Lena Zetterberg
Universitetslektor vid Institutionen för kvinnors och barns hälsa; Fysioterapi och beteendemedicin
- Telefon:
- 018-471 47 66
- E-post:
- lena.zetterberg@uu.se
- Besöksadress:
- MTC-huset, Dag Hammarskjölds väg 14B, 1tr
752 37 Uppsala - Postadress:
- Akademiska sjukhuset, MTC-huset
751 85 Uppsala
- Akademiska meriter:
- leg. sjukgymn, MD PhD
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Kort presentation
Studierektor, Docent, Klinisk lektor, Leg. fysioterapeut, Specialist i neurologisk fysioterapi
Jag är klinisk lektor i fysioterapi vilket innebär att jag delar min tjänst mellan att undervisa, forska samt vara klinisk fysioterapeut.
Framför allt arbetar jag dock som studierektor för hela fysioterapeutprogrammet vid Uppsala Universitet.
Min kliniska del av min tjänst gör jag på neurologavdelningen 85 D på Akademiska sjuhuset. Mina forskningsprojekt omfattar i nuläget fysisk aktivitet och aktivitetshinder vid dystoni och stroke samt smärta vid motorneurosjukdomen ALS. Min undervisning innebär att hålla lektioner och seminarier i olika kurser och handledning och examination av examensarbeten på grund och avancerad nivå.
Senaste publikationer
- Validity and reliability of physical activity measures in multiple sclerosis (2023)
- Pain in patients with motor neuron disease (2023)
- Psychometric assessment of the Swedish version of the injustice experience questionnaire among patients with chronic pain (2021)
- Pain, disease severity and associations with individual quality of life in patients with motor neuron diseases (2021)
- Investigating the Probability of Response Bias in Owner-Perceived Pain Assessment in Dogs With Osteoarthritis (2020)
Alla publikationer
- Validity and reliability of physical activity measures in multiple sclerosis (2023)
- Pain in patients with motor neuron disease (2023)
- Psychometric assessment of the Swedish version of the injustice experience questionnaire among patients with chronic pain (2021)
- Pain, disease severity and associations with individual quality of life in patients with motor neuron diseases (2021)
- Investigating the Probability of Response Bias in Owner-Perceived Pain Assessment in Dogs With Osteoarthritis (2020)
- The multiple faces of pain in motor neuron disease: (2020)
- Level of physical activity in men and women with chronic stroke (2019)
- Systematic review of rehabilitation in focal dystonias (2018)
- Self-reported physical activity correlates in Swedish adults with multiple sclerosis (2017)
- Psychometric evaluation of the canine brief pain inventory in a Swedish sample of dogs with pain related to osteoarthritis (2017)
- Short-term and long-term effects of a progressive resistance and balance exercise program in individuals with chronic stroke (2017)
- Body composition and physical function after progressive resistance and balance training among older adults after stroke (2017)
- Functional performance, nutritional status, and body composition in ambulant community-dwelling individuals 1-3 years after suffering from a cerebral infarction or intracerebral bleeding (2016)
- Comparison of Polar RS800CX heart rate monitor and electrocardiogram for measuring inter-beat intervals in healthy dogs (2015)
- Validity and reliability properties of canine short-term heart rate variability measures - a pilot study (2015)
- A Comparison of Botox 100 U/mL and Dysport 100 U/mL Using Dose Conversion Ratio 1: 3 and 1: 1.7 in the Treatment of Cervical Dystonia (2015)
- Exploring factors related to physical activity in cervical dystonia (2015)
- Physical activity in subjects with multiple sclerosis with focus on gender differences (2014)
- Factors Related to Performance-Based Mobility and Self-reported Physical Activity in Individuals 1-3 Years after Stroke (2013)
- Reviewing the effects of physical therapy in Cervical Dystonia (2013)
- Self-perceived non-motor aspects of cervical dystonia and their association with disability (2012)
- Muskeltonus (2011)
- Impact of dystonia on quality of life and health in a Swedish population (2009)
- Physiotherapy in Cervical Dystonia (2008)
- Objective assessment of cervical dystonia (2005)
- A comparison of Botox® 100 U/ml and Dysport® 100 U/ml using dose conversion ratio 1:3 and 1:1.7 in the treatment of cervical dystonia