Nursing research

Sjukskötesstudenter som står kring en sjuksäng med en patient

Photo: Mikael Wallerstedt

Person-centered fundamental care in complex nursing settings.

The nursing research at the Department of Surgical Sciences involves patients being cared for in complex care environments within inpatient and prehospital care. The research group consists of researchers from different specialities within nursing (ambulance-, anaesthesia-, intensive care-, operating room-,orthopedic- and surgical nursing). The research is conducted within the group and as interdisciplinary projects (medical sciences and medical humanities) focusing on studies on how to achieve a safe, person-centered fundamental care for patients with advanced diseases and health deficiencies.

The vulnerability that the patient and their close relatives may suffer in relation to the caring needs are central in the research along with the prerequicities of nursing care to ensure that their care needs are meet in these complex care environments. More specific, studies concern the establishment of a caring relationship, patient participation and the cocreation of care alongside missed nursing care, risk assasment and health promoting factors. Another focus is the professional development and competence among registrered nurses, as well as research within the pedagogical field.

The research group aims to provide evidencebased knowledge for patients during disease and health deficiencies, for nurses in their clinical work, as well as during their nursing education.

Ongoing projects


inCHARGE is a research program with an interdisciplinary focus, integrating the scientific perspectives of nursing science and medical humanities with the overall aim to design innovations to improve patient care by optimizing nursing competence utilization. The program has its theoretical roots in the Fundamentals of Care framework and is a cooperation between Uppsala Academic hospital and Uppsala University. The research is carried out in several studies as an action research intervention in close cooperation with nursing staff. Data collection is ongoing and will be ended in 2025.

