Internal Audit

Internal Audit reviews internal management and control processes and makes proposals for improvements.

  • Internal Audit is a division in its own right and receives assignments directly from the University Board. It is also the University Board that decides on Internal Audit’s guidelines and annual audit plan.
  • Internal Audit reports directly to the University Board. In parallel with this process, the Vice-Chancellor responds to the audit reports and proposes measures based on Internal Audit’s reviews and proposals. The University Board decides on measures which are then integrated into the University’s operational plan.


Internal Audit at Uppsala University operates in accordance with the Internal Audit Ordinance (2006:1228), which governs internal auditing at government agencies, and the Swedish Financial Management Authority’s regulations and general advice with regard to the Internal Audit Ordinance. Over and above this, Internal Audit is governed by good practice for internal audit and internal auditors, as described in the Standards from the Institute of Internal Auditors, and the Guidelines for Internal Audit adopted by the University Board.

Internal Audit is responsible for assessing, based on an independent risk analysis, whether Uppsala University’s internal management and control is designed to enable the University, with reasonable assurance, to

  • achieve efficient and effective operations;
  • comply with legislation;
  • apply procedures and practices that ensure reliable accounting and fair reporting; and
  • make economic use of public funds.

In addition, Internal Audit is expected to be able to provide advice and support to the Vice-Chancellor, the University Management and the University Board. It may also provide advice and support to other parts of the University.

Audit Committee

Uppsala University has an Audit Committee whose purpose is to support the University Board’s insight into internal and external audit and to facilitate communication between the Board, Internal Audit and external audit. The Audit Committee is a consultative body for the University Board, not a decision-making body, and is led by a chair appointed by the University Board. The Head of Internal Audit is the committee’s secretary and convener. The committee normally meets four times a year. Issues discussed by the Audit Committee are then presented to the University Board by the chair of the Audit Committee.


