Salary setting
These guidelines set out the basis for and application of Uppsala University's salary policy. The salary policy forms part of Uppsala University's continuous efforts to strengthen the University's position as an attractive employer.
The basis for Uppsala University's salary policy is the government's salary policy, which includes individual salary setting as an instrument of control and where salary-setting discussions are a basic model in an increasing number of authorities. The ambition is for Uppsala University's salary policy to live up to the requirements that exist for the state sector and at the same time allow methods and approaches adapted to operations so that the salary policy promotes operations in the best possible way.
For the guidelines in their entirety, see the link in the right-hand column.
Starting points
Salary formation at Uppsala University shall be based on the needs, objectives and results of the operations, financial conditions, skills supply needs and salary agreements.
Uppsala University shall offer market-based salaries without deviating from the principle that the state sector should not be a salary leader in the Swedish labor market.
Salaries shall be individual, differentiated and objectively justified. Responsibility, the degree of difficulty of the work tasks and other requirements associated with the work tasks, as well as the employee's skills and results in relation to the business objectives, shall be the basis for setting salaries.
Inappropriate salary setting related to the grounds for discrimination according to law must not occur.
Salary setting must be used as a steering tool to create a clear link between objectives, performance and salary. Through dialog, both managers and employees must be able to contribute to clarifying this relationship.
Salary policy objectives
- That Uppsala University's salary policy is clear and known to each employee.
- That the salary setting process is clear and known to each employee.
- Each employee knows what is expected and assessed in his or her work.
- That the salary criteria are objective and supported by both managers and employees.
- That individual salary setting leads to appropriate salary differentiation between employees with similar tasks by rewarding good individual performance and results.
- That there are operational dialogues that give managers and employees the opportunity to communicate the connection between responsibility, tasks, skills, results and salary.
- That responsible managers apply the university's salary agreement and take into account and take responsibility for salary setting within the university as a whole.
Responsibility for salary policy
- The Vice-Chancellor has overall responsibility for salary formation at Uppsala University.
- The Vice-Rectors are responsible for the salary structure of each discipline.
- The University Director is responsible for the salary structure of the University administration.
- The Chief Librarian is responsible for the salary structure of the University Library.
- The head of Uppsala University Innovation (UUI), the head of the National Center for Women's Peace (NCK) and the head of the Swedish Collegium for Advanced Study (SCAS) are responsible for the salary structure of their respective organizations.
- All managers are responsible for ensuring that the salary policy is put into practice and made known to employees.
Factors influencing salaries
Below is a description of the factual, salary influencing factors on which the individual and differentiated salary setting is based.
Work tasks
The content and difficulty of the work, such as responsibility, complexity and degree of autonomy, as well as the skills required of the employee, are the main factors influencing pay.
Job performance
Job performance and the employee's skills are assessed on the basis of performance in relation to the objectives of the activity. In salary reviews, the responsible manager makes assessments based on the university's salary criteria. In the case of new recruitment, it is the expected work performance that is evaluated.
The market
The competitive situation in the labor market regarding a particular occupational group and/or specialist competence can affect salary setting as well as the external salary level for comparable positions in the labor market.
The geographical market may also influence salary setting.
Strategic considerations
Strategic considerations can have an impact on pay. For example, competencies that are critical to the performance of the business may result in higher pay.
Other objective factors
Other factual factors are related to positions such as, for example, that employees who have had a salary supplement due to a special assignment can receive a salary adjustment after completing the assignment. New salary received in connection with promotion or new skills is another position.
The importance of dialog
A prerequisite for a well-functioning individual salary setting is a regular dialog about goals and work results between manager and employee. In order to run an effective business, the dialog is thus extremely important as it is part of business development and business management.
salary setting sessions
Agreement on a new salary is made when a new employee is hired and during a salary review, but may also be made on other occasions if the employer considers there are reasons for it.
In all salary setting, the starting points and the factors affecting salary must be applied.
New employment
In the case of new recruitment, salary setting is based on the degree of difficulty of the work, responsibilities and requirements as well as the individual's experience, which gives an idea of the expected work results. Account is also taken of the market and the University's salary structure.
Salary review
In a salary review, salaries are set in accordance with local collective agreements on salary negotiations. Central framework agreements in the state contract area form the basis for the University's local agreements. The University's salary criteria are used to assess the individual's performance and results.
On occasions other than salary review
The occasions when a new salary may be required between pay reviews are specified below.
Change of work or duties
In the event of a change of job or duties, the salary shall be reviewed and the employee shall be paid according to the new job content. The salary will only be adjusted if the tasks are changed to be significantly more qualified than before. Circumstances considered as substantial changes may include increased responsibility for human resources, budget and/or operations.
Employees who start a job that is lower than their previous job in terms of salary may keep their higher salary. If the current salary level is considered to be well established in relation to employees in the same category, the salary adjustment and future salary progression may be omitted or limited.
On promotion
When a senior lecturer employee is promoted to professor, the salary shall be increased.
When an employed assistant professor is promoted to associate professor, the salary shall be increased.
In case of new competence
When a staff member has been assessed for competence and received a new title of doctor or been accepted as an excellent teacher or associate professor, the salary shall be increased.
Return to work after leave
An employee on leave should normally be subject to a salary review, unless there are specific reasons for not doing so. In that case, the question of a salary review shall be raised in connection with the return to work. Factors such as the length of the leave and the timing of the return to work are taken into account when deciding between a new salary in the case of a salary review and/or a salary review on return to work.
Special reasons
If an employee has a skill shortage or has a key skill that the University risks losing to other activities outside the University, the salary may be adjusted.
Salary supplements
In some cases, salary supplements can be obtained for a certain period of time and for certain assignments, responsibilities and/or tasks that are outside an employee's regular work.
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