International opportunities for students
Information about international opportunities for Uppsala University students can be found on the student gateway page about international opportunities.
International opportunities through study abroad programmes
Students at Uppsala University have good opportunities to receive grants and support to complete parts of their degree abroad. Studies abroad can be administered by different parts of the university's organisation. Here you can read about the different forms of studies abroad avaliable for students at Uppsala University.
Exchange studies
Exchange studies are one of the most common forms of studies abroad and mean that a student can study courses for one or two semesters at a foreign partner university. In order for this to happen, an agreement is written between Uppsala University and a partner university. Such an agreement can be written by an department, faculty or at university-wide level. For certain agreements, e.g. Erasmus program, funding may also be added.
Information on establishing agreements for student mobility
Guides for handling incoming and outgoing students in MoveON
Freestanding courses in a blended teaching format
A blended mobility or blended teaching format means that students take a course that consists of a combination of a physical and a virtual part. This type of mobility is a good option for students who want to be international at home or who do not wish to be abroad for a whole semester. At Uppsala University, we offer courses in a mixed format through ENLIGHT.
Erasmus grant for traineeships
Traineeships, work-based education (VFU) or field studies can be done within the framework of an education. In some cases, there is also the possibility of funding via Erasmus. There may also be opportunities for funding for traineeships that do not give higher education credits during the education or after the end of the education.
Highlight international opportunities for students
Tips for how you can continuously work on making international opportunities visible:
- Encouragement and recommendations from supervisors, teachers, program coordinators, study directors, essay supervisors and others. Talk about the advantages of participating in an international opportunity for students.
- Information meetings where students who have studied abroad are invited to tell about their experiences.
- Posts from students who are studying abroad in program-specific social media channels.
- Advise students to follow the Unit for International Mobility's Instagram account. It is run by student ambassadors who have been on an opportunity abroad, but also offers content from students who are on international exchanges, traineeships or courses.

Screenshot of the Instagram account @studyabroadfromuu which is run by the Unit for International Mobility.
Book an information session
You can book a digital or physical information session with staff from the Unit for International Mobility. The service is available both on Campus Gotland and in Uppsala. Information meetings where even students who have studied abroad participate to talk about their experiences have proven to be particularly effective.
How to send a booking request
Send an email to for a request concering a campus in Uppsala or to concerining Campus Gotland. If possible, please send your email at least one month before the information session is planned, with the following information:
- Date and time of the information session.
- Physical or digital location for the information session
- Target group (is the information session aimed at students from a specific faculty, department, programme or semester?)
- If the information meeting is to be about something special (for example only about exchange studies, Erasmus traineeships or about all international opportunities for UU students.)
- Whether the information session is to be held in Swedish or English.
Financing possibilities
It is also possible for Uppsala University staff to apply for money for activities with the aim of making studies abroad within the Erasmus programme more visible.