International organisations' publications
Uppsala University Library is a depository library for a number of international organisations. This means that the Library has access to publications from these organisations, both in print and electronically.
The European Union
Dag Hammarskjöld and Law Library has been a European Documentation Centre (EDC) since 1991. All EDCs are part of the international network EUROPE DIRECT, the purpose of which is to make information on the EU available to researchers and students as well as to the general public. The official publications from all the various EU institutions make up the content of the EDC collection.
Apart from the legal material such as collections of case law, preparatory acts and legislation, there are also reports and general publications from EU's various centres of activity. In addition we have access to a great deal of information in electronic form via EU's website and various databases. Note too that there are also EU-related books and journals in the Library's general collections. There are tips about how to find European material in our research guide for law and our research guide about the European Union.
The Council of Europe
Since the year 2000 the Dag Hammarskjöld and Law Library has been a depository library for the Council of Europe. This collection consists of both official documents from the Council's various bodies and of general publications about the Council's different areas. The material in some cases stretches as far back as the foundation of the Council of Europe in 1949. The collection includes the cases from the European Court of Human Rights. Older material can be found in The Library Search Tool.
The United Nations
The Dag Hammarskjöld and Law Library is a UN depository library and offers free access to documents, reports, books and other printed and electronic resources. It is the largest UN library in the Nordic countries with a complete collection of UN documents in print covering the period 1946–1992, as well as access to electronic and print resources for more recent documents.
Learn more about the UN collection and UN documents or go to DagDok – the Library’s guide to UN and UN documents.
World Bank
The Library for Economic Sciences is the Swedish depository library for World Bank publications.
As a student, researcher and lecturer at Uppsala University you have access to World Bank publications in full text via:
- World Bank e-Library – Comprises approximately 5,000 documents, books and reports. Around 200 titles are published every year.
Up to 2006 printed versions of these publications were delivered to the Library for Economic Sciences.
Free information
On the official website of the World Bank you can search for Country, Topic, Data & research, etc., and find lots of information:
Learn more about data sources
Databases such as World Development Indicators, Global Development Finance, Africa Development Indicators, Global Economic Monitor, and many more are listed in the Data Catalogue, and you can search them freely.