Master's Programme in Global Health

120 credits

The Master’s Programme in Global Health prepares you for a leading role in promoting global health at national and international levels. You will develop skills to understand and analyse global health challenges, and design and evaluate strategies to improve health. You will conduct independent research in the field of global health in the programme. This programme provides a strong foundation for a career in research and project management in the global health arena.

Autumn 2024 Autumn 2024, Uppsala, 100%, On-campus, English

Autumn 2025 Autumn 2025, Uppsala, 100%, On-campus, English

The overall aim of the Master's Programme in Global Health is to provide a deeper understanding of the current challenges and solutions in global health, including sustainable health. The programme will prepare you to actively work with challenges related to sustainability through Agenda 2030 and beyond as implementers and/or researchers. The programme provide a transdisciplinary perspective to the field of global health.

Departing from a focus on women's and children's health, multiple topics relevant to global health are integrated in the programmet. Such as, nutrition, migration, non-communicable diseases and health systems strengthening.

During the programme you can expect to:

  • be able to analyse global health challenges,
  • develop, implement and evaluate interventions to improve global health, including sustainable health,
  • study with course participants from different parts of the world.

You will have the opportunity to choose different topics within global health or to conduct a field study or an internship at a relevant organisation. Throughout the programme you will receive teaching and training in research methods for global health, preparing you for the Master's thesis you will undertake during the last semester.

Student profile

You have a strong interest in global health. You possess education in health, medicine, caring sciences or nutrition and probably work experience within one of the above-mentioned areas. You might also have a background in development work connected to global health. Because of your experience, you are expected to contribute as much to the educational experience of others as you expect to learn from their previous experiences and knowledge.

Your social skills are good and you are capable to communicate your ideas and thoughts very well in written and spoken English. You can critically analyse and reflect on problems and are creative and innovative enough to come up with your own ideas and present them.

A future PhD education is a possibility you might have thought about, but working right after graduation is also something you are considering. You like to keep your options open for now.


The programme leads to the degree of Master of Medical Science (120 credits) with Global Health as the main field of study.

Year 1

The Master's Programme in Global Health consists of four semesters. During the first semester, you will get an overview of the field of global health, and touch upon areas such as global nutrition, non-communicable diseases, child health, global health systems, sexual and reproductive health and rights, and migration. For part of the semester, you will also focus on research methods, both qualitative and quantitative.

During the second semester, you will have time to focus on, and deepen your knowledge of child health, sexual and reproductive health and rights, global nutrition and nutrition-related non-communicable diseases, and migration and health. The semester ends with a focus on applied research methods, including implementation and project management.

Year 2

During the third semester, you have the opportunity to choose your own focus within the programme. You can choose from the in-depth courses offered by the Master's programme, or by other institutions, or you can do a field study in global health if you want to collect new data for your Master's thesis, or do an internship at an organisation in global health.

During the fourth semester, you will focus entirely on your Master's thesis. This includes in-depth studies within a chosen area, report writing and a presentation of the report at a seminar. During the semester you will have several group supervisions in the form of seminars.

Courses within the programme

Year 1

Year 2

Study abroad

During the third semester in the programme, you will have the opportunity to go on a student exchange to Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität in Munich or to he Norwegian University of Science and Technology in Trondheim.

Teaching in the Master's Programme in Global Health is based on international research in global health and will be presented by researchers from our department and visiting Swedish and international researchers. Our lecturers have extensive experience in global health work.

Teaching consists of a mixture of lectures, seminars, group work and assignments. You will get the opportunity to develop your ability to understand, interpret and critically evaluate scientific literature and you practice this by discussing the results and methodology and summarising facts and hypotheses.The programme also includes student-led learning components during semesters one, two and three.

The examination consists of written exams, assignments and active participation in seminars and presentations. The programme is given in Uppsala and the language of instruction is English.

The Master's Programme in Global Health enhances your career opportunities in fields such as child health, maternal health, global nutrition, migration and health, research and project management within the global health arena, including sustainable health. There are job opportunities within governmental, non-governmental and intergovernmental organisations, nationally and internationally. Once you receive your Master's degree you have a good foundation to pursue a career, including PhD studies, in the field of global health.

Based on the recent alumni survey, the majority of our students found employment within six months after finishing the programme within the field of global health. Many of our alumni have either completed or are currently doing their PhD studies. Following graduation, our alumni have found employment at organisations such as:

  • University of Gothenburg
  • Region Uppsala
  • Karolinska Institutet
  • University of Cambridge
  • University of Cologne
  • University Hospital of Cologne
  • Queen Mary University of London
  • Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists
  • United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA)
  • World Bank
  • World Health Organisation
  • International Committee of the Red Cross
  • Health Poverty Action
  • Heartland International Health Centers
  • African Population and Health Centre.

Career support

During your time as a student, UU Careers offers support and guidance. You have the opportunity to take part in a variety of activities and events that will prepare you for your future career.



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