Eligibility, application and selection
National requirement regarding full funding
Only people for whom study funding can be guaranteed for the entire period of study (full- or part-time studies corresponding to 4 years of full-time studies) may be admitted to the PhD-program. Usually studies at the Department of Psychology are financed via a doctoral student position (for a unique exception, see Externally employed doctoral student). Doctoral student positions can become available at any time during the year. All doctoral student positions are advertised on the Jobs and vacancies page at Uppsala University. For information on eligibility and selection procedure, see General syllabus.
General and specific entry requirement
Entitled to be admitted to the PhD-program is anyone who meets the conditions for both the general and the specific entry requirements. Eligibility also requires that the applicant is considered to have the capabilities needed to complete the education. (cf. SFS 2006:1053, HF ch. 7 § 35).
The general entry requirements are met by those who have completed a degree at advanced level, completed course requirements of at least 240 credits, of which at least 60 h credits at advanced level. The general entry requirements are also met by those who have acquired essentially equivalent knowledge in some other way within or outside of Sweden. The Faculty Board may, for an individual applicant, grant exemptions from the general requirements if there are special reasons. (cf. SFS 2006:1053, HF ch. 7 § 39).
The specific entry requirements are met by those who have completed psychology courses of 90 credits. The special entry requirements are also meet by those who have acquired essentially equivalent knowledge in some other way within or outside of Sweden.
Application and selection
The documents to be included in an application for doctoral student positions are specified in our vacancies, which are posted on the university's jobs and vancies page. Externally employed doctoral students contact the Director of Studies for the PhD-program Håkan Nilsson for more information. Selection among applicants is made on the basis of predicted ability to benefit from the doctoral program.
For additional information, contact the director of studies for the PhD-program, Håkan Nilsson.