Maja Elmgren
Universitetslektor vid Institutionen för kemi - Ångström; Fysikalisk kemi
- Telefon:
- 018-471 13 32
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- 070-425 09 87
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Ladda ned kontaktuppgifter för Maja Elmgren vid Institutionen för kemi - Ångström; Fysikalisk kemi
Pedagogisk utvecklare vid Universitetsförvaltningen; Avdelningen för kvalitetsutveckling; Enheten för universitetspedagogik
- Telefon:
- 018-471 13 32
- Mobiltelefon:
- 070-425 09 87
- E-post:
- Besöksadress:
- Dag Hammarskjöldsväg 7
75237 Uppsala - Postadress:
- Box 256
75105 Uppsala
- Akademiska meriter:
- FD, docent, excellent lärare
- CV:
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Kort presentation
Min nuvarande forskning rör högre utbildning, från akademiskt ledarskap till studenters förståelse av vetenskaplig modellering. Jag undervisar på kurser i kemi för studenter, i ämnesdidaktik för universitetslärare och i akademiskt ledarskap. Sedan starten 2009 leder jag TUR, Teknisk-naturvetenskapliga fakultetens universitetspedagogiska råd.
Uppsala teknolog- och naturvetarkårs förtjänstmedalj i guld 2011
Uppsala universitets pedagogiska pris 2001
- academic teaching
- chemistry education research
- educational development
- educational leadership
- fysikens didaktik
- kemins didaktik
- pedagogisk utveckling
- pedagogiskt ledarskap
- physics education research
- universitetspedagogik
- ämnespedagogik
Jag är universitetslektor i fysikalisk kemi och pedagogisk utvecklare. Sedan starten 2009 leder jag TUR, Teknisk-naturvetenskapliga fakultetens universitetspedagogiska råd.
Några av de forskningsprojekt jag är involverad i rör ledning av högre utbildning, bedömning inom forskarutbildningen, akademins syn på pedagogisk skicklighet, studenters lärande av termodynamik och kinetik, samt utveckling av kemiutbildningar genom internationell samverkan. Jag har också skrivit boken Universitetspedagogik, med den engelskspråkiga versionen Academic Teaching, som används på universitetspedagogiska kurser vid de flesta stora lärosäten i Sverige.
Utmärkelser: Uppsala teknolog- och naturvetarkårs förtjänstmedalj i guld 2011, Uppsala universitets pedagogiska pris 2001.
Denna text finns inte på svenska, därför visas den engelska versionen.
My research profile has expanded, from research in physical chemistry, to chemistry and physics education research and also into the broad field of higher education.
Research in physical chemistry: I have studied photoelectrochemistry, fundamental characteristics of amperometric biosensors, as well as electrochemical properties and diffusion of redox active molecules in self-assembled systems, resulting in ten articles in international peer-review journals.
Chemistry and physics education research: I initiated and led an international research project, funded by the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC), with participants from seven countries in three continents, in which chemistry bachelor programs in Europe, Australia and the USA were compared, and critically evaluated. Cultural aspects has been studied in two different settings, one in which we explored how students’ encounter with quantum mechanics contributes to their development towards becoming physicists, and another where we in a VR-funded project investigate university science teachers as teacher educators and how science content and culture are manifested in teacher education. I have also initiated a study performed in collaboration with colleagues in physics education research, on student understanding of entropy the entropy concept before and after a course in chemical thermodynamics. Thermodynamics is also the focus of an ongoing project regarding how learning challenges can be overcome through exploration of thermal phenomena with infrared cameras. Finally I am involved in studies concerning students’ understanding of scientific modelling, especially in the areas of kinetics and thermodynamics. These projects have given rise to eight articles in international peer-review journals, a book chapter as well as several conference contributions.
Research in higher education: I am interested in the constant development and formation of academia, be it through collegial leadership, strategic efforts or gatekeeping functions. In line with that, I have investigated the roles of educational leaders at department level, strategic leadership and assessment in doctoral education, and the decisive processes as hiring and promotion of academics. This has resulted in an article, a book chapter, reports and papers in conference proceedings. Furthermore, I have authored a book on academic teaching, condensing research on academic teaching and learning.
Urval av publikationer
- Looking for solutions (2023)
- Peer Review in Academic Promotion of Excellent Teachers (2022)
- The meaning-making of educational proficiency in academic hiring (2020)
- Graphs (2019)
- Covariational reasoning and mathematical narratives (2019)
- Going through a phase (2019)
- Hot vision (2019)
- Academic teaching (2018)
- “Shut up and calculate” (2018)
- The formation of doctoral education (2016)
- Universitetspedagogik (2016)
- Language aspects of engineering students’ view of entropy (2016)
- Comparison and Evaluation of Learning Outcomes from an International Perspective (2015)
- Chemical engineering students’ ideas of entropy (2015)
- Ledning för kvalitet i forskarutbildningen (2014)
- Och plötsligt var jag studierektor (2000)
Senaste publikationer
- Evaluation Practices of Doctoral Examination Committees (2024)
- How much is just maths? (2024)
- Looking for solutions (2023)
- Productive resources in students’ experimental investigation of phase transition (2023)
- Peer Review in Academic Promotion of Excellent Teachers (2022)
Alla publikationer
- Evaluation Practices of Doctoral Examination Committees (2024)
- How much is just maths? (2024)
- Looking for solutions (2023)
- Productive resources in students’ experimental investigation of phase transition (2023)
- The meaning-making of educational proficiency in academic hiring (2020)
- Covariational reasoning and mathematical narratives (2019)
- Going through a phase (2019)
- Hot vision (2019)
- “Shut up and calculate” (2018)
- Language aspects of engineering students’ view of entropy (2016)
- Comparison and Evaluation of Learning Outcomes from an International Perspective (2015)
- Chemical engineering students’ ideas of entropy (2015)
- Bokrecension. Osynligt och självklart? (2011)
- Arbeta med rangordningsövningar (2011)
- Bologna and beyond (2008)
- Electrochemical properties and diffusion of a redox active surfactant incorporated in bicontinuous cubic and lamellar phase (2005)
- Redox activity and diffusion of hydrophilic, hydrophobic and amphiphilic redox active molecules in a bicontinuous cubic phase (2005)
- Electrochemical Properties of an Amphiphilic Viologen in Differently Charged Micelles (2002)
- Electron transfer between cellobiose dehydrogenase and graphite electrodes (1996)
- Culture of engagement
- Academic teaching (2018)
- Att ta utbildningens komplexitet på allvar (2016)
- Universitetspedagogik (2016)
- Academic Teaching (2014)
- Rangordningsövningar i naturvetenskap (2011)
- Universitetspedagogik (2010)
- Peer Review in Academic Promotion of Excellent Teachers (2022)
- Ett värn för rättssäker examination (2022)
- Lärarutbildares naturvetenskap under lupp - (2019)
- Graphs (2019)
- Förebilder och auktoriteter (2009)
- Supporting Shared Responsibility for Integrating Ethics into Science and Technology Education (2022)
- Productive epistemic games in an Investigative Science Learning Environment (2022)
- Adding salt to ice (2019)
- Going Through a Phase (2018)
- Phasing the invisible (2018)
- Looking for solutions (2017)
- Science faculty as teacher educators (2016)
- In the borderland between academic disciplines and school science – feminist perspectives on science teacher education (2016)
- Shut Up and Calculate: Becoming a Quantum Physicist (2016)
- Användning av värmekameror vid öppna laborationer (2016)
- Hot vision – affordances of infrared cameras in education (2016)
- Studenters attityder och Förväntningar (2015)
- Student Expectations of Academic Teachers Contributions to their Learning (2015)
- Same goal, but different paths (2015)
- Negotiating a Practice of Learning (2015)
- Recognizing the significance of electromagnetism as identity work of engineering students (2015)
- Chemical engineering students’ conceptions of entropy (2015)
- Förändring av lärstrategier under första studieterminen (2014)
- Förändring av ingenjörsstudenters lärstrategier under första studieterminen (2014)
- Discipline-based staff development courses to promote a sustainable SOTL environment (2014)
- Doctoral education shapes the academy – what shapes doctoral education? (2014)
- Normer och identiteter inom högre utbildning (2014)
- Scaffolding pedagogic excellence in higher education (2013)
- Best Practices in the Use of Learning Outcomes in Chemistry Education (2013)
- Vilken roll spelar studenters sociala relationer och identiteter i universitetsutbildning? (2013)
- Jämföra och rangordna (2012)
- Studenters upplevelser av första året (2012)
- Hur ser Teknisk-naturvetenskapliga fakultetens lärare på undervisning och lärande (2012)
- Teachers' conceptions of teaching practice (2012)
- Management and leadership of doctoral education (2011)
- Ledning av forskarutbildning (2011)
- Pedagogiska ledare som nyckelpersoner vid utvecklingsarbete (2011)
- Fokusera på kritiska aspekter med rangordningsövningar (2010)
- Policy implementation – true participation or empty rethoric? (2010)
- Pedagogisk kompetensutveckling - en strategisk fråga (2010)
- Vilket stöd behövs i rollen som pedagogisk ledare? (2010)
- Supporting Pedagogical Leaders (2010)
- A New Challenge in Teaching for Phd Supervisors (2010)
- Universitetspedagogik – ny bok för den praktiskt verksamma universitetsläraren (2010)
- Från ideal till praxis (2010)
- Betydelsen av den första terminen (2008)
- Kvalitativt lärande på begränsad tid (2008)
- Aspekter på relationen mellan progression och betygskriterier. (2008)
- Att gå från ord till handling (2007)
- Pedagogisk skicklighet vid befordran till universitetslektor och professor (2021)
- The formation of doctoral education (2016)
- Ledning för kvalitet i forskarutbildningen (2014)
- Och plötsligt var jag studierektor (2000)