Microfluidic chambers for the growth of CNS axons using PDMS/glass chips
The chip design, showed below, has been extensively used for neuroscience applications. The two compartmentalized chambers connected by an array of long and shallow channels allow to study for instance, axonal guidance, synapse formation, or axonal transport. 2D and 3D mono or co-cultures can be performed in the two respective chambers.
Below we show the design stage (top left picture), and subsequent bonded PDMS chip to glass (top right). Fluorescence microscopy (bottom picture) shows the array of microchannels (280um long, 10um wide and 4um tall). The design and fabrication was performed by Customized Microfluidics. The chip was manufactured using standard soft lithography.

From design stage (top left picture), to bonded PDMS chip to glass (top right). Fluorescencemicroscopy shows (bottom picture) the array of microchannels (280um long, 10um wide and4um tall).Comment: design and fabrication made by the Customized Microfluidics facility. The chipwas manufactured using standard soft lithography.
Suggested reading (note: the microfluidic devices used in this publication were not designed nor fabricated by Customized Microfluidics):