Receiving international trainees
Support directed to a department or unit that plans on receiving an incoming trainee or intern from a university outside Sweden.
Recommendations on information to give the trainee before arrival
- Whether you help interns find private accommodation and, if so, how.
- Possible insurance cover.
- Trainees are usually covered by Uppsala University's FUB insurance (formerly called GIF insurance), which is in the same category as incoming international staff. If you have questions about this, contact International Faculty and Staff Services.
- Trainees from universities outside Sweden are normally enrolled as students at their home institution and may in some cases be covered by insurance at the home institution. Feel free to recommend the trainee to check this before departure.
- The Student IN insurance does not apply to incoming trainees. Information about Student IN can be found on Kammarkollegiet's website.
- The trainee can buy a guest card to access the student nations. Read more about the nation guest card here.
Recommendations on things to do before the trainee's arrival

- Fill out the necessary form so that the trainee can get temporary registration in AKKA.
- Make sure the trainee gets a campus card with the authorizations they need, preferably on the first day on site.
- Find out what rules apply during working hours. What happens if the trainee for example causes damage in a lab?
More information
How receiving incoming trainees differs from receiving incoming students
Trainees cannot study at UU during the traineeship
Trainees may not be registered on a course at the receiving university. It is also not possible for an incoming trainee to study regular courses or exchange courses at Uppsala University alongside their traineeship (even if the courses are not included in the internship). The trainees are often already registered on a course at their home university, which is yet another reason for why they should not be registered on a course at Uppsala University. In most cases, the trainees are aware of their status as non-students at the host university.
Less supporting functions
People who come to Uppsala University from a foreign university to do a traineeship are not covered by the same support functions as incoming students. Trainees do not get access to, for example, housing, t-number, insurance for incoming students, an Uppsala Student Union card or courses in Swedish.
No additional income to the receiving department or unit
The receiving department or unit does not get extra income for accepting a trainee. A traineeship or internship is not a type of employment, and no salary or other benefits are provided.