Salary revision 2024

An agreement on new salaries has been reached between the employer and each employee organisation. (For information on doctoral student salaries, see further down on this page.)

New salaries will be paid with the regular salaries payment, on 23 December 2024. The new salaries are effective from 1 October 2024 (salary revision date). It will therefore be a retroactive payment.

The agreements between the employer and the employee organizations were signed November 29, 2024.

For those who were/are absent with compensation from the Social Insurance Agency

Försäkringskassan does not pay out retroactive compensation, but the university and the employee organizations have agreed on retroactive compensation, in the form of a salary supplement for the days you were absent due to illness after day 15 or took out parental allowance, after October 1, 2024, when the new salary will start to apply .

Parental leave

The retroactive calculation of this supplement for parental leave takes place on two occasions, the first in the month after the retroactive monthly salary is paid and the second in connection with the salary run in September.

In order to receive the retroactive supplement, you must have submitted your payment notices from the Social Insurance Agency for the period 10/01/2024—11/30/2024 to the Salary Unit no later than September 5, 2025. After that, no retroactive supplements will be given for the period. From December 1, 2024 the correct salary is entered into the system and no retroactive calculation is needed.

If you have already submitted the payment notices, you do not need to submit them again.

Sick leave

In the case of sickness absence, the retroactive calculation takes place automatically, based on the sickness certificates you have submitted. You do not need to do anything more to receive the retroactive compensation for sick leave.

Salaries for doctoral students - salary revision 2024

The negotiations on the salaries for doctoral students has been completed. The agreements between the employer and the employee organizations were signed September 19, 2024.

New doctoral student salaries are effective from October 1, 2024.

Assessment areas and salary criteria

For all employees, there are assessment areas that have been decided by the university direction which should be the basis for the assessment of work performance. Within each assessment area there are suggested salary criteria that could be used at each department/division, see link in the right column.

Salary dialogue

Prior to the salary revision, each employee shall be offered a salary dialogue where an assessment of the performance in question is made.


Payment of new salary

New salaries will be paid in December 2024.


HR generalist at your institution/equivalent

