Aktuella forskningsområden inom lingvistik
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Litteraturlista, Grundnivå, 5LN142
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Huvudgrupp 1
Vetenskapliga artiklar
- Comrie, Bernard, Language universals and linguistic typology, Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1981 (Säljs på Institutionen eller införskaffas på annat sätt)
- Mairal Usón, Ricardo; Gil, Juana, Linguistic Universals, Cambridge University Press, 2006
- Scalise, Sergio; Magni, Elisabetta; Bisetto, Antonietta, Universals of language today, Dordrecht, Springer, 2009
- Wohlgemuth, Jan; Cysouw, Michael, Rethinking universals: how rarities affect linguistic theory, Berlin, De Gruyter, 2010
Vetenskapliga artiklar
- Bickel, Balthasar, Typology in the 21st century: Major current developments, Linguistic Typology 11 (1).239-251, *, 2007
- Dryer, Matthew S, Why statistical universals are better than absolute universals. Papers from the 33rd Regional Meeting of the Chicago Linguistic Society 23. 123-145, *, 1998
- Goddard, Cliff, Lexico-semantic universals: A critical overview. Linguistic Typology 5.1-65., *, 2001
- Greenberg, Joseph H., Some universals of grammar with particular reference to the order of meaningful elements. In Joseph H. Greenberg (ed.), Universals of language, 58-90, Cambridge, MS: MIT Press, 1963
- Morris, Halle, Is Kabardian a vowel-less language? Foundations of language 6(1), 95-103, Institutionen för lingvistik och filologi, 1970