MICADAS for radiocarbon dating

MICADAS is the workhorse of our radiocarbon dating activities. This very compact tandem accelerator is specifically designed for highly accurate accelerator mass spectrometry of the carbon isotopes 12, 13 and 14. We routinely measure samples as old as 48 000 years with it.

The ion source is equipped with a fully automated sample changer with room for 40 sample cathodes and allowing for both solid (graphite) and gaseous samples. Three different Faraday cups measure the currents of carbon-12, carbon-13 and break-up molecules after acceleration and mass separation. Carbon-12 is measured also before the acceleration step. The number of carbon-14 atoms is measured with a gas ionisation detector.

MICADAS is used for a wide range of applications. Archaeology, geology, biology, and medicine are just some of the fields we regularly provide analyses for.

En man står bredvid en MICADAS-accelerator och ser ut att titta in i en av dess kammare. Acceleratorn är en U-formad uppställning av vakuumkammare ovanpå skåp. Dess tydligaste kännetecken är en grön magnet i ett av hörnen.

  • Caesium sputter ion source for production of negative carbon ions.
  • Low-energy magnetic spectrometer.
  • Acceleration unit with 200 kV terminal voltage and helium gas stripper unit.
  • High-energy magnet for mass separation.
  • Very energy efficient due to permanent magnets and compact design.

