Educational development funds (PUMA)
Call for educational development funds (PUMA) 2024
To support pedagogical development work at Uppsala University, the Vice-Chancellor announces project funding for educational development annually. For the financial year 2025, the announced amount totals SEK 2,000,000.
The project funds are intended for development work aimed at educational renewal and pedagogical development, in line with the goals and intentions of the educational programme. The funds should contribute to pedagogical innovation and preferably cross traditional subject boundaries . The funds should be seen as an opportunity to experiment, move outside the framework and draw inspiration from unexpected sources.
The project funds are distributed between five different areas:
- Education renewal and general pedagogic development
- AI, digitised education and e-learning
- Sustainable development
- Internationalisation and intercultural communication
- Lifelong learning
Each approved project is awarded a maximum of SEK 250,000. In cases where a project is interdisciplinary or multidisciplinary and involves collaboration between different scientific fields, up to SEK 350,000 may be awarded.
The project must be co-financed by the institution(s) concerned with the overhead costs that arise. It is also possible for the project funds to be included in other educational development projects with funding from other sources. In such cases, this must be stated in the application.
The unit for Academic Teaching and Learning manages the call for proposals, the assessment process and follow-up.
The application period starts on 31th January 2024 and the deadline for applications is 20th March 2024.
For more information and application instructions, see:
Application for project funding for educational renewal and pedagogical development
See the compiled list of previous reports on educational development funds.
For general questions about the call: Lovisa Håkansson,, tel. no. 072-999 9067.
For questions about each of the specific call areas, please contact:
Education renewal and general pedagogic development:Lovisa Håkansson,, tel. no. 072-999 9067.
AI, digitised education and e-learning: Mats Cullhed,, tel. no. 070-167 9022.
Sustainable development: Ulrike Schnaas,, tel. no. 070-425 0091.
Internationalisation and intercultural communication: Geir Gunnlaugsson,, tel. no. 070-425 0072.
Lifelong learning: Lovisa Håkansson,, tel. no. 072-999 9067.