Christine Fawcett
Forskare vid Institutionen för psykologi; Avdelningen för Utvecklingspsykologi
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Kort presentation
Vilka sociala signaler litar spädbarn på för att avgöra andras mål? Ett annat forskningsintresse är synkroni mellan personer, till exempel hur spädbarn anpassa deras fysiologi och beteende till andra. Till sist är jag intresserad i hur barn utvecklar kategorisering av genus och kön och hur de lära sig stereotyper.
- Ph.D.
University of California, Berkeley
Berkeley, CA
Developmental Psychology
May, 2008
- B.A.
Miami University
Oxford, OH
Psychology with Honors, Minor in Applied Statistics
December, 2001
Nuvarande anställning
Uppsala University
Fr. June 2011
Department of Psychology
Uppsala, Sweden
Tidigare anställning
Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics
June 2008-May 2011
Communication Before Language Group
Nijmegen, Netherlands
- 2016 The Swedish Foundation for Humanities and Social Sciences, “Pupillary Contagion in a Developmental Context” €635,000 over 3 years
- 2014 Swedish Research Council, “The Role of Synchronous Imitation in the Development of Joint Action” €350,000 over 4 years
- 2010 Marie Curie Individual Fellowship, “Infant Interaction” €180,000 over 24 months
Urval av publikationer
- Eighteen-Month-Olds, but not 14-Month-Olds, Use Social Context to Bind Action Sequences (2015)
- The Child as Econometrician (2014)
- Is ostension any more than attention? (2014)
- Infants' expectations about gestures and actions in third-party interactions (2014)
- Infants use social context to bind actions into a collaborative sequence (2013)
- Mimicry and play initiation in 18-month-old infants (2012)
Senaste publikationer
- Early Childhood Educators' Math Anxiety and Its Relation to Their Pedagogic Actions in Swedish Preschools (2024)
- No transfer of arousal from other's eyes in Williams syndrome (2023)
- Williams syndrome (2023)
- The Synchrony-Prosociality Link Cannot Be Explained Away as Expectancy Effect (2023)
- Kids attend to saliva sharing to infer social relationships (2022)
Alla publikationer
- Early Childhood Educators' Math Anxiety and Its Relation to Their Pedagogic Actions in Swedish Preschools (2024)
- No transfer of arousal from other's eyes in Williams syndrome (2023)
- Williams syndrome (2023)
- The Synchrony-Prosociality Link Cannot Be Explained Away as Expectancy Effect (2023)
- Kids attend to saliva sharing to infer social relationships (2022)
- Sharing a Common Language Affects Infants’ Pupillary Contagion (2022)
- Individual differences in pupil dilation to others' emotional and neutral eyes with varying pupil sizes (2022)
- How Does Preschoolers’ Conformity Relate to Parental Style, Anonymous Sharing, and Obedience? (2022)
- Humans' Pupillary Contagion Extends to Cats and Dogs (2021)
- Twelve-month-old infants’ physiological responses to music are affected by others’ positive and negative reactions (2021)
- The Role of Callous-Unemotional Traits on Adolescent Positive and Negative Emotional Reactivity (2019)
- Author Correction (2018)
- Gaze Following Is Not Dependent on Ostensive Cues (2018)
- Preschoolers' conformity (and its motivation) is linked to own and parents' personalities (2018)
- Conformity and its motivations are predicted by preschoolers’ and their parents’ personalities (2018)
- Human eyes with dilated pupils induce pupillary contagion in infants (2017)
- Infants' use of movement synchrony to infer social affiliation in others (2017)
- Early preschool environments and gender (2017)
- Pupillary Contagion in Infancy (2016)
- Callous-unemotional traits affect adolescents' perception of collaboration (2016)
- Eighteen-Month-Olds, but not 14-Month-Olds, Use Social Context to Bind Action Sequences (2015)
- 1-and 2-year-olds' expectations about third-party communicative actions (2015)
- Rock With Me (2015)
- Rock with me: The role of movement synchrony in infants’ social and non-social choices (2015)
- The Child as Econometrician (2014)
- Is ostension any more than attention? (2014)
- Infants' expectations about gestures and actions in third-party interactions (2014)
- Infants use social context to bind actions into a collaborative sequence (2013)
- Observation and Initiation of Joint Action in Infants (2012)
- Infants anticipate others’ social preferences (2012)
- Mimicry and play initiation in 18-month-old infants (2012)
- Similarity predicts liking in three-year-old children (2010)
- Children reason about shared preferences (2010)
- Infants’ expectations about third-party verbal exchanges
- End-to-End Learning and Analysis of Infant Engagement During Guided Play (2022)
- Automatic Analysis of Infant Engagement during Play (2021)
- Pupillary Correlates of Emotion and Cognition (2019)
- What happens when 3.5-year-olds meet conflicting information? Eye-tracking reveals the conformists and their motivations (2017)
- Pupillary Contagion in Infancy (2016)
- Introducing Live Eye-tracking with Motion-capture for Automatically Tracked Areas of Interest (AOI): An Application in the Study of Infant Social Cognition (2015)
- Swedish Gender-neutral Pedagogy Influences Preschoolers' Social Cognition about Gender (2015)
- Using Eye-Tracking Callous-Unemotional Traits Influence Pupil Dilation During Exposure to Negative Emotional Stimuli (2015)
- Callous-Unemotional Traits Influence Pupil Dilation during Exposure to Negative Emotional Stimuli (2015)
- Are Infants’ Social Preferences Grounded in Action Synchrony? (2015)
- The Emotional Nature of a Social Interaction Affects Infants' Predictions of Others' Collaborative Goals and Behavior (2015)
- Infants rely on third-party social information to reason about goals and predict behavior (2013)
- Action and Social Understanding in Early Development (2012)
- Action and Social Understanding in the First Years of Life (2012)
- Mimicry's Role in Play Initiation for 18-month-old Infants (2012)