Dag Hammarskjöld and Law Library

Today's hours


Closed Opens 8 Dec at 10:00 AM

Information desk

Closed Opens 8 Dec at 10:00 AM
Regnellianum sett utifrån

To the left of the main entrance is a wheelchair accessible entrance. This entrance is accessible from Trädgårdsgatan 13. Call to be let in: Tel 018-471 78 50 or 070-167 90 88.

If you need access to the lift, you can borrow a key card at the information desk.

Desks that can be raised and lowered are available in rooms 206, 208, 227, 307, 310, 314 and 319. A table in room 227 is reserved for visitors with limited mobility.

Borrow and return

For loans, use the machine located in the corridor, towards the circulation desk. For returns, follow the "returns" sign you can see to the right when you when you enter the library. When the library is closed, you can use the outdoor book-drop to the right of the entrance. The outdoor book-drop is emptied in the morning on the days that the library is open. You can also return books borrowed at our other libraries.

Your loans are renewed automatically where possible.

Books for pickup

Books that you have requested or queued for can be found on a shelf by the circulation desk.

Interlibrary loans and articles

Interlibrary loan books and copies of articles can be picked up at the circulation desk during library opening hours.

Read more about loans

  • Food is only allowed in the pantry in the basement. There is also a vending machine.
  • Drinks are allowed throughout the library.

  • Quiet study halls/rooms: 10
  • Total number of quiet study spaces: 84
    - with adjustable desks: 15
  • Seats with computers, in quiet study halls: 8
  • Various seats (low noise tone): 12
  • Group rooms: 0

The library is divided into noise level zones: Map of the noise level zones (pdf) Pdf, 307 kB.

Sometimes halls are booked for classes. You can see times on the screen outside the hall.

Ett sort rum med ett långbord.
En person sitter och pluggar vid ett skrivbord vid ett stort fönster.
Två personer sitter och pluggar vid ett stort bord. Längs väggarna står bokhyllor fyllda av böcker.
En röd soffa i nyrokoko står framför ett stort fönster.
Två personer sitter och samtalar vid ett fönster. Den ena personen håller i en bok.
Ett högt skrivbord med en hög stol.
En sittpuff framför ett stort fönster.
Ett stort rum med en grupp fåtöljer, en whiteboard och bokhyllor.

Public computers

As a student, researcher or employee at Uppsala University, you use your university account and password A to access the computers. Other visitors can get a temporary account at one of our information desks. You can see which of our libraries have information desks and when they are open on the page Opening hours and contact.

Copy, scan and print

Everyone is welcome to use the University's printing system eduPrint.

Wireless network

Students and researchers use the Eduroam network. Other visitors are welcome to use the UU-guest network.


All IT technical support is provided by the University's IT support.


  • Monday 2/12
    8:30 AM–8:00 PM
  • Tuesday 3/12
    8:30 AM–8:00 PM
  • Wednesday 4/12
    8:30 AM–8:00 PM
  • Thursday 5/12
    8:30 AM–8:00 PM
  • Friday 6/12
    8:30 AM–6:00 PM
  • Saturday 7/12
  • Sunday 8/12
    10:00 AM–6:00 PM

Information desk

  • Monday 2/12
    10:00 AM–8:00 PM
  • Tuesday 3/12
    10:00 AM–8:00 PM
  • Wednesday 4/12
    10:00 AM–8:00 PM
  • Thursday 5/12
    10:00 AM–8:00 PM
  • Friday 6/12
    10:00 AM–6:00 PM
  • Saturday 7/12
  • Sunday 8/12
    10:00 AM–6:00 PM

How to find Dag Hammarskjöld and Law Library

Street address: Slottsgränd 3
Postal address:
Uppsala universitetsbibliotek, DHJ
Box 6508
751 38 UPPSALA


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