IT Rules and Routines
Effective and secure use of information technology requires clear guidelines and support for all parties. Uppsala University has a number of IT routines and rules that must be followed. Guidelines established by the Vice-Chancellor or the University Director are listed here but can also be found in the set of goals and regulations.
Information about the "IT Charge" and what services are included
Read about the regulations governing IT at Uppsala University
Engage with the necessary environmental aspects involved in IT procurement
Information regarding disposing, reusing and returning IT Equipment
IT Incidents and Data Breaches
IT incidents that may seriously affect the security of the information management activities for which the authority is responsible, or of the services that the authority provides to another organisation, must be reported.
Information and routines for reporting IT incidents and data breaches
IT lexicon
If there are words or abbreviations on the support web that you do not understand, or you want to know more about, this IT lexicon might help you. We have listed a number of terms used on the support pages, which may be useful to know.