Course Evaluation Support

An important instrument in quality work consists of the course evaluations that are conducted in connection with courses and study programmes.

Guidelines for course evaluations

Course evaluations are regulated in the guidelines for course evaluations that have been adopted by the Vice-Chancellor. Among other things, the guidelines:

  • also cover third-cycle courses and study programmes
  • that work with course evaluations requires that consideration be given to ethical demands, such as respecting the privacy of employees and students, which is why any publication of students’ free-text responses must be approved in advance by an officer in charge (not a a student receiving a wage)
  • central viewpoints from students’ free-text responses, along with the course evaluation, are to be summarised in a course report. The course report includes an evaluation and analysis of the results by the person in charge of the course (or some other designated person) and comprises both student and teacher viewpoints and any proposed measures for improvement.

Course evaluation videos

Here you find four short videos about course evaluation in English. In module 1 there is information about the laws and regulations for course evaluation. Module 2 deals with the design of course evaluations and contains interviews with teachers. Module 3 contains information on compilation of course evaluation results and course report. In module 4, a panel discussion is held with teachers and students about continuous course evaluation and student engagement.

Course evaluation seminar

The Unit for Quality and Evaluation offers course evaluation seminars designed for both employees and students. The purpose of these seminars is to stimulate work with course evaluations at the departmental level. Course evluations are held continously, and can be booked for the department or a group of teachers.

Course evaluation system at Uppsala University

The course evaluation system at Uppsala University and Studium were connected during the spring semester 2022. Now, you can start from your course in Studium when you want to create a course evaluation. Read more in the Guide available in Studium

Guidance on course evaluations

The Guidance on course evaluations – Support and advice for working on course evaluations Pdf, 310 kB. provide some points of departure for work with course evaluations, along with practical advice and tips.

Guidance on course evaluation of doctoral courses

The Question bank

The question bank is intended as a source of inspiration in the creation of course evaluation questionnaires. You find a multitude of course evaluation questions and respons scales. In the question bank Pdf, 448 kB. you will find questions about, e.g. previous knowledge, expectations, requirements, the teacher’s input, the student’s own input, the study climate, examination, linkages to current research and working life, respectively, and goal fulfilment. There is also a complementary question bank with questions suitable for distance courses and online teaching Question Pool: Online Teaching and Digital Teaching and Learning Pdf, 99 kB..

Examples of course evaluations

Examples of entire course evaluations of different lengths to be inspired by:

Programme evaluation

Examples of themes/question areas that may be useful to consider when designing surveys to investigate students' perceptions of study programmes. The questions within each theme are examples of questions that can be asked.

Example of course report template

Example of a course report template with suggested headlines. This template contains headlines in both Swedish and English. If you choose to write your course report in English, you need to be able to provide a translation of the document to Swedish if anyone asks for it (according to the Language Policy for Uppsala University, UFV 2016/520).

You can write course reports directly in the course evaluation system. You choose whether you want to use the template above as support or write your own text. Read more in the guides in Studium.


For questions, informations or consultative support with course evaluations or for course evaluation seminar please contact Maria Magnusson eller Therese Ljunghammar.


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