadress:
- Box 516
751 20 UPPSALA
- Akademiska meriter:
- FD
Mer information visas för dig som medarbetare om du loggar in.
- geometric phase
- quantum information
- quantum mechanics
Erik Sjöqvist är sedan 2005 professor i kvantinformationsteori vid Uppsala universitet. Han tog sin doktorsexamen vid Uppsala universitet 1995 och har varit post-doc vid University of Durham (UK), Oxford University (UK) och Atomic Institute (Vienna) 1996-1999. Han har varit forskarassistent 2000-2004 och erhöll sin docentur 2001. Han har varit gästprofessor vid Centre for Quantum Technologies at NUS, Singapore 2010-2013.
Geometri och topologi i kvantmekanik.
E. Sjöqvist et al., Geometric phase for mixed states in interferometry, Phys. Rev. Lett. 85, 2845 (2000).
N. Johansson and E. Sjöqvist, Optimal topological test for degeneracies of real Hamiltonians, Phys. Rev. Lett. 92, 060406 (2004).
E. Sjöqvist et al., Non-adiabatic holonomic quantum computation, New J. Phys. 14, 103035 (2012).
M. Johansson et al., Topological phases and multiqubit entanglement, Phys. Rev. A 85, 032112 (2012),
E. Sjöqvist, Geometry along evolution of mixed quantum states, Phys. Rev. Research 2, 013344 (2020).
Publikationer på arXiv:
Senaste publikationer
- Quantum spin systems (2024)
- Coupled spin-lattice dynamics from the tight-binding electronic structure (2024)
- Chemical disorder effects on Gilbert damping of FeCo alloys (2024)
- Coupled atomistic spin-lattice simulations of ultrafast demagnetization in 3d ferromagnets (2024)
- iSWAP-type geometric gates induced by paths on the Schmidt sphere (2024)
Alla publikationer
- Quantum spin systems (2024)
- Coupled spin-lattice dynamics from the tight-binding electronic structure (2024)
- Chemical disorder effects on Gilbert damping of FeCo alloys (2024)
- Coupled atomistic spin-lattice simulations of ultrafast demagnetization in 3d ferromagnets (2024)
- iSWAP-type geometric gates induced by paths on the Schmidt sphere (2024)
- Transmon probe for quantum characteristics of magnons in antiferromagnets (2023)
- Genuinely noncyclic geometric gates in two-pulse schemes (2023)
- Tunable phonon-driven magnon-magnon entanglement at room temperature (2023)
- Influence of nonlocal damping on magnon properties of ferromagnets (2023)
- Metaheuristic conditional neural network for harvesting skyrmionic metastable states (2023)
- Genetic-tunneling driven energy optimizer for spin systems (2023)
- Geometric and holonomic quantum computation (2023)
- Time-optimal holonomic quantum computation (2022)
- Dark path holonomic qudit computation (2022)
- Entanglement duality in spin-spin interactions (2022)
- Transitionless quantum driving in spin echo (2022)
- Toward a measurement of the effective gauge field and the Born-Huang potential with atoms in chip traps (2022)
- Universal quantum computation and quantum error correction using discrete holonomies (2022)
- Heat-conserving three-temperature model for ultrafast demagnetization in nickel (2022)
- Adiabatic spin dynamics and effective exchange interactions from constrained tight-binding electronic structure theory (2022)
- Magnon-magnon entanglement and its quantification via a microwave cavity (2021)
- Heisenberg and anisotropic exchange interactions in magnetic materials with correlated electronic structure and significant spin-orbit coupling (2021)
- High-order finite difference method for the Schrödinger equation on deforming domains (2021)
- Majority gate for two-dimensional ferromagnets lacking inversion symmetry (2021)
- Connection between magnetic interactions and the spin-wave gap of the insulating phase of NaOsO3 (2021)
- Exchange constants for local spin Hamiltonians from tight-binding models (2021)
- Realizing nonadiabatic holonomic quantum computation beyond the three-level setting (2021)
- Hierarchy of magnon mode entanglement in antiferromagnets (2020)
- Monopole Field Textures in Interacting Spin Systems (2020)
- Geometry along Evolution of Mixed Quantum States (2020)
- Parallelity of mixed quantum ensembles (2020)
- Geometric phase of very slow neutrons (2020)
- Equation of motion and the constraining field in ab initio spin dynamics (2020)
- Environment-assisted holonomic quantum maps (2019)
- Entangling power of holonomic gates in atom-based systems (2018)
- Path-shortening realizations of nonadiabatic holonomic gates (2018)
- The role of quantum coherence in dimer and trimer excitation energy transfer (2017)
- Proposed neutron interferometry test of Berry's phase for a circulating planar spin (2017)
- Robust paths to realize nonadiabatic holonomic gates (2017)
- Composite nonadiabatic holonomic quantum computation (2017)
- Rydberg-atom-based scheme of nonadiabatic geometric quantum computation (2017)
- Single-shot realization of nonadiabatic holonomic quantum gates in decoherence-free subspaces (2017)
- Geometric phases for mixed states of the Kitaev chain (2016)
- Spin-electric Berry phase shift in triangular molecular magnets (2016)
- Quantum nonlocality in the excitation energy transfer in the Fenna-Matthews-Olson complex (2016)
- Single-loop multiple-pulse nonadiabatic holonomic quantum gates (2016)
- Nonadiabatic holonomic single-qubit gates in off-resonant Λ systems (2016)
- Conceptual aspects of geometric quantum computation (2016)
- Realization of a holonomic quantum computer in a chain of three-level systems (2015)
- Geometric phases in quantum information (2015)
- Realization of adiabatic Aharonov–Bohm scattering with neutrons (2015)
- Fast non-Abelian geometric gates via transitionless quantum driving (2015)
- Universal Non-adiabatic Holonomic Gates in Quantum Dots and Single-Molecule Magnets (2014)
- Non-Abelian geometric phases in a system of coupled quantum bits (2014)
- Classification scheme of pure multipartite states based on topological phases (2014)
- Quantum computation in noiseless subsystems with fast non-Abelian holonomies (2014)
- Non-Abelian off-diagonal geometric phases in nano-engineered four-qubit systems (2013)
- Unifying Geometric Entanglement and Geometric Phase in a Quantum Phase Transition (2013)
- Comment on `Detecting non-Abelian geometric phases with three-level Λ systems' (2013)
- Three-qubit topological phase on entangled photon pairs (2013)
- Validity of the rotating-wave approximation in nonadiabatic holonomic quantum computation (2013)
- Topological phases and multiqubit entanglement (2012)
- Robustness of nonadiabatic holonomic gates (2012)
- Relative state measures of correlations in bipartite quantum systems (2012)
- Non-Adiabatic Holonomic Quantum Computation (2012)
- Non-adiabatic holonomic quantum computation in decoherence-free subspaces (2012)
- Non-Abelian quantum holonomy of hydrogen-like atoms (2011)
- Correlation-induced non-Abelian quantum holonomies (2011)
- Open system effects on slow light and electromagnetically induced transparency (2011)
- Global asymmetry of many-qubit correlations (2011)
- Geometric local invariants and pure three-qubit states (2011)
- Spin-orbit-coupled Bose-Einstein condensate in a tilted optical lattice (2010)
- Hidden parameters in open-system evolution unveiled by geometric phase (2010)
- Entanglement-induced geometric phase of quantum states (2010)
- Berry phase and fidelity susceptibility of the three-qubit Lipkin–Meshkov–Glick ground state (2010)
- Jahn-Teller-induced Berry phase in spin-orbit-coupled Bose-Einstein condensates (2009)
- Experimentally testable geometric phase of sequences of Everett's relative quantum states (2009)
- Nodal free geometric phases (2008)
- Holonomy for quantum channels (2008)
- A new phase in quantum computation (2008)
- Non-Abelian generalization of off-diagonal geometric phases (2007)
- Operational approach to the Uhlmann holonomy (2007)
- Noncyclic geometric changes of quantum states (2006)
- Geometric phase in weak measurements (2006)
- Manifestations of quantum holonomy in interferometry (2006)
- Weak cloning of an unknown quantum state (2006)
- Off-diagonal quantum holonomy along density operators (2005)
- Searching for degeneracies of real Hamiltonians using homotopy classification of loops in SO(n) (2005)
- Mixed-state non-Abelian holonomy for subsystems (2005)
- Adiabatic geometric phases in hydrogenlike atoms (2005)
- Adiabatic approximation for weakly open systems (2005)
- Kinematic approach to off-diagonal geometric phases of nondegenerate and degenerate mixed states (2005)
- Quantum adiabatic search with decoherence in the instantaneous energy eigenbasis (2005)
- Robustness of the adiabatic quantum search (2005)
- Optimal topological test for degeneracies of real Hamiltonians (2004)
- Geometry of decomposition dependent evolutions of mixed states (2004)
- Quantal interferometry with dissipative internal motion (2004)
- Comment on `Geometric phases for mixed states during cyclic evolutions' (2004)
- On the alleged nonlocal and topological nature of the molecular Aharonov-Bohm effect (2004)
- Kinematic approach to mixed state geometric phase in nonunitary evolution (2004)
- Effect of intersubsystem coupling on the geometric phase in a bipartite system (2004)
- Mixed state geometric phases, entangled systems, and local unitary transformations (2003)
- Generalization of the geometric phase to completely positive maps (2003)
- Off-diagonal geometric phases for mixed states (2003)
- Off-diagonal generalization of the mixed-state geometric phase (2003)
- Noncyclic geometric quantum computation (2003)
- Precession and interference in the Aharonov-Casher and scalar Aharonov-Bohm effect (2003)
- Noncyclic mixed state phase in SU(2) polarimetry (2003)
- Measuring Pancharatnam's relative phase for SO(3) evolutions using spin polarimetry (2003)
- Reply to Comment on `Locality and topology in the molecular Aharonov-Bohm effect' (2003)
- Uhlmann's geometric phase in presence of isotropic decoherence (2003)
- Relation between geometric phases of entangled bi-partitesystems and their subsystems (2003)
- Reply to Comment on `Geometric phases for mixed states in interferometry' (2002)
- Towards a quantum Hall effect for atoms using electric fields (2002)
- Quantum computation using the Aharonov-Casher set up (2002)
- Comment on `Complementarity between Local and Nonlocal Topological Effects' (2002)
- Locality and topology in the molecular Aharonov-Bohm effect (2002)
- Quantal phase in split-beam interferometry (2001)
- Proposed interferometry test of noncyclic geometric phase (2001)
- Quantal phase for nonmaximally entangled photons (2000)
- Geometric phase for entangled spin pairs (2000)
- Degree of electron-nuclear entanglement in molecular states (2000)
- Anandan–Aharonov–Casher oscillations in a simply connected region (2000)
- Geometric phases for mixed states in interferometry (2000)
- Remarks on identical particles in de Broglie-Bohm theory (1999)
- Quantal trajectories for adiabatic and nonadiabatic regimes of vibronic systems (1999)
- Mobile flux line in an Aharonov-Bohm system (1999)
- Extending the quantal adiabatic theorem (1998)
- Analysis of electron transport in a two-dimensional structure using quantal trajectories (1998)
- Berry's phase in pilot-wave theory (1998)
- A quantum mechanical angle anholonomy (1997)
- Galilean noninvariance of geometric phase (1997)
- Geometric phase, quantum measurements, and the de Broglie-Bohm model (1997)
- Noncyclic geometric phase, coherent states, and the time-dependent variational principle (1997)
- Fractional statistics in Bohm's theory (1995)
- The molecular Aharonov-Bohm effect for bound states beyond the adiabatic approximation (1994)
- On geometric phases for quantum trajectories (2006)
- Off-diagonal mixed state phases in unitary evolution (2003)
- Pancharatnam revisited (2002)
- Degree of electron-nuclear entanglement in the E x e Jahn-Teller system (1999)
- Geometric phase-shifts in pilot-wave theory (1995)