35.3.3 Limnology
Part of Department of Ecology and Genetics
- Phone:
- +46 18 471 27 00
- Visiting address:
- Evolutionsbiologiskt centrum (EBC)
Norbyvägen 18 D
752 36 Uppsala - Postal address:
- Norbyvägen 18 D
752 36 Uppsala - Web page:
- https://www.uu.se/institution/ekologi-och-genetik/forskning/limnologi
- Director of studies:
- Abbasi, Mona
- PhD student
- mona.abbasi@ebc.uu.se
- Andersson, Erika
- Postdoctoral position
- erika.andersson@ebc.uu.se
- Ayala-Zamora, Ana Isabel
- Postdoctoral position
- +46 18 471 27 07
- isabel.ayala.zamora@ebc.uu.se
- Balk, Pauline
- PhD student
- pauline.balk@ebc.uu.se
- Bergvall, Christoffer
- Senior research engineer
- +46 18 471 27 19
- christoffer.bergvall@ebc.uu.se
- Bick, Berenike
- PhD student
- berenike.bick@ebc.uu.se
- Bottone, Anna
- PhD student
- anna.bottone@ebc.uu.se
- Brunberg, Anna-Kristina
- Senior Lecturer/Associate Professor
- Einarsdóttir, Urður
- Master's Student
- Ivankovic, Marina
- Post doctoral
- marina.ivankovic@ebc.uu.se
- Jakobsson, Elizabeth
- Research Engineer
- elizabeth.jakobsson@ebc.uu.se
- Jakobsson, Ellinor
- PhD student
- ellinor.jakobsson@ebc.uu.se
- Kothawala, Dolly
- Senior Lecturer/Associate Professor , Director of Erken Field Station
- dolly.kothawala@ebc.uu.se
- Kuchejda, Pavel
- Research Assistant
- pavel.kuchejda@ebc.uu.se
- Langenheder, Silke
- Professor , Head of Program for Limnology
- +46 18 471 27 10 +46 73 820 18 54
- silke.langenheder@ebc.uu.se
- Manias, Zacharias
- Hourly wage
- zacharias.manias@ebc.uu.se
- Meng, Lize
- Guest doctoral student
- lize.meng@ebc.uu.se
- Mesman, Jorrit
- Researcher
- jorrit.mesman@ebc.uu.se
- Nissling, Anders
- Senior Lecturer/Associate Professor
- anders.nissling@ebc.uu.se
- Nyberg, Anna
- PhD student
- anna.v.nyberg@ebc.uu.se
- Papadopoulou, Sofia
- PhD student
- sofia.papadopoulou@ebc.uu.se
- Reichert, Esra
- PhD student
- esra.reichert@ebc.uu.se
- Ren, Xu
- Guest doctoral student
- xu.ren@ebc.uu.se
- Salimi, Shokoufeh
- Post doctoral
- shokoufeh.salimi@ebc.uu.se
- Shakil, Sarah
- Post doctoral
- sarah.shakil@ebc.uu.se
- Sjöberg, Lina
- Tutor adviser
- Vikström, Kevin
- Postdoctoral position
- kevin.vikstrom@ebc.uu.se
- Wikström, Fredrik
- Project assistant
- fredrik.wikstrom@ebc.uu.se
- Yaghouti, Mahtab
- Guest doctoral student