Män, maskuliniteter och spel
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- Andersson, Sky LaRell, The corporeal turn: at the intersection of rhetoric, bodies, and video games, Review of Communication, 2017, On Line Article - Free Access (s. 18–36, (18 s.))
- Becker, R., Becoming Bromosexual: Straight Men, Gay Men, and Male Bonding in U.S TV, Ingår i: Reading the bromance: homosocial relationships in film and television, Detroit, Wayne State University Press, cop. 2014, s. 233–254 (21 s.)
- Blackburn, G., Army men: Military masculinity in Call of Duty, Ingår i: Masculinities in play, Cham, Switzerland, Palgrave Macmillan, [2018], s. 37–53 (16 s.)
- Bowen, K., Giving Hegemonic Masculinity a Face Lift: Masquerade in John Woo's Face/Off and the Somatechnics of Masculinity in Crisis., Edinburgh University Press - Journals, 2021, On Line Article - Free Access (16 s.)
- Connell, R. W.; Messerschmidt, J. W., Hegemonic masculinity:: Rethinking the concept, Ingår i: Gender & society., vol. 19, nr. 6, 2005, s. 829–859, https:/
/ journals.sagepub.com/ doi/ abs/ 10.1177/ 0891243205278639?casa_token=UipptG7V50gAAAAA:mqU2HEHN9DEmXq2PJFlNXwf6-Ko8x9JpwqY2BjkV-5Bg1KFNbz1KZcg3g8gegzY1gWUqQ8X6RIM - Conway, Steven, Poisonous Pantheons: God of War and Toxic Masculinity, Ingår i: Games and culture, 2019, s. 1–19, On Line Article - Free Access (19 s.)
- Cruea, M, (Re)reading Fatherhood: Applying Reader Response Theory to Joel's Father Role in The Last of Us, Ingår i: Masculinities in Play, Cham, Springer International Publishing, 2018, s. 93–108 (15 s.)
- Engel, M., Perverting Play: Theorizing a Queer Game Mechanic, Ingår i: Television & new media, vol. 18, nr. 4, 2017, s. 351–360 (9 s.)
- Goedecke, K, Walk the Talk:: Men's Friendships, Progressiveness and Postfeminism in Swedish Television, Ingår i: Culture unbound: journal of current cultural research, vol. 12, nr. 3, 2020, s. 444–465 (s. 444–465 (22 s.))
- Gutiérrez, E J D, Video games and gender-based violence., Science Direct, 2014, On Line Article - Free Access (s. 58–64 (6 s.))
- Hearn, J., Men/Masculinities War/Militarism: Searching (for) the Obvious Connections?, Ingår i: Making gender, making war: violence, military and peacekeeping practices, New York, Routledge, 2012, s. 36–48 (12 s.)
- Flood, Michael, International encyclopedia of men and masculinities, London, Routledge, 2007 (Aoyama, T. Father-Daughter relationship. s. 189–190 Chopra, R. Father-Son Relationship, s. 190–192 Flood, M (A). Men's relation with men. s. 423–426 Flood, M (B). Violence, men as victims of. s. 616–617 Gardiner, J K. Female Masculinity. s. 203–204 Graham, M. Gay masculinities. s. 229–231 Leslie, H. Torture. s. 605–606 Nagel, J. War. s. 626–620 Ueno, K &
Adams, R. Friendship. s. 216–220 Wadham, B. Military masculinities. s. 441–442 (totalt 19 s.)) - Kirkland, Ewan, Masculinity in video games: The gendered gameplay of silent hill., Camera Obscura: Feminism, Culture and Media Studies, 2009, ArticleObligatorisk
- Kontour, Kyle, The Governmentality of Battlefield Space: Efficiency, Proficiency, and Masculine Performativity, Ingår i: Bulletin of science, technology & society., vol. 32, nr. 5, 2012, s. 353–360, On Line Article - Free Access on Sage Journals (7 s.)
- Lawlor, Shannon, Your Daughter Is in Another Castle: Essential Paternal Masculinity in Video Games, Ingår i: The velvet light trap, nr. 81, 2018, s. 29–42, On Line Article - Free Access PDF (13 s.)
- Leonard, D J; King, C R, Replaying empire: Racialized violence, insecure frontiers, and displaced terror in contemporary video games, Ingår i: Ethnicity and Race in a Changing World, vol. 1, nr. 2, 2009, s. 2–14, On Line Article - Free Access on Manchester University Press (12 s.)
- Lucat, B, Playing with Patriarchy: Fatherhood in BioShock: Infinite, The Last of Us, and The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt, DiGRA2017, 2017, http:/
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- Mejeur, C, 'Look At Me, Boy!': Carnivalesque, Masks, and Queer Performativity in BioShock, Ingår i: Beyond the Sea: Navigating Bioshock, McGill-Queen's University Press, 2018, s. 113–142 (29 s.)
- Morrell, Robert, Fathers, fatherhood and masculinity in South Africa, Ingår i: Baba: men and fatherhood in South Africa, Cape Town, HSRC Press, 2006, s. 13–25 (12 s.)
- Murray, S., Race, Gender, and Genre in Spec Ops: The Line, Ingår i: Film quarterly, vol. 70, nr. 2, 2016, s. 38–48, Article - Free Access On Line (10 s.)
- Myrttinen, H, Disarming masculinities, Ingår i: Disarmament forum, vol. 4, nr. 1, 2003, s. 37–46 (9 s.)
- Nikoloutsos, Konstantinos P., The Alexander Bromance: Male Desire and Gender Fluidity in Oliver Stone's Historical Epic, Ingår i: Helios: a journal devoted to critical and methodological studies of Classical culture, literature, and society, vol. 35, nr. 2, 2008, s. 223–251
- Procedia: social & behavioral sciences (Gutiérrez, E. J. D. (2014). Video games and gender-based violence. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 132: 58–64. (6p) https:/
/ www.sciencedirect.com/ science/ article/ pii/ S1877042814031887.) - Ralph, B., The destabilising effect of feminist, queer-inclusion and therapeutic counter-discourse: : A feminist post structuralist account of change in men's friendships, Ingår i: Journal of sociology., 2023, s. 1–18 (17 s.)
- Reeser, Todd W., Masculinities in theory: an introduction, Chichester, Wiley-Blackwell, 2010 (s. 9–20; 21–49; 99–107 (47 s.))
- Rodriguez, J.A., Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer Media: Key Narratives, Future Directions, Ingår i: Sociology compass, vol. 13, nr. 4, 2019, s. 1–10, Article - Free Access On Line (10 s.)
- Ruberg, B., Straight Paths Through Queer Walking Simulators: Wandering on Rails and Speed running in Gone Home, Ingår i: Games and culture, vol. 15, nr. 6, 2020, s. 632–652 (20 s.)
- Sadokierski, Z, Critical Journal/Contextual Portfolio: A framework for documenting and disseminating RtD as scholarly research, Institutionen för speldesign, 2019, https:/
/ opus.lib.uts.edu.au/ handle/ 10453/ 135917 - Schaufert, B., Daddy's Play: Subversion and Normativity in Dream Daddy's Queer World, Ingår i: Game studies [electronic resource]: the international journal of computer game research., vol. 18, nr. 3, 2018, On Line Article - Game Studies
- Shaw, A; Friesem, E, Where is the queerness in games?: Types of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer content in digital games, Ingår i: International journal of communication, vol. 10, nr. 13, 2016, s. 3877–3889 (12 s.)
- Taylor, N.; Voorhees, G., Introduction: Masculinity and Gaming: Mediated Masculinities in Play, Ingår i: Masculinities in Play, Cham, Springer International Publishing, 2018, s. 1–19 (18 s.)
- Wahlström Henriksson, Helena, Exploring fatherhood in critical gender research, Ingår i: Routledge international handbook of masculinity studies, Abingdon, Oxon, Routledge, an imprint of the Taylor & Francis Group, 2020, s. 320–330 (11 s.)
* Obligatorisk