Polish National Centre

Aleksandra Ziemińska-Stolarska

Anna Klepacz-Smółka

Dorota Michalak

Krzysztof Ciesielski
The BUP Polish National Centre is located at Lodz University of Technology (TUL) in Łódź, Poland. The university was established in 1945 and is currently among the largest Polish universities. TUL has 9 faculties with 70 institutes and departments and employs over 1500 academics. In addition, there are many extra organisational units on the campus. They include venues for inter-departmental education, sports and recreation, entertainment and a variety of organisations enriching student life.
The university's research areas concern mostly applications of new technologies and materials, especially in chemical engineering, biotechnology, materials engineering, electronics and telecommunication, computer science, textile design, technologies and nanotechnologies applied in technique, medicine, environmental protection and improvement of food safety and quality. TUL is the only technical university in Poland that has been awarded the ECTS Label and DL Label Certificate by the European Commission.
The university also hosts one of three BUP Associated Secretariats. The centre is under leadership of Centre Director Aleksandra Ziemińska-Stolarska.
The National Centre team:
- Dr. Aleksandra Ziemińska-Stolarska, Centre Director
- Dr. Anna Klepacz-Smółka, Deputy Centre Director
- MSc. Dorota Michalak, administration and communication staff
- Dr. Krzysztof Ciesielski, administration and communication staff
If you wish to reach all of the colleagues at the National Centre you can send an email to baltlodz@info.p.lodz.pl.
Lodz University of Technology
Faculty of Process and Environmental Engineering
ul. Wolczanska 213
PL-93-005 Lodz