DiaNa Communication Training for Students

DiaNa (Dialogue for Scientists and Engineers) is communication training for students in oral, written and group communication.

DiaNa (Dialogue for Scientists and Engineers) is communication training for students in oral, written and group communication at the Disciplinary Domain of Science and Technology, Uppsala University.

The goal for DiaNa is to equip students for their working life, in academia, government or business, by improving their generic skills. To be able to communicate with different target groups is a key factor for getting your message across and for a successful career.

The students write texts, give presentations, and interact with others in various group activities throughout their education, which gives them solid training in communication skills. The exercises are integrated into the courses and become systematically more advanced to continuously improve the communicative skill.

Röd och svart pratbubbla med texten Diana under.

Material for teachers and students

Students and teachers at Uppsala University can log into Studium for more information. If you are not affiliated with Uppsala University you are welcome to contact Katarina Andreasen for more information.

