Clinical and translational research in pediatric oncology

By increasing our understanding of the clinical, biological, and psychosocial aspects of childhood neurological diseases and childhood cancer, the research group Pediatric oncological and neurological research works to improve the quality of life for children and adolescents with these diseases and their families.

The research performed within our research group spans from experimental studies using molecular biological techniques to behavioral research aiming to help children and their families better cope with demanding treatments. We collaborate nationally and internationally, both leading and participating in different research projects. We work especially tightly together with research group Pediatric oncological and neurological research with whom we have several collaborative projects. Read more about our main fields of research and projects and our research group.

Special resources at UU

Protein beam therapy
The Skandion Clinic in Uppsala started in 2015 and is a national, and even Nordic, resource and entails a significant expansion of the therapeutic arsenal for children with cancer. Protein beam therapy enables the irradiation field to be precisely controlled, thereby limiting damage to nearby healthy tissues. The establishment of Skandion Clinic provides increased possibilities for radiation therapy for younger patients, where treatment is otherwise restrictive due to the risks for serious late complications, particularly in the brain.

There are two biobanks connected to Uppsala with a particular focus on childhood cancer and neuropediatrics: The Nordic biobank for childhood leukemia (Frost main responsible, Palle et al.) and the Swedish childhood tumour biobank (Ljungman clinical leader and chairman of the board). Learn more about both biobanks on the Swedish Childhood Cancer Fund's website (in Swedish only).

Research funders

We would like to warmly thank our funders, collaborators, and all patients and their parents who enable our research work, including for example the Swedish Childhood Cancer Fund, Gillbergska Stiftelsen, Lions Cancerforskningsfond Mellansverige Uppsala-Örebro, Mary Bevés Stiftelse, and Region Uppsala.

Group members

Research leader: Karin Enskär

