Salary dialogue
In advance of salary revisions, each employee must be given the opportunity to have a salary dialogue in order to clarify the connection between the employee’s work output and salary development.
Your salary dialogue is an evaluative conversation between you and your superior. The focus must lie on the work you have accomplished and the attitude you have demonstrated. Salaries must be individually and fairly justified and always be gender neutral. The head of department or eller the equivalent is responsible for the salary structure of the respective department/division.
During your salary dialogue your superior should:
- Explain on what grounds salaries are determined.
- Provide you with feedback regarding your work.
- Explain the connection between goals — work output — salary.
What affects your salary?
- The extent of your responsibilities.
- The degree of difficulty of your work.
- Your competence in relation to your work.
- Your performance in relation to operational goals.
- Other unique demands associated with your duties.
The following factors may justify differences in salary
- Competition for labour in the job market.
- Supply and demand for competent labour.
- The salary structure of the job market in general.
Remember: It is not the salary dialogue that affects your salary. You affect your salary through your performance between salary dialogues.
Doctoral students/equivalent
- There is a regulated salary ladder (lönestege) that is renegotiated every year.
- A set salary increment may exist in certain operational areas that are exposed to market competition. This is not linked to individual performance.