International student recruitment
The recruitment of international programme students is handled by the Division for Internationalisation and the Division for Communication. Their work focuses on making the university's programmes visible and ensure that they get the right applicants.
Support in recruiting or receiving international students
If you experience problems with recruiting international programme students, wish to target certain countries, or are about to receive international programme students, the international student recruitment team is happy to help. The Division for Internationalisation and the Division for Communication both contribute to student recruitment but have different roles within the recruitment process.
- The Division for Communication focuses on marketing our various programmes worldwide. They are also responsible for the strategic development of marketing and recruitment efforts.
- The Division for Internationalisation takes over when a prospective student contacts the university. Through various activities, they aim to inspire and support prospective students in making informed decisions to choose Uppsala University. Additionally, the division provides assistance to international students once they have commenced their studies.