Programme syllabus content
The following is a brief description of what falls under the different headings of the syllabus. Items that are compulsory in the syllabus are marked with an asterisk (*).
The syllabus must always be available in Swedish. For programmes whose language of instruction is English, an English translation must also be provided.
Syllabus approval*
This indicates the date of the approval, the decision-making body and the registration number of the approval.
This indicates the semester from which the syllabus will apply, as well as the responsible faculty or, where applicable, department
Entry requirements*
The requirements for prior knowledge and other conditions in excess of general entry requirements that apply for admission to the programme (specific entry requirements) are stated here. If a programme has specialisations, these may have different entry requirements.
Only required prior knowledge that is strictly necessary to benefit from the programme may be specified. In accordance with the Vice-Chancellor’s decision, changes to the entry requirement rules should be made as far in advance as possible.
Programmes for new higher education entrants
Specific entry requirements for a programme starting at Bachelor’s level and aimed at new entrants should be specified in the form of one or more upper secondary school courses.
Regarding programmes leading to professional qualifications, the Swedish Council for Higher Education issues regulations on applicable entry requirements. For programmes not leading to professional qualifications, the Vice-Chancellor establishes which specific entry requirements apply following proposals from the faculty board (or equivalent).
Master’s programmes
A Bachelor’s degree of at least 180 credits is the general entry requirement for Master’s programmes. The specific entry requirements state which courses should have been included in the degree.
Since proficiency in Swedish and English is not included in the general entry requirements for doctoral level, it is important to specify the language requirements.
Standard models to use
For international Master's programmes, the following model is used in English, which, in addition to changes to the section concerning specific entry requirements, must be pasted exactly as it appears below in Selma in order to ensure the correct formatting in the final syllabus:
<br /><i>Academic requirements</i><br />A Bachelor's degree, equivalent to a Swedish Kandidatexamen, from an internationally recognised university.<br />Also required is 60 credits in ...<br /><br /><i>Language requirements</i><br />Proficiency in English equivalent to the Swedish upper secondary course English 6. This requirement can be met either by achieving the required score on an internationally recognised test, or by previous upper secondary or university studies in certain countries. Detailed instructions on how to provide evidence of your English proficiency are available at <a href=""></a>.
In Swedish, this wording can be used for the language requirement:
Dessutom krävs kunskaper i engelska motsvarande Engelska 6. (Med en svensk kandidatexamen uppfylls kravet på engelska.)
For Master’s programmes taught in Swedish, the corresponding wording is
Dessutom krävs kunskaper i svenska och engelska motsvarande vad som krävs för grundläggande behörighet till utbildning på grundnivå." or "Proficiency in Swedish and English equivalent to the general entry requirements for first-cycle (Bachelor's level) studies.
Admissions Regulations (first and second cycle)
Entry into higher education (Swedish Council for Higher Education) – selected information in English
Other participating department(s)
Indicate here if other departments in excess of the department responsible for the programme are involved in the course.
Decisions and guidelines
This heading should normally be left blank. (It is included in Selma because it has been used to some extent for older syllabuses) If the field in Selma is empty, the title will not be displayed in the online syllabus.
This states the purpose of the programme.
Learning outcomes*
This sets out the intended outcomes upon completion of the programme. The System of Qualifications (appendix 2 to the Higher Education Ordinance) specifies the outcomes that apply to each degree programme. Where necessary, these are specified in relation to the content of the relevant programme. The outcomes should be formulated in a way that
- specifies the minimum knowledge, skills and competence that the student should have after completing the course or programme
- states the outcomes in a comprehensible manner for students, teachers and other stakeholders, such as employers
- explains that they can form a basis for course and programme planning
- explains that they can form a basis for examination
- explains that they can form a basis for monitoring and quality assurance
See also Mål uttryckta som förväntade studieresultat – en vägledning (Targets expressed as expected study outcomes – a guidance document) (UFV 2005/2130).
Layout of the programme*
This describes the main organisation and content of the programme and specifies the courses included (describing progression). If the programme has specialisations, please state what they are.
For programmes leading to professional qualifications, it should be stated which courses are compulsory and which are elective.
A detailed list of the courses offered in the programme can be provided in the form of a study plan, which then serves as an appendix to the syllabus.
Information that should not be included in the syllabus
Information about the relevant semester (autumn or spring) of admission, the pace of study (full or part-time), the type of instruction (campus or distance) and the language of instruction should not be provided. Moreover, these may differ between occasions on which the programme is offered.
This heading should normally be left blank. The types of instruction are specified in the syllabuses of the programme’s courses. If the field in Selma is empty, the title will not be displayed in the syllabus.
This states which degree the programme will lead to (with English translation) and the related requirements, including any local requirements in addition to those set out in the Higher Education Ordinance.
For Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees, the prefix (BA, BSc, etc.) is to be stated and the main field of study specified.
Bestämmelser avseende examina på grundnivå och avancerad nivå (Provisions on first and second cycle examination)
Huvud- och biområden vid Uppsala universitet (Main and subsidiary fields of study at Uppsala universitet)
Other regulations
Other necessary regulations are stated here. For example, there may be special provisions for student placements or degree projects, instructions for credit transfer in vocational programmes or applicable rules of admission to a later part of the programme.
Information that should not be included in the syllabus
Provisions on types of instruction, examinations, grading systems, etc. should be included in the syllabuses of the programmes’ courses and need not be specified here. The date and method of registration should not be specified, as this information is decided separately.
Transitional provisions
This sets out transitional provisions where applicable. For example, it should be stated what applies to previously admitted students when changes are made to the study path.
If the field in Selma is empty, the title will not be displayed in the syllabus