The ALF is an agreement on medical education and research between the government and seven regions. The agreement commits the parties to jointly promote the development of healthcare and collaborate in clinical research and medical education.
About ALF
Among other things, the ALF agreement addresses the so-called ALF compensation, which is the reimbursement the regions receive for training physicians and conducting clinically oriented medical research. According to the agreement, clinically oriented medical research is based on access to healthcare resources and should emphasise patient-oriented research.
In these videos, we explain what the ALF agreement is, how the ALF region Uppsala is organised and how ALF funds are decided and distributed in Uppsala.
ALF video 1
ALF video 2
National and regional agreement
The ALF agreement is a national agreement between the Swedish government and seven regions. It is complemented by regional agreements, in our case between Region Uppsala and Uppsala University.
Collaboration on three levels
The agreement also allows collaboration on other available financial resources. This occurs in joint committees at three levels:
- University Medical Board
- University Medical Board Executive Committee
- University healthcare units and the RD&T groups
Other documents
University healthcare plan
University healthcare plan 2025 Pdf, 508 kB.
Reimbursement for tuition
Principles for reimbursent for tuition (in Swedish) Pdf, 674 kB.