Sascha Otts grupp

Katalysatorer för vätgasproduktion eller koldioxidreduktion inom artificiell fotosyntes, samt hur fosfor påverkar organiska system inom molekylär elektronik.
Vår forskning
Vi bedriver forskning inom molekylär syntetisk kemi.
Vår forskning har två olika inriktningar. Dels studerar vi katalysatorer för vätgasproduktion eller koldioxidreduktion som kan användas inom artificell fotosyntes. Vi studerar också hur fosfor påverkar organiska pi-konjugerade system för användning inom molekylär elektronik.
- Molekylär biomimetisk oorganisk kemi
- Katalys inom artificiell fotosyntes
- Molekylär huvudgruppkemi
Våra forskningsprojekt
Ott-gruppen arbetar för närvarande med följande projekt:
Molekylära och supramolekylära system i samband med artificiell fostosyntes
- Molekylär katalys utförd av MOFs relevanta för energiomvandling
- Redox-ledande MOF:er
- MOF för halvledare
Mer information kommer.
Vårt arbete stöds och finansieras av Europeiska forskningsrådet, Vetenskapsrådet, Energimyndigheten, Carl Tryggers Stiftelse (Carl Tryggers Stiftelse) och Knut och Alice Wallenbergs Stiftelse (Knut och Alice Wallenberg). Stiftelse).
Ingår i Journal of the American Chemical Society, s. 12000-12010, 2024
- DOI för Diffusional Electron Transport Coupled to Thermodynamically Driven Electron Transfers in Redox-Conductive Multivariate Metal-Organic Frameworks
- Ladda ner fulltext (pdf) av Diffusional Electron Transport Coupled to Thermodynamically Driven Electron Transfers in Redox-Conductive Multivariate Metal-Organic Frameworks
The Molecular Nature of Redox-Conductive Metal-Organic Frameworks
Ingår i Accounts of Chemical Research, s. 2836-2846, 2024
- DOI för The Molecular Nature of Redox-Conductive Metal-Organic Frameworks
- Ladda ner fulltext (pdf) av The Molecular Nature of Redox-Conductive Metal-Organic Frameworks
Ingår i Analytical Chemistry, s. 15285-15294, 2024
- DOI för Evaluating Nondestructive Quantification of Composition Gradients in Metal–Organic Frameworks by MeV Ion Microbeam Analysis
- Ladda ner fulltext (pdf) av Evaluating Nondestructive Quantification of Composition Gradients in Metal–Organic Frameworks by MeV Ion Microbeam Analysis
Ingår i Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 2024
- DOI för Non‐Ionic Peterson‐type Olefination Reactivity and its Use in a Silicon‐promoted Carbonyl‐Carbonyl Cross Coupling Reaction
- Ladda ner fulltext (pdf) av Non‐Ionic Peterson‐type Olefination Reactivity and its Use in a Silicon‐promoted Carbonyl‐Carbonyl Cross Coupling Reaction
Ingår i Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 2023
- DOI för Alternating Metal-Ligand Coordination Improves Electrocatalytic CO2 Reduction by a Mononuclear Ru Catalyst
- Ladda ner fulltext (pdf) av Alternating Metal-Ligand Coordination Improves Electrocatalytic CO2 Reduction by a Mononuclear Ru Catalyst
Ingår i Inorganic Chemistry, s. 18391-18398, 2023
- DOI för Mechanistic Insights and Synthetic Explorations of the Photoredox-Catalyzed Activation of Halophosphines
- Ladda ner fulltext (pdf) av Mechanistic Insights and Synthetic Explorations of the Photoredox-Catalyzed Activation of Halophosphines
Ingår i European Journal of Organic Chemistry, 2023
- DOI för Highly Conjugated Bis(benzo[b]phosphole)-P-oxides: Synthesis and Electrochemical, Optical, and Computational Studies
- Ladda ner fulltext (pdf) av Highly Conjugated Bis(benzo[b]phosphole)-P-oxides: Synthesis and Electrochemical, Optical, and Computational Studies
Precursors for the Development of π-Conjugated Low-Coordinate Phosphorus Compounds
Ingår i ChemPlusChem, 2023
- DOI för Precursors for the Development of π-Conjugated Low-Coordinate Phosphorus Compounds
- Ladda ner fulltext (pdf) av Precursors for the Development of π-Conjugated Low-Coordinate Phosphorus Compounds
The Influence of Water in the Vapor-Assisted Conversion Synthesis of UiO-67 MOF Thin Films
Ingår i European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry, 2023
- DOI för The Influence of Water in the Vapor-Assisted Conversion Synthesis of UiO-67 MOF Thin Films
- Ladda ner fulltext (pdf) av The Influence of Water in the Vapor-Assisted Conversion Synthesis of UiO-67 MOF Thin Films
Ingår i ACS Nano, s. 21595-21603, 2023
- DOI för Electrochromism in Isoreticular Metal-Organic Framework Thin Films with Record High Coloration Efficiency
- Ladda ner fulltext (pdf) av Electrochromism in Isoreticular Metal-Organic Framework Thin Films with Record High Coloration Efficiency
Ingår i Nature Communications, 2023
- DOI för Experimental manifestation of redox-conductivity in metal-organic frameworks and its implication for semiconductor/insulator switching
- Ladda ner fulltext (pdf) av Experimental manifestation of redox-conductivity in metal-organic frameworks and its implication for semiconductor/insulator switching
Visible-light photoredox catalysis with organic polymers
- DOI för Visible-light photoredox catalysis with organic polymers
- Ladda ner fulltext (pdf) av Visible-light photoredox catalysis with organic polymers
Ingår i Chemical Reviews, s. 6545-6611, 2023
- DOI för Molecular Catalysis of Energy Relevance in Metal–Organic Frameworks: From Higher Coordination Sphere to System Effects
- Ladda ner fulltext (pdf) av Molecular Catalysis of Energy Relevance in Metal–Organic Frameworks: From Higher Coordination Sphere to System Effects
Ingår i Journal of the American Chemical Society, s. 11472-11476, 2023
- DOI för Lateral Electron and Hole Hopping between Dyes on Mesoporous ZrO2: Unexpected Influence of Solvents with a Low Dielectric Constant
- Ladda ner fulltext (pdf) av Lateral Electron and Hole Hopping between Dyes on Mesoporous ZrO2: Unexpected Influence of Solvents with a Low Dielectric Constant
Ingår i Catalysts, 2022
- DOI för Hydroxyl-Decorated Diiron Complex as a [FeFe]-Hydrogenase Active Site Model Complex: Light-Driven Photocatalytic Activity and Heterogenization on Ethylene-Bridged Periodic Mesoporous Organosilica
- Ladda ner fulltext (pdf) av Hydroxyl-Decorated Diiron Complex as a [FeFe]-Hydrogenase Active Site Model Complex: Light-Driven Photocatalytic Activity and Heterogenization on Ethylene-Bridged Periodic Mesoporous Organosilica
Ingår i Chemical Science, s. 12239-12244, 2022
- DOI för [2+2] Cycloaddition of phosphaalkenes as a key step for the reductive coupling of diaryl ketones to tetraaryl olefins
- Ladda ner fulltext (pdf) av [2+2] Cycloaddition of phosphaalkenes as a key step for the reductive coupling of diaryl ketones to tetraaryl olefins
Microscopic Insights into Cation-Coupled Electron Hopping Transport in a Metal-Organic Framework
Ingår i Journal of the American Chemical Society, s. 5910-5920, 2022
- DOI för Microscopic Insights into Cation-Coupled Electron Hopping Transport in a Metal-Organic Framework
- Ladda ner fulltext (pdf) av Microscopic Insights into Cation-Coupled Electron Hopping Transport in a Metal-Organic Framework
Ingår i Materials Advances, s. 4227-4234, 2022
- DOI för Electrocatalytic water oxidation from a mixed linker MOF based on NU-1000 with an integrated ruthenium-based metallo-linker
- Ladda ner fulltext (pdf) av Electrocatalytic water oxidation from a mixed linker MOF based on NU-1000 with an integrated ruthenium-based metallo-linker
Gold nanoparticle-based supramolecular approach for dye-sensitized H-2-evolving photocathodes
Ingår i Dalton Transactions, s. 15716-15724, 2022
- DOI för Gold nanoparticle-based supramolecular approach for dye-sensitized H-2-evolving photocathodes
- Ladda ner fulltext (pdf) av Gold nanoparticle-based supramolecular approach for dye-sensitized H-2-evolving photocathodes
Z-Selective Alkene Formation from Reductive Aldehyde Homo-Couplings
Ingår i European Journal of Organic Chemistry, 2022
- DOI för Z-Selective Alkene Formation from Reductive Aldehyde Homo-Couplings
- Ladda ner fulltext (pdf) av Z-Selective Alkene Formation from Reductive Aldehyde Homo-Couplings
Two routes to hydrogen evolution for a Co-polypyridyl complex with two open sites
Ingår i Electronic Structure, 2022
- DOI för Two routes to hydrogen evolution for a Co-polypyridyl complex with two open sites
- Ladda ner fulltext (pdf) av Two routes to hydrogen evolution for a Co-polypyridyl complex with two open sites
Ingår i Coordination chemistry reviews, 2021
- DOI för Catalytic systems mimicking the [FeFe]-hydrogenase active site for visible-light-driven hydrogen production
- Ladda ner fulltext (pdf) av Catalytic systems mimicking the [FeFe]-hydrogenase active site for visible-light-driven hydrogen production
Ingår i Journal of the American Chemical Society, s. 7991-7999, 2021
- DOI för Mimicking the Electron Transport Chain and Active Site of [FeFe] Hydrogenases in One Metal-Organic Framework: Factors That Influence Charge Transport
- Ladda ner fulltext (pdf) av Mimicking the Electron Transport Chain and Active Site of [FeFe] Hydrogenases in One Metal-Organic Framework: Factors That Influence Charge Transport
Ingår i The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, s. 14751-14764, 2021
- DOI för Ultrafast Dynamics in Cu-Deficient CuInS2 Quantum Dots: Sub-Bandgap Transitions and Self-Assembled Molecular Catalysts
- Ladda ner fulltext (pdf) av Ultrafast Dynamics in Cu-Deficient CuInS2 Quantum Dots: Sub-Bandgap Transitions and Self-Assembled Molecular Catalysts
Ingår i Dalton Transactions, s. 10482-10492, 2021
- DOI för Immobilising molecular Ru complexes on a protective ultrathin oxide layer of p-Si electrodes towards photoelectrochemical CO2 reduction
- Ladda ner fulltext (pdf) av Immobilising molecular Ru complexes on a protective ultrathin oxide layer of p-Si electrodes towards photoelectrochemical CO2 reduction
Ingår i Journal of the American Chemical Society, s. 18626-18634, 2021
- DOI för Elemental Depth Profiling of Intact Metal-Organic Framework Single Crystals by Scanning Nuclear Microprobe
- Ladda ner fulltext (pdf) av Elemental Depth Profiling of Intact Metal-Organic Framework Single Crystals by Scanning Nuclear Microprobe
Ingår i European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry, s. 1263-1270, 2021
Photoinduced Fano Resonances between Quantum Confined Nanocrystals and Adsorbed Molecular Catalysts
Ingår i Nano Letters, s. 5813-5818, 2021
Ingår i Nature Communications, 2020
- DOI för Enhancing photovoltages at p-type semiconductors through a redox-active metal-organic framework surface coating
- Ladda ner fulltext (pdf) av Enhancing photovoltages at p-type semiconductors through a redox-active metal-organic framework surface coating
Ingår i ChemPhotoChem, s. 287-290, 2020
Ingår i Organic & Biomolecular chemistry, s. 6171-6179, 2020
- DOI för E,Z-Selectivity in the reductive cross-coupling of two benzaldehydes to stilbenes under substrate control
- Ladda ner fulltext (pdf) av E,Z-Selectivity in the reductive cross-coupling of two benzaldehydes to stilbenes under substrate control
Ingår i Journal of the American Chemical Society, s. 11941-11956, 2020
- DOI för Transport Phenomena: Challenges and Opportunities for Molecular Catalysis in Metal-Organic Frameworks
- Ladda ner fulltext (pdf) av Transport Phenomena: Challenges and Opportunities for Molecular Catalysis in Metal-Organic Frameworks
Ingår i Chemical Science, s. 7468-7478, 2020
- DOI för Diagnosing surface versus bulk reactivity for molecular catalysis within metal-organic frameworks using a quantitative kinetic model
- Ladda ner fulltext (pdf) av Diagnosing surface versus bulk reactivity for molecular catalysis within metal-organic frameworks using a quantitative kinetic model
Ingår i Dalton Transactions, s. 13753-13759, 2020
Ingår i ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, s. 31372-31381, 2020
- DOI för Understanding the Performance of NiO Photocathodes with Alkyl-Derivatized Cobalt Catalysts and a Push-Pull Dye
- Ladda ner fulltext (pdf) av Understanding the Performance of NiO Photocathodes with Alkyl-Derivatized Cobalt Catalysts and a Push-Pull Dye
Using Surface Amide Couplings to Assemble Photocathodes for Solar Fuel Production Applications
Ingår i ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, s. 4501-4509, 2020
Analysis of electrocatalytic metal-organic frameworks
Ingår i Coordination chemistry reviews, 2020
Triarylalkenes from the site-selective reductive cross-coupling of benzophenones and aldehydes
Ingår i Chemical Communications, s. 6030-6033, 2019
- DOI för Triarylalkenes from the site-selective reductive cross-coupling of benzophenones and aldehydes
- Ladda ner fulltext (pdf) av Triarylalkenes from the site-selective reductive cross-coupling of benzophenones and aldehydes
Ingår i Inorganica Chimica Acta, s. 254-260, 2019
Ingår i Sustainable Energy & Fuels, s. 2159-2175, 2019
Triphenylphosphaalkenes in Chemical Equilibria
Ingår i European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry, s. 1562-1566, 2019
Post synthetic exchange enables orthogonal click chemistry in a metal organic framework
Ingår i Dalton Transactions, s. 45-49, 2019
Ingår i Journal of the American Chemical Society, s. 17245-17259, 2019
Ingår i Synlett, s. 1867-1885, 2019
Ingår i ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, s. 38294-38302, 2019
Ingår i Dalton Transactions, s. 5933-5939, 2019
- DOI för Restricted rotation of an Fe(CO)(2)(PL3)-subunit in [FeFe]-hydrogenase active site mimics by intramolecular ligation
- Ladda ner fulltext (pdf) av Restricted rotation of an Fe(CO)(2)(PL3)-subunit in [FeFe]-hydrogenase active site mimics by intramolecular ligation
Ingår i Dalton Transactions, s. 16894-16898, 2019
Electrocatalytic Hydrogen Evolution from a Cobaloxime-Based Metal-Organic Framework Thin Film
Ingår i Journal of the American Chemical Society, s. 15942-15950, 2019
Ingår i Chemistry - A European Journal, s. 11135-11140, 2019
Ingår i Organic Letters, s. 5086-5089, 2018
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- Sascha Ott