Master's Programme in Physics – Theoretical Physics: Quantum Fields and Strings

120 credits

Outline, TFY2M, TEOR

Specialisation code
Finalised by
The Faculty Board of Science and Technology, 9 November 2024
Registration number
TEKNAT 2024/125

If the number of students who want to attend the following courses are few, the courses might be cancelled or given with different teaching methods: 1FA160, 1FA360, 1FA587, 1FA158, 1FA570 och 1FA227.

Semester 1

The courses 1FA163, 1FA252, 1FA156, 1FA140 should be chosen if a student has not studied the corresponding content before. 

Students with more advanced background can also choose the courses from Semester 3 or research projects instead of courses (see project courses 1FA566, 1FA565, 1FA195, 1FA193 at the bottom of the page).

Period 1

Other eligible courses this period:

Period 2

Other eligible courses this period:

The course 1FA160 is only given in odd years.

Semester 2

Period 3

Other eligible courses this period:

Period 4

The course 1FA158 is only given in odd years.

Other eligible courses this period:

1FA597 is for the one-year Master's students.

Semester 3

Period 1

Period 2

Degree Project E in Physics, 15 of 45 credits (1FA694)

Semester 4

Period 3

Period 4

Other optional courses within the specialisation (any period):

The following designations are used:

G2F - First cycle, has at least 60 credits in first-cycle courses as entry requirements

A1N - Second cycle, has only first-cycle courses as entry requirements, at least 120 credits

A1F - Second cycle, has second-cycle courses as entry requirements

A1E - Second cycle, contains degree project for Master of Arts/Master of Science (60 credits)

A2E - Second cycle, degree project for Master of Arts/Master of Science (120 credits)

