Physiotherapy, Occupational Therapy and Behavioral Medicine Unit
We are engaged in research, education, collaboration and innovation in physiotherapy, occupational therapy and behavioural medicine. Our research is both intra- and interdisciplinary.
FAB includes the research groups "Physiotherapy and Behavioural Medicine" and "HEAL - Health, Engagement and Activity throughout Life" (Occupational Therapy)
Health-promoting physical activity in various disease states, adolescent mental health and health-related behaviour change are prominent research areas within "Physiotherapy and Behavioural Medicine". In Occupational Therapy, we conduct research on health promotion, prevention and rehabilitation to enable activity, participation and health in everyday life at different life stages. Research projects cover areas such as participation of children and young people, health promotion and sustainable working life, and rehabilitation of older people living at home.
The unit also has the main responsibility for the Occupational Therapy and Physiotherapy programmes at Uppsala University.