Erasmus Traineeship
Within Erasmus+, there is the opportunity to apply for a number of grants to finance traineeships, field studies, or any other form of study-related activity at a company, organisation, or university.
What is the Erasmus traineeship grant?
The grant can, for example, finance the collection of data for an independent project. An independent project can be a degree project, a C-, D-, or master's thesis, or a doctoral dissertation. Other student activities that could be funded by the grant include summer jobs or work-based education (VFU). The important thing is that your department has approved the activity as relevant to your studies.
Depending on which Erasmus Traineeship grant you are applying for, you can carry out an Erasmus Traineeship within the framework of one of the following options:
- Within the framework of a traineeship course at Uppsala University
- Within the framework of a degree project or thesis
- Outside your regular study programme
- Within twelve months after you have graduated
Who can apply for the grant?
To be eligible for an Erasmus traineeship, the following criteria must be met:
- You must be studying for a Bachelor’s, Master’s or doctoral degree at Uppsala University.
- You must have successfully completed at least 60 credits of university studies. Credits from other universities or HEIs can be included in these 60 credits.
- You are registered at Uppsala University when you apply. Students who will do a traineeship after graduation must submit the application while they are still registered as students at Uppsala University.
- If you are planning on doing your traineeship after graduation, the entire traineeship must be finalised no later than 12 months after the final date of the last semester at Uppsala University. For example, if 6 June is the end date of your last semester at Uppsala University, your traineeship should be finalised no later than 6 June the year after.
- You have arranged a traineeship that has been approved by your department and it must be relevant to your studies and your future career.
- The organisation where the traineeship will take place is approved.
- The traineeship is full-time for a period of 2 to 12 months. Full-time refers to 40 hours per week. Sometimes there may be variations in what is considered full-time in different countries. If your traineeship is less than 40 hours per week, an official justification from your traineeship placement is required.
- You must not have another EU grant during the same time period.
Students with a residence permit
Students studying in Sweden on a residence permit should check with the Swedish Migration Agency that participation in exchange studies or traineeship outside Sweden does not affect their residence permit. Please refer to the Swedish Migration Agency's website.
Visa to participate in an Erasmus traineeship
Depending on your nationality and the country where you will be conducting your traineeship you might need to apply for a visa/residence permit. Please make sure to properly check what is required in your case. In some instances you might need to show that you have been granted an Erasmus Traineeship Grant – if this should be the case for you: make sure to apply on time.
How long can I receive the grant?
You can receive an Erasmus grant for traineeships multiple times, but the following rules apply to how long and how many times you can apply for an Erasmus grant:
- Within the Erasmus programme, one month is considered as 30 days. You can receive an Erasmus grant for a maximum of 12 months (360 days) for each educational level (bachelor's, master's, and doctoral levels). Students enrolled in long non-structured programme, such as the Medicine Programme, are allowed an Erasmus grant for a total of 24 months (720 days) during their entire education.
- For those who have previously participated in an exchange or traineeship with an Erasmus grant, whether through other institutions in Sweden or abroad, that period is also counted within the 12 months (360 days).
- If you participate in a short Erasmus traineeship, your traineeship must be 5-30 days. If you participate in an Erasmus traineeship within or outside the EU, your traineeship must be 2-12 months.
Three different Erasmus Traineeship grants
Short Erasmus Traineeship
Grant to carry out a short traineeship of 5-30 days within the EU. The traineeship has to be in a blended format.
Erasmus Traineeship within the EU
Grant to carry out a study-related activity such as traineeship or field studies within the EU for 2-12 months.
Erasmus Traineeship outside the EU
Grant to carry out traineeships or field studies in selected countries outside the EU for 2-12 months.
You must find a traineeship placement on your own
Regardless of where in the world or at what type of organisation you wish to do a traineeship, you must find a suitable traineeship placement yourself.
You can contact organisations you are interested in, or your department might be able to help you. There are also many good websites to keep an eye on where companies, organisations, or universities advertise traineeships.
Advertised traineeships
Tillfälliga ändringar och extrainsatta tillfällen
- Drop-in startar igen den 3 september 2024.
- Drop-in är inställt 5 december 2024.
- För frågor om utbytesstudier eller ENLIGHT Joint Courses:
- För frågor om stipendiet Minor Field Studies:
- För frågor om Erasmuspraktik, Erasmusstipendiet för studier, Erasmusstipendiet för blandad mobilitet eller International Credit Mobility:
Drop-in: Träffa en handläggare
Träffa en av våra internationella handläggare för att diskutera dina frågor angående studier eller praktik utomlands. Du har möjlighet att mötas via Zoom eller ha ett fysiskt möte på plats.
Var vänlig observera att drop-in-sessioner inte kommer att vara tillgängliga under helgdagar eller under ledigheter såsom jul, påsk och sommar.
Studenter i Uppsala
- På Zoom via drop in-länken
- Tisdagar kl. 11.00–12.00
- Torsdagar kl. 13.00–14.00
- På Studenttorget i Segerstedthuset
- Tisdagar kl. 11.00–12.00
- Torsdagar kl. 13.00–14.00
Studenter i Visby
- På Zoom via drop in-länken
- Tisdagar kl. 11.00–12.00
- Torsdagar kl. 13.00–14.00
- På Campus Gotland enligt bokad tid