35.2.7 Molecular Evolution
Part of Department of Cell and Molecular Biology
- Phone:
- +46 18 471 45 65
- Fax:
- +46 18 53 03 96
- Visiting address:
- Husargatan 3
752 37 UPPSALA - Postal address:
- Box 596
751 24 UPPSALA - Web page:
- https://www.icm.uu.se
- Andersson, Jan
- Senior Lecturer/Associate Professor
- +46 70 167 95 98
- jan.andersson@icm.uu.se
- Andreakou, Stavroula
- Master's Student
- Ankarklev, Johan
- Visiting researcher
- johan.ankarklev@icm.uu.se
- Dyrhage, Karl
- Postdoctoral position
- karl.dyrhage@icm.uu.se
- Ekström, Linnéa
- PhD student
- linnea.ekstrom@icm.uu.se
- Ettema, Thijs
- Senior Lecturer/Associate Professor
- +46 18 471 45 21
- thijs.ettema@icm.uu.se
- Hagström, Erik
- Researcher
- erik.hagstrom@icm.uu.se
- Iyer, Mahesh Shrinivasan
- Postdoctoral position
- maheshs.iyer@icm.uu.se
- James, Jennifer
- Associate senior lecturer/Assistant Professor
- jennifer.james@icm.uu.se
- Johansson, Anna
- Bioinformatician
- +46 18 471 42 26
- anna.johansson@icm.uu.se
- Kierczak, Marcin
- Bioinformatician
- marcin.kierczak@icm.uu.se
- Klasson, Lisa
- Senior Lecturer/Associate Professor
- +46 18 471 64 03
- lisa.klasson@icm.uu.se
- Larsson, Tomas
- Bioinformatician
- tomas.larsson@icm.uu.se
- Martin, Tom
- Research Assistant
- tom.martin@icm.uu.se
- Mayrhofer, Markus
- Bioinformatician
- +46 70 999 71 13
- markus.mayrhofer@icm.uu.se
- Mota Merlo, Marina
- PhD student
- marina.motamerlo@icm.uu.se
- Nunez, Pedro
- Master's Student
- Nystedt, Björn
- Head of Division
- +46 18 471 44 13
- bjorn.nystedt@icm.uu.se
- Näslund, Kristina
- Research Engineer
- kristina.naslund@icm.uu.se
- Pedersen, Julia
- Researcher
- julia.pedersen@icm.uu.se
- Phani Rama Krishna, Behra
- Postdoctoral position
- prk.behra@icm.uu.se
- Reimegård, Johan
- Bioinformatician
- +46 18 471 45 26
- johan.reimegard@icm.uu.se
- Sennblad, Bengt
- Bioinformatician
- bengt.sennblad@icm.uu.se
- Söderberg, Jonas
- Bioinformatician
- +46 70 422 26 79
- jonas.soderberg@icm.uu.se
- Unneberg, Per
- Bioinformatician
- per.unneberg@icm.uu.se