Master's Programme in Physics – Nuclear and Particle Physics

120 credits

Outline, TFY2M, KARN

Specialisation code
Finalised by
The Faculty Board of Science and Technology, 8 November 2024
Registration number
TEKNAT 2024/125

If the number of students who want to attend the following courses are few, the courses might be cancelled or given with different teaching methods: 1FA587, 1FA330, 1FA350, 1FA360, 1FA227, 1FA570 and 1FA451.

Students can do research projects of various lengths instead of courses at any time during their studies (see project courses 1FA566, 1FA565, 1FA195, 1FA193 listed at the bottom of this page).

Students should choose courses according to their preferences for theoretical or experimental research and for fundamental nuclear physics (e.g. hadronphysics), particle physics or astroparticle physics.

Students interested in applied nuclear physics may also consult the specialisation Physics of Sustainable Energy and Complex Systems.

Semester 1

The majority of courses offered in semester 1 are also offered in semester 3. Students are expected to divide the work load between these two semesters. 

Period 1



Students with a preference for experimental physics are recommended to take 1FA252; students with a preference for theory and those who took 1FA252 previously are recommended to take 1FA257.

Students without programming experience in Python are recommended to take 1FA453:

Other eligible courses this period:

Period 2

Students with a preference for experimental physics are advised to choose from these courses:

Students with a preference for theoretical physics are advised to choose from these courses:

Students who want to study nuclear physics but have no previous experience in this subject should take:

Other eligible course this period:

Semester 2

Period 3

Students who want to study particle physics but have no previous experience in this subject should take:

Other eligible courses this period:

Period 4

Students with a preference for experimental physics are advised to choose from these courses:

Other eligible courses this period:

The course 1FA336 is only given in odd years.

1FA597 is chosen by the students who will take a one-year Master's degree.

Semester 3

See Semester 1.

Students with a preference for theoretical physics are advised to choose 1FA360 which is taught through the entire semester.

Degree Project E in Physics, 15 of 45 credits (1FA694) 

Other eligible course this period:

Semester 4

Degree Project E in Physics, 30 of 45 credits (1FA694)

Other eligible courses within the specialisation (optional period):

The following designations are used:

G2F - First cycle, the course requires previous higher education studies at least 60 credits

A1N - Second cycle, has only first-cycle courses as entry requirements, at least 120 credits

A1F - Second cycle, has second-cycle courses as entry requirements

A1E - Second cycle, contains degree project for Master of Arts/Master of Science (60 credits)

A2E - Second cycle, degree project for Master of Arts/Master of Science (120 credits)

