Programme Mental Health Week 2024

During the week you can listen to lectures and webinars, and participate in workshops and activities. All to inform and illuminate mental health and well-being.

On the Swedish website for Mental Health Week, you find the complete programme including lectures and activities held in Swedish. The events take place in Uppsala, Visby or online.

Events running throughout the week

The students' training facility Campus1477 is open all week for you as a student. Welcome to try training for free throughout the week: gym, group training, ball sports and climbing! You will find the entire program on Campus1477's website.

Location: Campus1477, Von Kramers allé 5, Uppsala

Do you get lethargic and tired in the autumn and winter? In the light room at Student Health Services in Uppsala, you can compensate for some of your daylight deficiency during the dark months.

From Monday 7 October, the Student Health in Uppsala will open the light room for the season. There is a drop-in and you register at reception and show your student ID.

Location: The Student Health Service, Övre Slottsgatan 7, Uppsala

Read more about the light room.

Uppsala Student Union would like to welcome all students to drink coffee and fika at our student union house during the whole Mental Health Week. Sometimes the best way to feel good is fika and friends! So if you need the time to relax or just take a moment with friends or by yourself, please come by and grab a coffee and do some colouring of mandalas!

Location: Uppsala student union, Övre Slottsgatan 7, Uppsala

See the opening hours at Uppsala student union.

We are gathering various mental health related information and resources (some in Swedish, some in English) and hope that you as students and staff would like to add more! Share your thoughts. Share some memorable quotes or readings. Share photos. Share art. Together we will create an informative and interactive space that can be visited at your own convenience and that will evolve over the week.

Afterwards, we will document and communicate the co-created posters and peer-to-peer messaging. This space will also include a curated photo exhibition (see separate activity).

Would you like to contribute something in advance? Contact Johanna Bergman Lodin.

Time: The poster session opens at 12:00 on 7 October and closes on 11 October at 14:00.

Location: SLU Campus Ultuna, Ulls Hus, lower entrance, Almas Allé 8, Uppsala

In this uplifting photo exhibition, Anna Frisint, Mid-Sweden University, shares some of the photos that were taken through participatory photovoice research with young adults in the city Östersund. These youth have documented what makes them thrive. The photos are complemented with explanatory interview quotes (in Swedish).

Would you like to share what makes you thrive? Please contribute to our mental health week poster session and co-creation space located in the same place (see separate activity).

Time: The photo exhibition opens at 12:00 on 7 October and closes on 11 October at 14:00.

Location: SLU Campus Ultuna, Ulls Hus, lower entrance, Almas Allé 8, Uppsala

Programme day by day

Monday 7 October

Welcome to participate in a free soft yoga class led by Karin Norgren Ngatia at Friskis & Svettis Ultuna. Please bring a yoga mat or a towel to lie or sit on.

Time: 7 Monday, 12:00–13:00

Location: Friskis & Svettis Ultuna, Stora Hallen, Lennart Hjelms Väg 4, Uppsala

It can sometimes be stressful to be a student. Learn a few useful tips to calm down in stressful periods. Welcome to this 15 minutes lecture with the Student Health Service.

Sign up via our digital form, by 3 October at the latest. The first ten to sign up will be offered a sandwich and something to drink.

Time: Monday 7 October, 12:15–12:30

Location: Campus Gotland, room B15, Visby

All movement is good, even short walks. Join the Student Health Service on a shorter walk in the surroundings! We will walk for about 20 minutes and you will get the opportunity to meet other students while getting exercise, daylight and fresh air.

No sign-up is necessary.

Time: Monday 7 October, 12:30–12:50

Location: Campus Gotland, we meet outside the D building, Visby

We welcome both students and staff and will start off together with an introduction and then break up into peer-to-peer groups to explore this subject over a fika. We will document our joint ideas on and experiences of how to thrive in academia, in our community, and or in the world, and share with you and others afterwards.

If you have time, do visit the photo exhibition in Ulls Hus, SLU, before the workshop for some inspiration.

Register so that we know how much fika to order, or come by anyways (we care and share)!

Register for the event

Time: Monday 7 October 13:00–14:30

Location: SLU Campus Ultuna, VHC (Veterinary and Animal Science Center), lecture hall Särimner, Ulls väg 26, Uppsala

Join us for a training session at Campus1477! On Mondays during the autumn, the Student Health Service's group exercise instructors hold free group training classes for you who are students. This particular Monday, it's a dance session with influences from house and hip hop.

Time: Monday 7 October, 15:30–16:15

Location: Campus 1477, Von Kramers allé 5, Uppsala

Come and try Dance for health! The dance is for you, regardless of who you are, beginner or experienced. The dance is led by dance educators and is free of charge. The dance is done barefoot or in socks. Come as you are! Dance for health is a concept developed by Örebro University.

To secure a place you need to register via email to, but it is also possible to drop in if space is available.

Time: Monday 7 October, 16:40–17:30

Location: Campus Gotland, room B38, Visby

Read more about Dance for health.

Tuesday 8 October

Do you want to try running? Or are you a seasoned runner, albeit rather slow? The group is primarily aimed at those of you who have thought about starting to run or who may run sometimes and want to make it a routine. Other runners are also welcome. We will try to find a pace that works for everyone and if we are lucky, we will get around the wall of 3.4 km. There are changing rooms and shower facilities in the yellow house in the inner harbour. For those who wish, there is the option of a cold plunge in the ocean after the run.

No sign-up is necessary.

Time: Tuesday 8 October, 11:30–12:00

Location: Campus Gotland; we meet outside of the yellow house in the inner harbour in Visby.

This is an opportunity for you who want to learn the basics of orienteering in order to get out in our beautiful nature with the help of a map, or for you who just want to refresh your previous orienteering skills.

After an introduction to how to orientate using a map, we go on a short joint walking tour to take some Find Out ("Hitta ut") checks together. "Hitta ut" is a free health care activity where you, on your own or together with family and friends, using a map (on paper or in an app on your mobile) must find checkpoints that are located in urban environments, parks, residential areas and forests close to urban areas.

Practical: Clothes according to the weather and shoes to be able to walk or run on trails.

Register at the latest on the same day, October 8 (max. 20 participants).

Register for "Hitta ut"

Time: Tuesday 8 October, 16:00–18:00

Location: Campus1477, von Kramers Alle 7, Uppsala

Welcome to a meditative painting session with Ultuna Student Union’s equality committee (LikeU). Here you get the opportunity to forget about your studies for a moment and to be creative.

You are welcome to bring and work with any types of paints or pencils you like such as watercolour, oil paints and so on. We will listen to music and paint just for fun. There will be no focus on performance. This is an opportunity to be inspired by others or to paint exactly what you want.

If the weather is nice we will start the activity with a short walk on campus to gather inspiration and get into the right mood. Come and have fun, meet new people and create!

Bring: Your own materials (Ultuna Student Union can to some extent contribute with some brushes, paint and paper if you don’t have your own, email the Ultuna Student Union’s equality committee and ask).

Time: Tuesday 8 October, 16.00–18.00

Location: "Ateljén", the studio, at Ultuna Campus, Ulls hus, Almas Allé 8, Uppsala

The Pharmaceutical Student Union together with the Student Health Service invites you to yoga. A calm yoga that suits beginners as well as those who have practised yoga for a while.

No prior knowledge is required, wear soft clothes and be prepared to be barefoot.

Time: Tuesday 8 October, 17:00–17:45

Location: Pharmen, The Pharmaceutical Student Union, Dag Hammarskjölds väg 16, Uppsala

Talking in front of others, giving speeches, presenting group work, or being active at seminars can make many of us very anxious. In this workshop, we will explain what happens in the body and mind when pressure to perform strikes, and give you some strategies to cope. You will also have the opportunity to practice speaking English in a supportive environment.

Time: Tuesday 8 October, 17:30–19:30

Location: The Segerstedt building, room Tuvstarren, Dag Hammarskjölds Väg 7, Uppsala

Wednesday 9 October

Bystander intervention training for students

Most of us have probably been onlookers when someone has behaved badly or said something inappropriate, not knowing what to do about it. Intervening and speaking up can be difficult and requires training. In this workshop you will learn everything you need to know about bystander interventions: how to move from identifying a problematic situation to how and when you can take action safely and effectively. Together we can fight harassment and inequalities!

Register for the event

Time: Wednesday 9 October, 9:00-12:00

Location: SLU Campus Ultuna, Ulls Hus, lecture hall S, Almas Allé 8, Uppsala

Bystander intervention training for staff
Are you staff? Please join the bystander training on 11 Friday 9:00–12:00 instead. Location: SLU Campus Ultuna, lecture hall Ratatosk, VHC, 2nd floor, Ulls väg 26, Uppsala.

Register for the event

Do you feel stressed by expectations, deadlines, and a high workload? Do you need tips for how to reduce or handle symptoms of stress? Join us to learn more about how stress affects us, how to prevent and manage it so as to create a sustainable and enjoyable student life!

The lecture is given by The Student health service. No sign-up is necessary.

Time: Wednesday 9 October, 12:15–13:00

Location: The lecture is held via Zoom.

Visit our interactive expo booths. In this space we want to create an approachable, hopeful and fun atmosphere where you, as students and staff, are encouraged to reflect and engage in mental health dialogue to increase awareness, reduce stigma and misconceptions, and be reminded to check in on yourself and each other. The booths will focus on coping, positive life skills, general wellness, and much more.

Would you like to help out with the booths, whether to develop or execute them, and whether for a short while or the whole afternoon? No previous experience needed. Contact Johanna Bergman Lodin.

Time: Wednesday 9 October, 12:00-16:30

Location: SLU Campus Ultuna, Ulls Hus, lower entrance, Almas Allé 8, Uppsala

During this workshop with Gunilla Lönnberg, we will explore an interactive group process developed by Joanna Macy et al.. Contemplative practices will be blended with reflective group dialogue drawing on Systems Thinking and Deep Ecology. This can help you become more fully present, emotionally grounded and resilient. It can also help you gain more agency to act in line with your deepest values in this challenging time of climate change and biodiversity breakdown. If you feel grief, anxiety or any other upsetting emotion due to the mentioned crises, or if you simply are curios about this, you are welcome!

Gunilla Lönnberg PhD works as a researcher at the Department of Public Health and Caring Sciences here at Uppsala University. She also works as a mindfulness teacher with 17 years of teaching experience. She has a deep interest in how the benefits of mindfulness practice can expand beyond individual well-being towards the well-being of humanity and nature. Her career path has been shaped by the wish to contribute to more holistic approaches in health care and society.

Time: Wednesday 9 October, 16:00–17:30

Location: The Student Health Service, Övre Slottsgatan 7, Uppsala

The session is suitable for everyone, from those who want to get started with their running to experienced runners who want to learn the right running technique and get inspiration for their running training.

Lisa Weyhenmeyer, who leads the running session, is an elite-level track and field athlete and is studying medicine at Uppsala University.

Registration by 8 October at the latest (max 20 participants).

Register for the running technique-session

Equipment: Clothes according to the weather and suitable shoes to run with

Time: Wednesday 9 October, 17:00–18:00

Location: Campus1477, von Kramers Allé 5, Uppsala

The evening will be started with a quiz about plants and animals. Then the rest of the time will consist of cosy crafts. You can bring your own craft materials or use the materials provided by BiOM, one of the Ultuna Student Union's study monitoring councils. On site, there will also be coffee at cost price.

For questions, please email the Ultuna Student Union's study monitoring council.

Time: Wednesday 9 October, 17:00

Location: SLU Campus Ultuna, Undervisningshuset, hall N, Almas allé 10, Uppsala

Thursday 10 October

“Despite the minimal news coverage, sexual harassment and gender inequality against women are no less prevalent in science than they are in pop culture and corporate America.” Join us in watching the movie ‘Picture a Scientist’ (ca 65 minutes). Bring your lunch box and we bring the popcorn! (But please avoid food containing common allergens.)

If your time permits, stay on to engage in a conversation afterwards on how we as students and staff for example can build nurturing relationships and caring practices in academia beyond our gendered experiences.

Time: Thursday 10 October, 12:00–13:30

Location: SLU Campus Ultuna, Ulls Hus, lecture hall R, Almas Allé 8, Uppsala

Time to roll up your sleeves and let colours and creativity flow! Paint & Sip is a concept of Uppsala Union of Engineering and Science students where we reuse vintage porcelain that gets new life where your own creativity sets the limit for the new design.

You will get the opportunity to buy vintage porcelain and crafts at a cheap price and the opportunity to give it a new look. In connection with this, there will also be sales of drinks as well as climate-smart food at favourable prices. Gather your friends for a fun evening sustainable both for each other and the environment!

Time: Thursday 10 October, 17:30–19:00

Location: Uppsala Union of Engineering and Science students (UTN), Uthgård, Polacksbacken building 73, Uppsala

Welcome to a soft yoga session, which includes meditation, strength, balance and stretching. The level is for everyone, regardless of previous experience. The class is lead by Ella Gunnarsson, who is in her fourth term as a yoga host at Östgöta nation.

Equipment: Yoga mat (can be borrowed if you don't have one) and soft clothes

Drop in and you get your spot according to availability. Arrive well in advance of the session!

Time: Thursday 10 October 19:00–20:00

Location: Östgöta nation, Trädgårdsgatan 15, Uppsala

Friday 13 October

The Student Health Services, together with Uppsala University Chaplaincy, invites international students to Meet, greet, and fika! Come and sit down for a while, meet, greet, fika, play boardgames, and find new friends! We offer free fika and coffee. At 13.30 we arrange a Speed dating for friends – welcome to join!

Time: Friday 11 October, 13:00–14:30

Location: The Student Health Service, Övre Slottsgatan 7, Uppsala

Spikeball, or roundnet as the sport is actually called, is a fast, "simple", fun and social game that is easy for everyone to get started with! During the session, you can try it out and learn the basics, or play with others and learn new tricks if you have already tried Spikeball. Experienced leaders lead the session from the Uppsala Roundnet Club in Uppsala.

Register by 10 October at the latest (max. 20 participants).

Register for spikeball

Practical: Good indoor shoes so you don't slip, otherwise normal training clothes or come as you are!

Time: Friday 11 October, 15:30–16:30

Location: Campus 1477, von Kramers allé 5, Uppsala

With reservation for changes to the program.

