Män, maskuliniteter och spel
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Litteraturlista, Avancerad nivå, 5SD309
Huvudgrupp 1
- Allain, KA, Masculinity on Ice: Masculinity, Friendships, and Sporting Relationships in Midlife and Older Adulthood, Ingår i: Journal of gender studies, vol. 33, nr. 2, 2024, s. 218–231
- Andersson, Sky LaRell, The corporeal turn: at the intersection of rhetoric, bodies, and video games, Review of Communication, 2017, On Line Article - Free Access (s. 18–36, (18 s.))
- Blackburn, G., Army men: Military masculinity in Call of Duty, Ingår i: Masculinities in play, Cham, Switzerland, Palgrave Macmillan, [2018], s. 37–53 (16 s.)
- Brenner-Levoy, J, Playing with Gender: Trans Men's Experiences Playing with Masculine Characters, Roles, and Identities in Online Video Games, Ingår i: Visual resources: VR., vol. 37, nr. 4, 2021, s. 272–288
- Bridges, T.; Pascoe, C.J., Hybrid Masculinities: New Directions in the Sociology of Men and Masculinities, Ingår i: Sociology compass, vol. 8, nr. 3, 2014, s. 246–258
- Bulut, E, A Precarious Game: The Illusion of Dream Jobs in the Video Game Industry, ILR Press, an imprint of Cornell University Press, Ithaca, 2020, Accessed through Uppsala University Library (Rekommenderad läsning)
- Conway, Steven, Poisonous Pantheons: God of War and Toxic Masculinity, Ingår i: Games and culture, 2019, s. 1–19, On Line Article - Free Access (19 s.)
- Cruea, M, (Re)reading Fatherhood: Applying Reader Response Theory to Joel's Father Role in The Last of Us, Ingår i: Masculinities in Play, Cham, Springer International Publishing, 2018, s. 93–108 (15 s.)
- Engel, M., Perverting Play: Theorizing a Queer Game Mechanic, Ingår i: Television & new media, vol. 18, nr. 4, 2017, s. 351–360 (9 s.)
- Goedecke, Klara, Masculinity as buzzword?, Ingår i: NORMA [Elektronisk resurs: Nordisk tidsskrift for maskulinitetsstudier = International Journal for Masculinity Studies, 2024(19):1, sidorna 1-6
- Goedecke, K, Walk the Talk:: Men's Friendships, Progressiveness and Postfeminism in Swedish Television, Ingår i: Culture unbound: journal of current cultural research, vol. 12, nr. 3, 2020, s. 444–465 (s. 444–465 (22 s.))
- Green, Amy M., A cure for toxic masculinity: male bonding and friendship in Final Fantasy XV, Pittsburgh, Carnegie Mellon: ETC Press: Single, [2019]
- Hearn, J.; De Boise, S.; Goedecke, K., Men and Masculinities: Structures, Practices, and Identities, Ingår i: The Palgrave Handbook of Power, Gender, and Psychology, 1, Palgrave Macmillan Ltd., 2023, s. 193–213
- Hughes, CN; Nguyen, L., Socialization via Online Gaming: Perspectives of Five Autistic Adolescents and Their Parents, Ingår i: Journal of Child and Family Studies, vol. 33, nr. 3, 2024, s. 777–792
- Lawlor, Shannon, Your Daughter Is in Another Castle: Essential Paternal Masculinity in Video Games, Ingår i: The velvet light trap, nr. 81, 2018, s. 29–42, On Line Article - Free Access PDF (13 s.)
- Lucat, B, Playing with Patriarchy: Fatherhood in BioShock: Infinite, The Last of Us, and The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt, DiGRA2017, 2017, http:/
/ www.digra.org/ wp-content/ uploads/ digital-library/ 144_DIGRA2017_FP_Lucat_Playing_with_Patricarchy.pdf - Mejeur, C, 'Look At Me, Boy!': Carnivalesque, Masks, and Queer Performativity in BioShock, Ingår i: Beyond the Sea: Navigating Bioshock, McGill-Queen's University Press, 2018, s. 113–142 (29 s.)
- Mellström, Ulf, Masculinity Studies - More relevant than ever?, Ingår i: Norma: nordisk tidsskrift for maskulinitetsstudier = Nordic journal for masculinity studies, vol. 18, nr. 3, 2023, s. 155–160
- Messerschmidt, JW; Messner, MA, Hegemonic, Nonhegemonic, and "New" Masculinities, Ingår i: Gender reckonings: new social theory and research, New York, New York University Press, [2018]
- Messerschmidt, M; Quest, H, Change in Practice: A Framework for Analysing the Transformation of Post-Conflict Masculinities, Ingår i: Critical military studies, vol. 10, nr. 1, 2024, s. 40–60
- Mirrlees, T; Ibaid, T, The Virtual Killing of Muslims: Digital War Games, Islamophobia, and the Global War on Terror, Ingår i: Islamophobia Studies Journal, vol. 6, nr. 1, 2021, s. 33–51
- Myrttinen, H; Khattab, L; Naujoks, J, Re-thinking Hegemonic Masculinities in Conflict-Affected Contexts, Ingår i: Critical military studies, vol. 3, nr. 2, 2017, s. 103–119
- Prochnow, T; Patterson, MS, It's not Just a Game: Social Networks, Isolation and Mental Health in Online Gamers, Ingår i: Journal of public mental health, vol. 23, nr. 2, 2024, s. 140–153
- Pugh, T, 'The Queer Narrativity of the Hero's Journey in Nintendo's The Legend of Zelda Video Games', Ingår i: Journal of narrative theory: JNT., vol. 48, nr. 2, 2018, s. 225–251
- Ralph, B, The Destabilising Effect of Feminist, Queer-Inclusion and Therapeutic Counter-discourse: A Feminist Poststructuralist Account of Change in Men's Friendships, Ingår i: Journal of sociology, vol. 60, nr. 2, 2024, s. 346–363
- Rodriguez, J.A., Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer Media: Key Narratives, Future Directions, Ingår i: Sociology compass, vol. 13, nr. 4, 2019, s. 1–10, Article - Free Access On Line (10 s.)
- Roy, D; Deshbandhu, A, Anxious Postcolonial Masculinity in Online Video Games: Race, Gender and Colonialism in Indian Digital Spaces, Ingår i: Gender, place and culture, vol. 29, nr. 1, 2022, s. 104–129
- Ruberg, B., Straight Paths Through Queer Walking Simulators: Wandering on Rails and Speed running in Gone Home, Ingår i: Games and culture, vol. 15, nr. 6, 2020, s. 632–652 (20 s.)
- Sadokierski, Z, Critical Journal/Contextual Portfolio: A framework for documenting and disseminating RtD as scholarly research, Institutionen för speldesign, 2019, https:/
/ opus.lib.uts.edu.au/ handle/ 10453/ 135917 - Schaufert, B., Daddy's Play: Subversion and Normativity in Dream Daddy's Queer World, Ingår i: Game studies [electronic resource]: the international journal of computer game research., vol. 18, nr. 3, 2018, On Line Article - Game Studies
- Shaw, A; Friesem, E, Where is the queerness in games?: Types of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer content in digital games, Ingår i: International journal of communication, vol. 10, nr. 13, 2016, s. 3877–3889 (12 s.)
- Ståhl, M; Rusk, F, Player Customization, Competence and Team Discourse: Exploring Player Identity (Co)Construction in Counter-Strike: Global Offensive, Ingår i: Game studies [electronic resource]: the international journal of computer game research., vol. 20, nr. 4, 2020, Online access to article
- Taylor, N.; Voorhees, G., Introduction: Masculinity and Gaming: Mediated Masculinities in Play, Ingår i: Masculinities in Play, Cham, Springer International Publishing, 2018, s. 1–19 (18 s.)
- Trammel, A, Militarism and Masculinity in Dungeons & Dragons, Ingår i: Masculinities in play, Cham, Switzerland, Palgrave Macmillan, [2018], s. 129–147
- Wahlström Henriksson, Helena, Exploring fatherhood in critical gender research, Ingår i: Routledge international handbook of masculinity studies, Abingdon, Oxon, Routledge, an imprint of the Taylor & Francis Group, 2020, s. 320–330 (11 s.)
(Totalt = ~ 529 s. exklusive publikationer utan sidnummer)