Research in Slavic languages

In Slavic languages, we conduct research in linguistics, literary studies and culture as well as society. Our research focuses on Bulgarian, Polish, Russian and Serbian/Croatian/Bosnian themes and general Slavic and Church Slavonic. Research in the non-Slavonic language Albanian is also part of the subject.
Research in Slavic languages
Slavic linguistics
Some of the Uppsala Slavicists work with Slavic manuscripts, older printed books and periodicals. The research focuses, in addition to the description, cataloging and digitisation of the material, on analysis of the linguistic and culture-historical importance of older texts. A different part of the Slavic historical linguistic research focuses on more profound linguistic historical connections and historical dialectology. Modern, primarily Russian, linguistics is also part of our panoply.
Slavic literary and culture studies
Research on literary and culture studies within Slavic languages include primarily Polish and Russian literature, but Bulgarian and Serbian literature and history of ideas are represented. An important part of the research is the role of the language in post-socialistic societies, not least in Russia.
Current projects
- Ulla Birgegård: "En kommenterad utgåva av Carl Reinhold Berchs reseanteckningar från St. Petersburg 1735."
- Ulla Birgegård: "Rysstolkar och svensktolkar 1650-1725 – historia, kulturhistoria och lingvistik."
- Maria Engström: Maria Engström: "No(w)stalgia of Modernity: Neo-Soviet Myth in Contemporary Russian Culture and Politics"
- Jussi Nuorluoto: "Historical Phonology of Slavic" (Opus Magnum: "Metaphony in Slavic")
- Jussi Nuorluoto: "Finnisch-ugrische, altnordische und nordostslavische Namenkunde"
- Jussi Nuorluoto: "Slavisk dialektologi"
- Jussi Nuorluoto: "Språksociologi i Sydösteuropa"
- Karine Åkerman Sarkisian: "Cultural evolution of texts"
PhD students
- Daniela Assenovas doktorandprojekt går ut på att studera mottagningen av den bulgariska litteraturen utifrån kontexten av Nobelpriset i litteratur.
- Olena Jansson studerar ryska 1600-talsöversättningar av Szymon Starowolskis bok "Den turkiska kejsarens hov".
- Eva Nygren arbetar på en avhandling om det katalogiserade polskspråkiga materialet i Skoklosters Polonica-samling.
- Johan Muskala forskar om en rysk örtabok från 1500-talet (översatt från lågtyska) ur textologisk och översättningsteknisk synvinkel.
Slavic languages have been taught at Uppsala University since the 1880s, and in 1891 J.A. Lundell became professor in the subject. Read more here about our history (in Swedish)!

SLOVO - our journal
Slovo is an international online peer-reviewed scholarly journal published once a year by the Department of Modern Languages at Uppsala University. Here you can read all published issues.