Mikael Höök
Universitetslektor i globala energisystem vid Institutionen för geovetenskaper; Naturresurser och Hållbar utveckling
- Telefon:
- 018-471 37 77
- Mobiltelefon:
- 073-020 81 16
- E-post:
- mikael.hook@geo.uu.se
- Besöksadress:
- Villavägen 16
75236 Uppsala - Postadress:
- Villavägen 16
75236 Uppsala
Universitetslektor i globala energisystem vid Institutionen för geovetenskaper; CEMUS
- Mobiltelefon:
- 073-020 81 16
- Besöksadress:
- Villavägen 16
75236 Uppsala - Postadress:
- Villavägen 16
75236 Uppsala
Ladda ned kontaktuppgifter för Mikael Höök vid Institutionen för geovetenskaper; CEMUS
- Akademiska meriter:
- Docent, Excellent lärare
- 0000-0002-6379-7104
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Kort presentation
Jag är universitetslektor i forskningsgruppen Globala Energisystem på institutionen för Geovetenskaper. Mina forskningsfält handlar om främst om fossila bränslen fokuserat på kol och olja, men även kring tillgång på andra naturresurser som förnybara energislag och metaller för grön och kolsnål energiteknik. Vid sidan av detta forskar jag även om energisystem och hur de utvecklas över tid.
Jag undervisar även i energisäkerhet, energikunskap samt flera relaterade kurser.
- climate change
- coal
- energy security
- energy system analysis
- future studies
- peak oil
- resource depletion
- resource materialities
- sustainability
- sustainable development
Mikael Höök is an Associate Professor in Natural Resources and Sustainable Development at Uppsala University in Sweden, where he leads the research group Global Energy Systems. He is also a visiting Professor at China University of Petroleum in Beijing. He has a PhD with specialization in global energy resources and his research interests include modelling of energy systems, fossil fuel production, field-by-field analysis and long-term natural resource supply questions.
Currently, he is leading several research projects focused on global oil supply outlooks.
Här samlar jag olika utvalda artiklar, intervjuer eller inspel från media där jag förekommit genom åren.
The silent storm: The climate crisis' impact on student mental health
Jag intervjuas om hur studentdriven utbildning kan spela en roll för att lindra klimatångest vid universiteten
När sanden blev till guld
Jag intervjuas och kommenterar runt den historiska utvecklingen av oljesektorn i Förenade Arabemiraten
Naturgas – het fråga längs västkusten
Jag kommenterar runt naturgasens betydelse för Västkusten i tidningen Näringslivet
IEA: Fortsätt att hålla i gång kärnkraftverken
Jag kommenterar runt oron för naturgasen och möjligheterna att minska naturgasberoendet i början av Ukrainakonflikten
Allt du vill veta om fossila bränslen
Jag berättar om fossila bränslen för den populärvetenskapliga podden Allt du velat veta
Expertsvar: Vad krävs för en solcellsrevolution?
Jag svarar på frågan om vilka faktorer är avgörande för en framtida solcellsrevolution och vad kan vara bra att ha med i beräkningen när man planerar och projekterar energilösningar för framtiden.
Expert om Ukrainas attacker mot ryska oljaraffinaderier
Jag kommenterar runt Ukrainas attacker mot ryska oljeraffinaderier
Urval av publikationer
- Coal and Peat (2012)
- Growth rates of global energy systems and future outlooks (2012)
- Global oil risks in the early 21st Century (2011)
- Energy Return on Investment for Norwegian Oil and Gas from 1991 to 2008 (2011)
- Fuelling Future Emissions (2011)
- Future coal production outlooks in the IPCC Emission Scenarios (2011)
- Descriptive and predictive growth curves in energy system analysis (2011)
- Projection of long-term paths for Australian coal production (2011)
- Projection of Australian coal production (2011)
- The Peak of the Oil Age (2010)
- Future coal production outlooks in the IPCC Emission Scenarios (2010)
- Coal and Oil: The Dark Monarchs of Global Energy (2010)
- A review on coal to liquid fuels and its coal consumption (2010)
- Trends in U.S. recoverable coal supply estimates and future production outlooks (2010)
- Development journey and outlook of Chinese giant oilfields (2010)
- Global coal production outlooks based on a logistic model (2010)
- Forecast of oil reserves and production in Daqing oilfield of China (2010)
- Depletion and decline curve analysis in crude oil production (2009)
- Trends in U.S. recoverable coal supply estimates and future production outlooks (2009)
- Historical trends in American coal production and a possible future outlook (2009)
- Giant oil field decline rates and their influence on world oil production (2009)
- Future Danish oil and gas export (2009)
- The evolution of giant oil field production behaviour (2009)
- How reasonable are oil production scenarios from public agencies? (2009)
- Aviation fuel and future oil production scenarios (2009)
- A decline rate study of Norwegian oil production (2008)
- Study of the pulse shape as a means to identify neutrons and gammas in a NE213 detector (2006)
Senaste publikationer
- Prospective metal requirements assessment of China's wind-power and photovoltaics (2025)
- Emerging consensus on net energy paves the way for improved integrated assessment modeling (2024)
- Methane emissions from the natural gas industry in China (2024)
- Methane emission reduction in China's natural gas industry (2024)
- Digital economy sectors are key CO2 transmission centers in the economic system (2023)
Alla publikationer
- Prospective metal requirements assessment of China's wind-power and photovoltaics (2025)
- Emerging consensus on net energy paves the way for improved integrated assessment modeling (2024)
- Methane emissions from the natural gas industry in China (2024)
- Methane emission reduction in China's natural gas industry (2024)
- Digital economy sectors are key CO2 transmission centers in the economic system (2023)
- Mitigation strategies of air pollution (2022)
- Evaluating metal constraints for photovoltaics (2021)
- Bridging energy and metal sustainability (2021)
- How Many Wells? (2021)
- Upscaling Low-Carbon Energy Resources (2021)
- Environmental impacts from conventional and shale gas and oil development in China considering regional differences and well depth (2021)
- Extended-exergy based energy return on investment method and its application to shale gas extraction in China (2020)
- Fractured visions (2020)
- Investment and production dynamics of conventional oil and unconventional tight oil (2020)
- Can the Shanghai LNG Price Index indicate Chinese market? (2020)
- The role of energy-water nexus in water conservation at regional levels in China (2019)
- Bi-objective optimization of water management in shale gas exploration with uncertainty (2019)
- Mapping Chinese Supply (2018)
- Energy modeling approach to the global energy-mineral nexus (2018)
- Oil projections in retrospect (2018)
- Energy savings in China's energy sectors and contributions to air pollution reduction in the 12th Five Year Plan (2018)
- Emergy-based energy return on investment method for evaluating energy exploitation (2017)
- Material requirements and availability for multi-terawatt deployment of photovoltaics (2017)
- China's Energy Transition in the Power and Transport Sectors from a Substitution Perspective (2017)
- Energy and water conservation synergy in China (2017)
- What if there had only been half the oil? (2017)
- Global energy-mineral nexus by systems analysis approaches (2017)
- Energy modeling approach to the global energy-mineral nexus (2017)
- Production Decline Curves of Tight Oil Wells in Eagle Ford Shale (2017)
- The implications of fossil fuel supply constraints on climate change projections (2017)
- Production Patterns of Eagle Ford Shale Gas (2016)
- Sustainable Energy Transitions in China (2016)
- Nexus Between Energy Consumption and Economic Growth in China (2016)
- Trade-off analysis between embodied energy exports and employment creation in China (2016)
- Sustainability Assessment of the Natural Gas Industry in China Using Principal Component Analysis (2015)
- Assessing Rare Metal Availability Challenges for Solar Energy Technologies (2015)
- Offshore oil (2015)
- Dilemmas for China (2015)
- Clean coal use in China (2015)
- Carbon capture and coal consumption (2015)
- China's unconventional oil (2015)
- Growth curves and sustained commissioning modelling of renewable energy (2014)
- Depletion rate analysis of fields and regions (2014)
- Decline and depletion rates of oil production (2014)
- Hydrocarbon liquefaction (2014)
- Evaluation and update of Norwegian and Danish oil production forecasts and implications for Swedish oil import (2014)
- Employment Impacts of Petroleum Industry in China: An Input–Output Analysis (2014)
- Phosphate rock production and depletion (2014)
- Depletion of fossil fuels and anthropogenic climate change (2013)
- Chinese coal supply and future production outlooks (2013)
- Risk evaluation of technology innovation in Chinese oil and gas industry (2013)
- Reviewing electricity production cost assessments (2013)
- Analysis of energy embodied in the international trade of UK (2013)
- Lithium availability and future production outlooks (2013)
- A review of life cycle assessments on wind energy systems (2012)
- Growth rates of global energy systems and future outlooks (2012)
- Net oil exports embodied in China’s international trade (2012)
- Global oil risks in the early 21st Century (2011)
- Energy Return on Investment for Norwegian Oil and Gas from 1991 to 2008 (2011)
- Future coal production outlooks in the IPCC Emission Scenarios (2011)
- Descriptive and predictive growth curves in energy system analysis (2011)
- Forecasting the growth of Chinese natural gas consumption (2011)
- Projection of long-term paths for Australian coal production (2011)
- The Peak of the Oil Age (2010)
- A review on coal to liquid fuels and its coal consumption (2010)
- Trends in U.S. recoverable coal supply estimates and future production outlooks (2010)
- Development of oil formation theories and their importance for peak oil (2010)
- Validity of the fossil fuel production outlooks in the IPCC Emission Scenarios (2010)
- Development journey and outlook of Chinese giant oilfields (2010)
- Global coal production outlooks based on a logistic model (2010)
- Forecast of oil reserves and production in Daqing oilfield of China (2010)
- Historical trends in American coal production and a possible future outlook (2009)
- Giant oil field decline rates and their influence on world oil production (2009)
- Future Danish oil and gas export (2009)
- The evolution of giant oil field production behaviour (2009)
- How reasonable are oil production scenarios from public agencies? (2009)
- Aviation fuel and future oil production scenarios (2009)
- A decline rate study of Norwegian oil production (2008)
- Material requirements and availability for multi-terawatt deployment of photovoltaics
- Coal and Oil: The Dark Monarchs of Global Energy (2010)
- Depletion and decline curve analysis in crude oil production (2009)
- The Import Structure of LNG from Russia to Japan by Cognitive Map and Text Analysis (2021)
- The role of trade in energy security for developing nations and a globalised economy (2018)
- Coal and Peat (2012)
- Fuelling Future Emissions (2011)
- The Import Structure of LNG from Russia to Japan by Cognitive Map and Text Analysis (2019)
- Energy modeling approach to the global energy-mineral nexus (2017)
- Coal-to-Liquids (2012)
- Projection of Australian coal production (2011)
- Future coal production outlooks in the IPCC Emission Scenarios (2010)
- Trends in U.S. recoverable coal supply estimates and future production outlooks (2009)
- Svensk elförsörjning i framtiden – en fråga med globala dimensioner (2014)
- A supply-driven forecast for the future global coal production (2008)