Examination halls
The exam coordination handles all exams that are given in the common examination halls. We can have both e-exams and paper exams in the halls. The examination halls are located at five different addresses and have a total of 1,250 regular exam places.
At Uppsala University, approx. 6,000 exams are held annually with approx. 160,000 submitted exams. The business runs about 300 days a year.
You have to order all exam places in the booking system (link below) in accordance with the following:
Deadline for exam bookings
Exams for: | Last ordering |
Vt-24 | 25 October 2023 |
August-24 | 28 Februari 2024 |
Ht-24 | 25 April 2024 |
Important to consider when ordering an exam place
The order states the desired date for the exam, exam format, desired number of writing hours and expected number of students. When ordering, all exam opportunities are assigned a prefix and this must be used when the institute creates the activity opportunity in Ladok. NOTE: this also applies to the home exam.
The institution must attach the mandatory information form to each examination. This also applies to exams at the special exam centre. You can find the current version of the form in the link list above. ATTENTION! Do not use previous versions.
In the case of ordered exam transport - No later than 12:00 the day before the exam, the exam, including the mandatory exam information sheet, needs to be packaged/addressed to the correct exam location and left at the selected exam depot (Service Center).
Students who are to take part in an exam but are not in Ladok must be re-registered in Ladok by the department!
The exam booking system
Order a place for an exam in a hall or a home exam in Inspera
Information about Inspera
Read about the university's e-examination system
Adapted exam
For those students who have adapted the exam (e.g. extended writing time, sitting alone or typing on a computer), we have the Exam Centre on Klostergatan 3. The centre has two smaller halls and separate rooms with different furniture to be able to take care of the adaptations that the students are entitled to. On a few occasions, it happens that the exam room on Klostergatan is fully booked. Råbyvägen 95 floor 1 is then used as an alternative to Klostergatan.
Information about which rules apply to getting an adapted exam
It is the department's responsibility to inform that the student is writing in a different room than other students for the exam.
We have understood that some students would like to familiarize themselves with the new environment in the exam centre well in advance of their exam. Of course, we are happy to help organize this. Contact tentamenssamordningen.
Information to students that write on exam center, Klostergatan 3 Pdf, 94 kB.
Please note that booking of a place at the exam centre takes place in the usual way. It is absolutely necessary that the booking is made no later than 10 days before the exam.
Shared examination halls in Uppsala
There are a total of eight exam halls spread over five different addresses in Uppsala.

Blue dots on the map show where in Uppsala the exam halls are located
Bergsbrunnagatan 15 (hall 1 and 2)
Bergsbrunnagatan 15, hall 1; 203 seats, hall 2; 229 seats.
All places are equipped so that it is also possible to write e-exams. Outside the halls, there are safes where students can lock up mobile phones and watches that are not permitted to be taken into the exam room.
Walking distance from the central station. There are bicycle spaces for approximately 150 bicycles. Car parking is only available in public car parks in the area. By bus, it is best to take bus 11, the stop is called Björkgatan södra.
Entrance to exam hall at Bergsbrunnagatan 15
Examination hall on Bergsbrunnagatan with computers.
Danmarksgatan 30
Normal exam hall on the ground floor of the UNT building. The hall has 294 seats.
Outside the exam hall there are safes where students can lock up mobile phones and watches that are not allowed to be brought into the exam hall.
Bicycle parking is available adjacent to the hall. Car parking is only available in public parking lots in the area. The best way to go by bus is line 10, the stop site is called Kungsporten.
Entrance to exam hall at Danmarksgatan 30
The examination hall on Danmarksgatan 30
Fyrislundsgatan 80
Fyrislundsgatan 80 consists of one hall with 200 seats.
The exam hall is adapted for accessibility and is equipped to handle e-exams.
There are lockers in the lobby where you lock up outdoor clothing and electronic devices such as mobile phones, earbuds and so on. Please note that watches must be locked up too, regardless of whether they are electronic or analogue. Instructions regarding how to operate the lockers are posted throughout the lobby.
The exam hall is easily reached by bus lines 1 and 7 (bus stop Hansellisgatan) or bus line 11 (bus stop Möllersvärdsgatan). There is bicycle parking for 150 bikes right in front of the building. Cars may be parked curbside on the street outside the exam hall or, for a fee, at the parking lot across Fyrislundsgatan outside Subway.

Entrance to the exam hall on Fyrislundsgatan

The examination hall on Fyrislundsgatan 80
Klostergatan 3 (special examination centre)
This is an exam centre for students with special needs. There are 13 individual rooms as well as 2 smaller writing areas with space for a total of 38 writers. In the individual rooms, there is space for an assistant and a recliner or divan. The centre also has access to exam computers with speech synthesis and spelling programs. In addition, headphones, different types of keyboards, extra desk lamps, etc.
The venue is peanut and nut-free for allergy reasons, which is important to respect. There are safes for mobile phones and watches which may not be in the examination hall.
Students who are prepared for a place in the examination centre must have obtained a certificate from the coordinator of the student department, so-called NAIS certificate.
Entrance from Klostertorget or from Östra Ågatan 19. NOTE! A campus card is required to enter the building.
Walking distance from the central station. Bicycle parking is available after the river or at Klostertorget. Parking spaces are available, for example, in parking garages nearby. The nearest bus stops are Stadsbiblioteket (line 6 or 9) or Klostergatan (line 6 and 10).

One of the entrances to exam centre

Inside of exam hall Klostergatan 3
Råbyvägen 95 (hall 1, 2 and 3)
Råbyvägen 95 located between Willys and Kens Pizza in Nyby. Capacity: Hall 1; 96 seats, Hall 2; 128 seats and hall 3; 178 seats
The exam rooms are accessible and equipped to handle e-exams.
There are lockers in the lobby where you lock up outdoor clothing and electronic devices such as mobile phones, earbuds and so on. Please note that watches must be locked up too, regardless of whether they are electronic or analogue. Instructions regarding how to operate the lockers are posted throughout the lobby
The exam halls is easily reached by bus (line 1 has a stop right outside) and there are cycle paths there from the center along Råbyvägen, from the IFU arena side along Gränbyparken and from Gränby Centrum. There are parking spaces at the front for cars and bicycles.
The entrance to the exam halls at Råbyvägen 95

Hall 2 at Råbyvägen.
Exam hall, B40 Campus Gotland
During the end of the semester, there are also exam in rented halls.
Fyrishov, temporary exam halls
Exams that take place at Fyrishov will take place in the C, D, E and F halls. Signage to the correct entrance will be available on site. There are no lockable lockers for mobile phones or other personal belongings for the exam-takers. These will be allowed to lie in designated places in the hall.
For more information about Fyrishov:
For information about bus routes:

One of the halls at Fyrishov that is furnished to be able to hold exams

One of the entrances at Fyrishov
Forgotten valuables
If you have forgotten your valuables in an exam hall and you do not have time to pick them up on the same day and are found by staff, the student will be contacted and notified. Collection of forgotten valuables can be obtained from the reception/service center in Segerstedthuset.