Fundamental research in ion-solid interaction
At the Tandem Laboratory, we constantly strive to refine and further develop the experimental methods we use, and to find new ways how ion beams can benefit research and industry. For accurate, quantitative materials analysis as well as targeted materials modifications, the underlying physical interactions between ions and matter need to be understood precisely. Therefore, we are also conducting research on these fundamental ion-solid interactions.
One of the key parameters for many ion beam based techniques is the energy transfer of the ion to the material. We study among others the stopping power (= mean ion energy loss per travelled path length) for different ions and materials of interest, and we are regular contributors to the stopping power database of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA). In this area, we have a specific focus on electronic excitations in the low and medium-energy regime (few keV to few hundred keV), which is historically less studied and where interactions are much more complex.
Other research topics include interatomic potential at low energies as well as the influence of the ion charge state on energy deposition at different primary energies.
Selected publications
Part of Nuclear Materials and Energy, 2023
- DOI for Experimental electronic stopping cross-section of tungsten bulk and sputter-deposited thin films for slow protons, deuterons and helium ions
- Download full text (pdf) of Experimental electronic stopping cross-section of tungsten bulk and sputter-deposited thin films for slow protons, deuterons and helium ions
Energy deposition by H and He ions at keV energies in self-supporting, single crystalline SiC foils
Part of Radiation Physics and Chemistry, 2022
Energy deposition by nonequilibrium charge states of MeV 127I in Au
Part of Physical Review A. Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics, 2021
Disparate Energy Scaling of Trajectory-Dependent Electronic Excitations for Slow Protons and He Ions
Part of Physical Review Letters, 2020
On the influence of uncertainties in scattering potentials on quantitative analysis using keV ions
Part of Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B, p. 21-27, 2020
Electronic energy-loss mechanisms for H, He, and Ne in TiN
Part of Physical Review A: covering atomic, molecular, and optical physics and quantum information, 2017
- For general questions about the laboratory, please email: