From school strike to trust
In the 19th century it was not unusual for parents to strike by keeping their children home from school. As the welfare society evolved, the picture changed. Sara Backman Prytz is studying the changing relationship between parents and school in the course of history.

Plans for research on early interventions by social services
Which methods can succeed in catching children and adolescents at risk at an early stage? A new, interdisciplinary research programme at Uppsala University is trying to find out.

The teacher who thought twice to create a better school
Routines, structure, predictability and security are the basis of a good classroom environment where pupils thrive and develop, according to Martin Karlberg. He is now launching a research project in which 100 schools will test two variants of a method known as the IBIS programme.

Following 1,000 infants to their teens
We will soon know more about children’s early development thanks to a unique project at Uppsala Child and Baby Lab. “This could be a great step forward,” says Pär Nyström, one of the researchers in the project.
Can we prevent gang crime?
Gang crime has become a massive and complex problem in Sweden. Though there are no simple solutions, there is one thing we can do, according to researcher Anna Sarkadi: invest in key interventions early in the child’s life.
Measures for depressed mums help children
Many of a child’s cognitive abilities are affected by the mother’s well- or ill-being, regardless of whether the family are refugees in Syria or living in safety and security in Sweden, according to studies from Uppsala University.

“They yell and I yell back”
Young children are able to talk in detail about their feelings and how things are at home. They are also good at reading their parents and their emotions by describing their behaviours, facial expressions and tone of voice. This has been shown in a new study by Uppsala University.

Active use of native language strengthens bilingualism
Speaking Arabic at home and reading books and stories to children in Arabic helps develop both that native language and Swedish. This is shown in a new thesis from Uppsala University.

How autism presents in small children
300 babies have visited Uppsala Child and Baby Lab to take part in experiments led by Terje Falck-Ytter. After 12 years of studies, he has succeeded in identifying several early signs of autism in children.

Death and grief in Swedish children’s books
Death is blue, or a flying animal. This is how death is most commonly illustrated in Swedish children’s literature, according to a new study from Uppsala University based on analyses of 62 books...

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