The Uppsala Economy and Society Lab
Den här forskargruppen inriktar sig på att undersöka flera ekonomiska fenomen, diverse frågor relaterade till hållbarhet samt olika aspekter av arbetsliv och organisationer.
The Uppsala Economy and Society Lab tillämpar sociologiska perspektiv på studiet av det ekonomiska livet. Den har en teoretisk och metodologiskt bred profil och främjar forskning inom många ämnen som marknader, arbete och relationer på arbetsmarknad, hållbarhet, välfärdsstater, samt ekonomiska institutioner och organisationer. Vi undersöker processer som globalisering och sociala utmaningar som diskriminering. Vårt arbete stödjer sociologiskt underbyggda råd till beslutsfattare och andra intressenter i syfte att främja rättvisa, välmående och miljömässigt hållbara samhällen.
Call for Applications
Do you want to become a Wallander Scholar at The Uppsala Economy and Society Lab at the Department of Sociology, Uppsala University?
If you have defended your doctoral dissertation during the academic year 2024/2025 and applied sociological perspectives to the study of economic phenomena, you are welcome to apply for a postdoc position with us. Suitable candidates are those whose work broadly relates to one of the Lab’s research areas, although other topics are not excluded. Current projects at the Uppsala Economy and Society Lab include: Comparative analysis of tax systems related to poverty, Decoupling economic growth from environmental impact, Occupation and social mobility, Gender and organizational leadership, and Uncertainty and business networks.
A Wallander Scholarship provides full funding for a three-year research position. If the nomination is approved by Handelsbanken, the position will start in January 2026. Candidates must have completed their PhD during the academic year 2024/2025 at a Swedish university. If the nomination is declined by Handelsbanken, the candidate will be offered an unpaid academic affiliation with the Department for two years.
Please send the following information to Emma von Essen ( no later than January 31, 2025:
- Your CV
- A sample of your research, such as an article or a chapter from your dissertation.
- A one-page proposal (A4) of the research you plan to conduct during the scholarship period, including your motivation for collaborating with The Uppsala Economy and Society Lab at the Department of Sociology in Uppsala.
Applications may be submitted in English.
The Uppsala Economy and Society Lab will select one candidate with whom we will jointly develop an application. The decision of the selected candidate will be announced at the beginning of April 2025. The Department of Sociology will then nominate the candidate to Handelsbanken’s Wallander Scholarship.
Assessment process
Applications will be systematically reviewed by members of the Uppsala Economy and Society Lab based on the following criteria. Academic merit, with particular focus on the candidate's academic background, achievements, and qualifications, quality of the candidate's thesis, essays, or submitted article, with emphasis on originality, methodological rigor, and contributions to the application of a sociological approach in the study of economic phenomenna, the research proposal’s clarity, feasibility, and alignment with current research frontiers. Finally, the fit between the candidate’s research interests and the current expertise at the Department of Sociology at Uppsala University is considered to ensure productive collaboration. If you have any questions regarding the assessment process, please send an email to